On the phone, Qin Lie basically told Lin Jian the conversation between himself and Blaze, and emphasized the speed and channel of Skull and Bones to know the news.

After Lin Jian knew about this, he immediately attracted attention.

He thanked Qin Lie for the first time and said: "Qin Lie, if this matter is true, I owe you a big favor from Shenzhou Weapons, don't worry, I will send someone to investigate now. In relation to this matter, I will definitely punish you severely!"

"This is the best." Qin Lie nodded.

Lin Jian paused for a while, and added: "But you must remember that this technology is the treasure of the country and the cornerstone of China's rise. No matter what they say, you must protect the technology from being leaked out. ,do you know?"

Qin Lie laughed and said, "Old Lin, why did I call you this time? Some things can be done, and some things can't be done. Qin Lie can tell the bottom line."

"very good."

Lin Jian was very satisfied with Qin Lie's answer: "Then I'll deal with the group's affairs, you should pay attention to your own safety."

After a few more chats with Lin Jian, Qin Lie hung up the phone.

Lin Jian Qin Lie has also seen it. This person can manage Shenzhou Weapons. Naturally, he has his own uniqueness. It is not his turn to worry about things over there. With him, the internal situation of Shenzhou Weapons should be resolved quickly.

And he still has a lot of headaches, all he can do is to tell him the news, that's all.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jinhu kept watching and listening. When Qin Lie hung up, he asked, "Brother Lie, I don't know if I should ask it or not..."

Qin Lie listened, very strange, looked at him sideways, and asked in a low voice, "What?"

"That's it..." Chen Jinhu was speechless and stopped talking before speaking after a few seconds.

"That is, you can disguise in front of many people, and you can deal with so many forces from the Skull and Bones Society, Hades Island, Xuanyuan Family, Xiao Family, Kong Family, and even Tang Family.

A lot of times what they see isn't the real side, it's all faked by you.

However, it seems that in the ninth round of Han Qi and Shenzhou Weapons, you have always stood relatively directly, and you have always stood in the same camp with them, instead of disguising with them. Why is this? "

Chen Jinhu followed Qin Lie for a long time and knew that Qin Lie's city was very deep.

Being able to deal with so many forces, both sides, has a lot to do with his disguise, talking about people and talking about ghosts, this is what Qin Lie must do.

Of course, it is also the common denominator of the big men.

But in front of the official organization, Qin Lie has always taken a clear stand.

Han Qi asked him to do things, and he would basically help. There is a call to cooperate with the investigation, and they all help. And Shenzhou Weapons wanted to cooperate, and he agreed without hesitation.

Even many times he couldn't get much benefit from it, which made Chen Jinhu very strange, and only had the problem just now.

And Qin Lie understood what Chen Jinhu meant.

In the end, he just smiled and answered Chen Jinhu very simply.

"Because I'm from China."

These seven short words, however, shook Chen Jinhu's heart.

Qin Lie, he is good even if he is good, and he is very bad if he is bad. Sometimes he kills people without blinking an eye.

But right or wrong, there is always a steelyard in his heart.

Chen Jinhu couldn't see through this person, and the more he did, the more Chen Jinhu felt that Qin Lie's future achievements were extraordinary, and what he saw now was just the tip of the iceberg.

Follow him, for sure!

Chen Jinhu admired Qin Lie more and more in his heart, and also strengthened his belief.

In this life, whether he lives or dies, he will swear to follow Qin Lie. He believes that his life will be changed drastically because of Qin Lie.

Picking up his mood, Chen Jinhu nodded and prepared to leave the door.

But at this time, I just saw the box of life stock solution on the table, and immediately asked: "brother lie, what are you going to do with this thing? Do you use it? If you don't need it, I'll take it out and throw it away..."

When Chen Jinhu mentioned it, Qin Lie remembered that there was another such thing.

After hissing, after thinking for a while, he said, "Keep it for now, I'll see if it's useful."

Although the contact with Blaze was not pleasant, the efficacy of this thing was eventually seen with my own eyes.

The cell activity is stimulated to the highest level, and the speed of repair of the scar can be called a hang.

It's a good thing, it's no problem to stay, Qin Lie also intends to try it out.

After all, really good things, no one will refuse.

After waving Chen Jinhu out and closing the door, Qin Lie picked up a medicine and a syringe, and slowly injected a little in his arm.

It can be said that Qin Lie did feel that his cell activity increased several times at once when the original liquid entered his body.

His spirits were high, and many injuries on the surface of his body, inside his body, began to recover at a speed he could perceive.

He felt itching in many parts of his body, a sign of healing.

It shows that this stock solution is indeed real and effective.

But as time went on, Qin Lie gradually discovered something was wrong!

Because his spirit was so exciting, his vision, reaction, muscle strength, and even the stress response in his brain had all increased several times, which was better than his martial arts training.

There is an inexplicable pleasure in the body, and the whole person feels a little fluttering.

It's like, how can I put it, it's like taking a stimulant.

That's right, that's what it feels like!

This is not a good reaction, Qin Lie suddenly woke up.

First of all, stimulants are not a good thing, and secondly, there is another thing that has such an effect on the human body after being used. That thing is called—drugs!

Qin Lie suddenly remembered that when the factory was involved in drugs, he smelled a little bit of methamphetamine and heroin, and he felt agitated. The effect is exactly the same as the current feeling.

And stimulants have a certain addiction, no matter from which point of view, this is not a good thing.

As of now, Qin Lie is still not sure what is added to this life potion, but this thing must be addictive by himself.

After thinking about this, Qin Lie suddenly saw the eight stock liquid medicines on the table, and suddenly he was furious.

That bastard Blaze, who is still shady in this place, if it weren't for Lao Tzu's cleverness, he would have really followed your point.

"Damn it!" Qin Lie slammed his fist on the table and said viciously, "I thought you were just trying to take advantage of Lao Tzu, but I didn't expect you to actually play with Lao Tzu, okay, I remember this account. You Don't blame me for doing the fifteenth if you've done it on the first day of the first year."

Qin Lie was very angry, and even had the urge to chase after Blaze to settle accounts.

But in the end he persevered.

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