"See it or not, this is the magic of the original liquid of life. It can stimulate the activity of cells to the greatest extent. With it, as long as you don't die on the spot, even if you suffer serious trauma, you can slowly repair your body. completely."

Blaise said proudly.

"Mr. Blaise, shouldn't the cost of this life stock solution be low?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, there is only such a small one at present, and the cost of construction is almost one million Huaxia coins, which is thousands of times more expensive than gold."

Blaise quickly replied.

Hearing this, Qin Lie was shocked again. The life liquid in the small glass bottle was only about five grams at most, but the cost was as high as one million, and the average cost per gram was as high as 200,000, not to mention gold. Not even a diamond.

However, when one thinks of the magic of the original liquid of life, it is understandable that the cost is so expensive.

At the same time, Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Although the Skull and Bones Society is not well-known, the scientific research technology of this organization is really powerful.

They have successfully developed genetic medicines before, and now they have come up with the original liquid of life that can speed up the recovery of injuries. In terms of high technology, whether it is Huaxia official or Yanwangdao is estimated to be a lot worse.

"Qin Lie, keep the remaining nine for yourself. If you have time, you can inject them. This will be of great benefit to your injury recovery."

Blaise said again.

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

Qin Lie did not refuse again this time, and accepted these life liquids happily.

"Qin Lie, I have heard about you and the Kong family. I have already sent someone to search for Kong Wei's whereabouts. If there is any news about him, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

Blaise said again.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Blaze."

Qin Lie quickly thanked him.

Qin Lie has been looking for Kong Wei these days, thinking of solving him in advance.

But this guy has disappeared since he publicly announced his withdrawal from the Kong family. To this day, Qin Lie doesn't have any clues about him, and he doesn't know where he hid.

This made Qin Lie never dare to relax his vigilance.

He knows very well that a dog that can bark doesn't bite, and a dog that bites doesn't bark.

Kong Wei has not shown his face now, and it is very likely that he is holding back his big move. As long as he makes a move, he will definitely be in danger.

However, he couldn't find Kong Wei, and he couldn't even kill the danger in the cradle.

After that, the two exchanged a few more words, and Blaze suddenly changed the topic: "Qin Lie, I heard that your Tianlin Technology Company has made a major breakthrough in the field of super carbon fiber, and now it can achieve mass production of t1600. right?"

"Who did you listen to, it's nothing."

Qin Lie immediately denied it.

You know, in order to avoid the leak of information, Qin Lie strictly ordered all employees of Tianlin Technology to keep it strictly confidential, and even did not let them have contact with the outside world. He really didn't expect Blaze to know the news.

I have to say, the news channel of Skull and Bones is really scary.

"Don't hide it from me. If I didn't get accurate information, I wouldn't say this."

Blaze smiled slightly, with a look that I've seen through everything.

Unable to hide it, Qin Lie can only admit: "Tianlin Technology has indeed made some breakthroughs in the field of carbon fiber, but there are still some difficulties in mass production of t1600, and the current yield is still quite low."

"Really? Why did I hear that Shenzhou Weapons has ordered 30 tons of t1600 and 10 tons of C90 from your company?"

Blaze asked with a half-smile.

Hearing this, Qin Lie instantly reacted.

The news was obviously not leaked from their company, and there is a high probability that someone from Shenzhou Weapons leaked the secret.

You must know that Shenzhou Weapons is a military industry group. Such a company generally does a very good job of keeping secrets, but the Skull and Bones Society has obtained specific order data from Shenzhou Weapons, which is enough to prove that the forces of the Skull and Bones Society have already penetrated into China. Weapons, or in other words, there are traitors inside Shenzhou Weapons.

He had to tell Lin Jian the news as soon as possible.

After all, as the old saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed in the ant's nest. If Lin Jian can't clean up the black sheep inside Shenzhou Weapons as soon as possible, the entire Shenzhou Weapons is estimated to be in big trouble.

"Qin Lie, why didn't you speak?"

Seeing Qin Lie's silence, Blaze thought he had grasped his weakness, and his face became even more smug.

"I didn't expect Mr. Blaze's news to be so well-informed. Well, I admit that we have indeed made a key breakthrough in the field of carbon fiber, and we have signed a large order with Shenzhou Weapons."

Qin Lie sighed deliberately.

"It seems that my news is correct."

Blaze smiled, and then continued: "Qin Lie, we are also very interested in the super carbon fiber technology. I hope you can make a copy of all the technology you have now."

"Of course, I won't let you transfer it for free. If you have any requirements, feel free to ask. As long as I can do it, I will agree."

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

"I said how Mr. Blaise was so generous and brought me the original liquid of life. It turned out that this was something else."

Qin Lie had been seriously injured and was hospitalized before, and it was impossible for Blaze to not know that if he could send himself the original liquid of life, his injuries would have almost recovered.

But the truth is that he never went to see himself once.

However, he had been out of the hospital for a week, and Blaze suddenly came over to show his hospitality. Qin Lie felt that something was wrong just now.

Now he finally understands.

Breez is here today for the super carbon fiber technology!

"Don't get me wrong. I didn't explain it. I was too busy before to see you, or I would have come a long time ago."

"As for why you asked me to make a copy of the super carbon fiber technology today, it just happened to be on the way."

"As long as you agree with my proposal, feel free to ask if you have any requirements, and I will definitely not treat you badly."

Blaise smiled slightly.

Of course he could see Qin Lie's dissatisfaction, but he didn't care at all.

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