He has long been used to Blaze's yang and yin violations, and yin and yang violations. This person is moody, and Qin Lie is too lazy to pay attention to it.

But for the t1600, Qin Lie could not agree.

Hehe, you seem to be joking!

He Linfeng has worked so hard to achieve a technological breakthrough at such a high price. He Linfeng has worked hard for so long, and even broke through the monopoly technology abroad. If you are interested, you want to take all the technology away. How can it be that simple.

"Mr. Blaze, you seem to be joking with me, but I don't understand your joke."

Qin Lie also said ambiguously to him.

Blaze chuckled, ignoring Qin Lie's emotions: "Qin Lie, I know this request is a bit surprising to you, but I said, no matter how many requests you have, I can satisfy you, you can speak up. ."

Blaze said, looked back at his subordinates, and laughed again: "'The lion opens its mouth', the old Chinese saying goes like this, has my Chinese cultural level increased a lot, Aaron Soo?"

Alonso naturally also cooperated with Blaze and said: "That's what he said."

"Oh, really?"

Qin Lie looked at him with interest and said, "Why don't you hand over all the powers in your Skull and Bones to me, and let me exercise the powers of Skull and Bones instead of you?"

Blaze's face turned black immediately after hearing this, and said solemnly, "Qin Lie, are you kidding me?"

Qin Lie turned back decisively: "Look, sometimes you can't understand my jokes."

At this point, Blaze finally understood Qin Lie's thoughts.

"It seems that you have not considered my request at all."

Blaze said very unhappily.


Qin Lie answered decisively.

There is no possibility for him! What kind of power is the Skeleton Society? What kind of power is Shenzhou Weapon?

Qin Lie can agree to cooperate with Shenzhou Weapons, that is to help the country make weapons, and can also get a patriotic name, cooperate with Skull and Bones, and give them such core technology? Betrayal?

Qin Lie loves money, but takes it well.

He can do some bad things for money, but he can't do things that break the bottom line. He has his own principles.

All Blaze's request came up, and he didn't have any fluctuations in his heart except that it was ridiculous.

"But you have already cooperated with Shenzhou Weapons, why can't you cooperate with me? Isn't it all about making money?"

"That's different." Qin Lie said.

"You want to fight with the Skeletons?"

It's useless to look soft, Blaze has begun to threaten.

Qin Lie didn't want to fall out with the Skull and Bones for the time being. After all, some things could benefit from the Skull and Bones.

So he played Taijiquan: "I didn't mean it, but this matter is very special, I can't help it."

After a pause, he added: "I can help you with many other things, you can provide other information about my industry, such as some antidote to certain viruses, the upgrade formula of Shenlong Pill, I can trade these, but this one No way!"

Skull and Bones is not a drug factory, they want these things without any use, only t1600 is their goal.

Blaze felt that he was being tricked, his face gradually became calm, and he said in a low voice, "Qin Lie, you missed a very high opportunity to strengthen friendship with the Skeleton Society. I'll ask you again, do you really not give it?"

Qin Lie's refusal attitude was as tough as ever, shaking his head and saying, "No."

At the same time, he pushed the box of life liquid back in front of Blaze: "If Mr. Blaze is not happy, you can take this life liquid back. After all, my body is almost in good shape, and I have no luck to endure such a precious thing. , If there is nothing else, I want to rest first, after all, Mr. Blaze can understand that he is recovering from a serious illness, right!"

Qin Lie remained calm, with no expression on his face. He didn't eat Blaze's trick, and quietly issued the order to evict the guest.

Blaze's face turned completely black.

He thought he knew Qin Lie very well, but at present it was far from enough. He actually didn't expect to come here this time to have a closed door, so it's really hard to explain it to him when he goes back like this.

But Qin Lie's attitude is tough. As mentioned above, the current situation in China is unstable, and the Skeleton Society is struggling. Qin Lie is a newcomer in China that they value very much, and this person can't fall out for the time being.

They also want to use Qin Lie to open the Chinese market.

Then this situation is a bit of a jam.

Blaze was silent, and Qin Lie looked at each other for about ten seconds, and finally pretended that nothing had happened, and laughed.

"Hahahaha, okay, I see. Since Qin Lie is so firm, we are all friends. We can't force you to do things you don't want to do. If that's the case, then I'll leave first, and you should take care of your injuries."

When Blaze spoke, he pushed back the life stock solution box just now.

Hehe said with a smile: "Qin Lie, I said that I came to see you today to see you, this liquid of life is a gift, even if the transaction is not done, our relationship still cannot be dissipated, you keep the things, if there are not enough, Call me and ask, I still have..."

"Alonso, let's go."

After saying this, Blaze didn't stay at Qin Lie's house any longer, and took a big stride away from the door of Qin Lie's room.

As for Qin Lie, he looked at the original liquid of life on the table and didn't take it seriously. As a courtesy, let Chen Jinhu send him out.

Chen Jinhu went away for five minutes, then walked back quickly. When he came back, he looked at the life stock solution on the table and sighed, "Brother Lie, the news of the Skull and Bones Association is really well-informed. How many days have we developed carbon fiber technology? , they got the news that their intelligence system is so developed?"

Qin Lie thought for a moment and then said: "Our information is well kept, and I absolutely trust the people in the research room, but I didn't expect them to get the news so quickly. After thinking about it, it can only be Shenzhou Weapons. Something happened over there, and the news must have leaked from them."

"No way." Chen Jinhu said, "Shenzhou Weapons does things for the country, so they won't leak information to the Skull and Bones Society."

Qin Lie didn't answer when he heard this, just looked at Chen Jinhu with a very deep look.

Although Chen Jinhu was not smart, he suddenly thought of the key.

"You mean that the people of the Skull and Bones Society have already had the power to plant weapons in Shenzhou?" Chen Jinhu asked tentatively.

"What does the Skeleton Society do? They are so ambitious, what does Shenzhou Weapon do? If they want to enter China, do they want to infiltrate the first time?"

Chen Jinhu thought about it, and immediately said: "If this is the case, isn't the Shenzhou weapon dangerous?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie hummed, his mind was running fast, and he realized the seriousness of the matter.

He thought for a moment, then quickly picked up the phone and called Lin Jian.

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