The two people, one named Wen Bin and the other named Liang Bo, were also Qin Lie's former classmates.

The two of them stayed on the table to one side, drinking their drinks indifferently, squinting at Qin Lie who was not far away, and the group of old schoolmates who were licking dogs.

Very uncomfortable.

Wen Bin's family is actually good. The decoration materials business at home is not too big or not small, and he has also built a brand. His father's net worth is 500 million or 600 million, and he can be regarded as a rich man in Longcheng.

During college, Wen Bin drove a luxury car and spent a lot of money, never wearing domestic brands.

Dressed up handsomely and full of charm.

This made him suddenly become a man of influence in their class and even their department.

It can be said that when Wenbin was in college, there was no disadvantage in love. As long as he wanted a woman to sleep with him and spend money on it, there was a 99% chance that he would be able to get that woman in the end.

No young woman can refuse a handsome and rich young master.

So four years in college is the pinnacle of Wenbin's life.

But the feng shui took turns. Later, his father was complained by several construction companies because of the quality problems of the materials.

In order to repay the foreign debt, his father began to cut the family's income and expenditure, and put out many real properties as mortgages, including Wenbin's car, house, and some valuable watches, rings and necklaces.

Now Wenbin's family is still huddled in an ordinary commercial house.

Therefore, Wen Bin has been living very badly in the past few years, and has long lost the demeanor of the rich family.

At first, during college, Wen Bin had almost no contact with Qin Lie, let alone bullying Qin Lie. The relationship between the two was like: Wen Bin knew that there was such a person named Qin Lie in the class, but he didn't know it completely. Qin Lie used to be air in his eyes!

Originally, I thought that taking advantage of this class reunion, when everyone did not know that their family was defeated, they would enjoy another toast from the bee chrysalis of the crowd, but when they arrived at the scene, it turned out to be like this.

Everyone turned around Qin Lie, and on his side, apart from one of his best friends, Liang Bo, no one even paid attention to him.

This and the treatment in his mind can be described as heaven and earth.

He was very upset.

After several sips of water in a row, Wen Bin looked at Qin Lie from a distance, and said sourly: "I don't know what he's babbling about, so the salted fish turns around, does Diaosi have two money for counterattack? What's the matter with Lao Tzu when he's good-looking?"

Next to Liang Bo, he has always had a good relationship with Wen Bin, and the university has also inherited many benefits from Wen Bin.

After graduation, Wenbin helped to solve the work, so he still stood by Wenbin.

Liang Bo was very unhappy when he saw Wen Bin, and persuaded him: "Master Wen, this person is really powerful now. He has many industries and cooperates with many big families. I also read a magazine before and selected him as under the age of 30. , the leader of young talents, it is said that his personal assets are worth tens of billions..."

"So what?" Wen Bin said angrily, "You think I don't know him? I made a fortune from women. Damn, I've got on the thighs of several women, Ye Yuqing, Tang Lingxue, and many, many women. Don't think I don't know. , a little white face who eats soft rice is arrogant, is he worthy?"

"Hey..." Liang Bo saw that Wen Bin was really unhappy, and persuaded him, "Forget about it, Young Master Wen, now we are really not his opponents, if you are angry, you should bear with it, if he is angry, neither of us will feel bad. "

"Humph!" Wen Bin poured all the water in the cup and slammed it on the table.

"Wait, don't wait for Lao Tzu to find an opportunity. If there is a chance, Lao Tzu will have to make a fool of him at the class reunion today..."

The attitude is very decisive, Wen Bin's eyes are cold, as if he is going to eat Qin Lie.

Fortunately, although Wen Bin was unhappy, he knew that Qin Lie, who was now a super rich man, had power in his hands that was comparable to the sky, and he was no longer on the same level as the second generation of his little rich man.

So even though I was upset, I didn't have the guts to do anything terribly wrong.

After discussing it for a while, Wen Bin and Liang Bo sat on the side and went drinking.

And soon a fuse appeared.

While Qin Lie was chatting happily with the others, the door of the private room opened, and another person appeared.

a woman.

a beautiful woman.

This woman is well-maintained, with a tight-fitting T-shirt on her upper body, which shows her proud curves vividly.

Wear a leather dress outside, about a point up from the waist, and down a hip-packed skirt, slender white legs drilled out from the bottom of the skirt, and a pair of crystal high-heeled shoes below.

All the clothes will take advantage of her figure, the curves on the top and the long legs on the bottom, all of which are the goddess everyone dreams of.

As soon as the woman appeared, the eyes of the gentlemen in the private room were attracted to the past, as the so-called hardened slightly, to show respect.

The arrival of the woman won the respect of most of the men in the box.

"Axue is here!" Someone said immediately.

"Hahaha, the goddess is here, come and welcome!"

"Welcome to our squad leader and our goddess of youth, all of them, applause!"

Although the applause was scattered, it was considered that everyone welcomed it.

Being able to steal part of the attention from Qin Lie at this moment is enough to prove the popularity of this woman in the eyes of everyone.

The woman's name is Yang Xue, and she has many titles.

Qin Lie was the goddess in college, the class flower and the class leader. She was loved by thousands of people. She was beautiful, studied well, and had a very good family. Almost all the advantages existed in her at the same time.

Before Qin Lie went to college, he had never seen such a perfect person, but after he got to college, he met him.

For a period of time, Qin Lie regarded Yang Xue as the goddess in his dreams. In the Diaosi era, he even licked Yang Xue's photo-although it was wretched, it was also Qin Lie's youth.

However, before Qin Lie came, he thought that he would still feel a little throbbing when he saw Yang Xue.

In the end, after seeing Yang Xue, his heart was as calm as a dog, and he was still a dead dog.

He has no interest in such vulgar fans.

A woman with whom he is dating can turn Yang Xue into a slag if he takes out any one, and drink the jade dew. No matter how delicious the wine in this world is, it will only make people feel stuck in the throat.

So among all the men, Qin Lie is the calmest.

Glancing at Yang Xue for a while, he clapped his hands politely, and turned his head.

In stark contrast to him, Wen Bin, who was sitting on the side, saw Yang Xue's eyes light up at this time, and rushed to Yang Xue's side with lightning speed like a wild dog off the reins.

When he was close, he grabbed Yang Xue's hand and said excitedly, "Yang Xue, it's been so long, you're still so beautiful!"

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