The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1051 Completely Different Attitudes

Yang Xue has a different meaning to Wen Bin.

If Wen Bin liked a woman back then, 99% of them would be able to drop it with money.

Then Yang Xue is the remaining one percent.

Yang Xue's family is not short of money, and the business is similar to Wen Bin's family, or even better. Yang Xue has always been the jewel of the Yang family and has seen the world.

Wen Bin's tricks were effective for other little girls, but not at all for Yang Xue.

In four years of college, Wen Bin coveted Yang Xue's beauty, but he tried every means, whether it was throwing money, pretending to be sincere, or confessing in big scenes, there was nothing he could do about Yang Xue.

Wen Bin has been fantasizing about how wonderful it would be to get Yang Xue on his bed one day.

But in the end it didn't work.

Sometimes men are cheap, they will never cherish what they get, and they will always be in turmoil if they don't get it.

At this time, Wen Bin faced Yang Xue like a licking dog, grabbed Yang Xue's hand, and praised him with a wave of rainbow farts.

On Yang Xue's side, her attitude was very cold. She glanced at Wen Bin with a low eyebrow, moved to another place disdainfully, and said perfunctorily, "Wen Bin, you haven't changed a few years after graduation."

"Of course, man, always keep yourself young."

Then he continued: "By the way, Yang Xue, I sent you WeChat a month ago and asked you to come out for dinner, I don't know what happened, why didn't you reply to me..."

"Really?" Yang Xue continued to say perfunctoryly, "Maybe I have changed my mobile phone number, and WeChat has also changed. I haven't notified you. I haven't heard from you."


Wen Bin wasn't angry either, showing the good manners a dog licking should have: "Then you open WeChat now, and I'll add another one..."

"Haha, let's talk about it."

Yang Xue obviously had no interest in him, so she pulled her hand out of Wen Bin's hand, walked past him, and sat next to Qin Lie.

Wen Bin was standing in front alone, with his hands in the air, embarrassed.

This was completely ignored by Yang Xue.

There was still the fragrance left on Yang Xue's body in his breath, but all of this was a great insult to Wen Bin.

The other classmates looked at it, laughed and watched with cold eyes.

A classmate and another person whispered: "Haha, this Wenbin has no self-knowledge, and dares to get close to Yang Xue, does he think he is still the rich young master?"

"Yeah." Another person nodded and said, "Yang Xue didn't eat his way back then, let alone now."

"Everyone came to Qin Lie today. He thought he was nothing compared to Qin Lie!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone spoke consciously and unconsciously, and the key to their voices was not small. These words fell into Wen Bin's ears like needles.

Wen Bin felt as uncomfortable as eating shit at this time, trying to suppress his anger, his chest kept heaving and he almost exploded.

And this was not over, Wen Bin turned around and was about to go to his table, but saw this scene again at a glance.

In front of him, Yang Xue, who was as cold as the goddess of ice and snow, sat next to Qin Lie, and she was flattering like a woman of customs.

The indifference at the beginning was completely gone. At this moment, she deliberately drove away the people around Qin Lie, found a position close to Qin Lie, and smiled close to him.

"Qin Lie, it's been a long time, you're getting more and more handsome!"

"How come I didn't see it when I was in school, you are such a potential stock, if I had known earlier, I would have chased after you at that time."

"Now that we finally meet again, we must keep in touch with each other in the future."

"Can I add you a WeChat?"


Yang Xue's attitude towards Qin Lie and her are so different from each other, Wen Bin couldn't hold back his anger.

He returned to his seat in silence and slammed his fist on the table.

"Grass, a dog is better than a slut, pretending to be arrogant, but in front of Qin Lie, he is still a sao!"

"Contact Nima more in the future, don't you just want to sleep with Qin Lie and take advantage of Qin Lie?"

"Hehe, very good, this Qin Lie is really a bastard!"

"If it weren't for him, I would definitely not be so upset today. So many people are willing to lick him. What is he?"

"Liang Bo!" Wen Bin was furious and put all the blame on Qin Lie at once.

He asked Liang Bo angrily: "You can't make this sb look ugly, I can't swallow this breath, you think of a way, let's make him a wave, it's a good job, and you can't miss it!"

On Liang Bo's side, he wasn't as angry as Wen Bin, but he was still moved when he heard Wen Bin's assurance that it would be beneficial.

His eyes rolled in a circle, and finally the corners of his mouth rose, and he came up with a plan.

He approached Wen Bin with a wicked smile, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Wen, don't you just want to make him look ugly? What's the problem? I think we can do this!"

Saying that, Liang Bo lowered his head to Wen Bin's ear and spoke in a low voice.

Wen Bin listened and felt that the idea was good. At the end, he nodded and said, "Okay, just do as you said!"

Qin Lie didn't know that he had drawn such a high level of hatred just by sitting there.

While chatting with his classmates, he grudgingly coped, and slowly came to lunch time.

During the meal, everyone still held Qin Lie and chatted, and even Liang Mingming suggested to let him stand up and talk a few words alone, and teach him successful experiences and so on.

Qin Lie, he doesn't have much experience to teach, so he doesn't like to speak in such occasions.

So I just stood up and said one sentence: All the expenses of the big guy at noon today, including the afternoon, are counted on my head.

The big local tyrant's speech naturally caused a sensation around him.

During the meal, Qin Lie was the focus of everyone. At the table, no matter men or women, they all came to Qin Lie to make a toast.

In fact, it is a purpose, and it is close to the current big man Qin Lie.

But in fact, the more this is the case, the more Qin Lie resents the current relationship.

He knew even more that it was absolutely impossible to recall the past and return to the past at this wine table.

Even Liang Mingming has begun to use money to measure the relationship between the two. This class reunion has been far below his expectations.

He has had too many days like this, and there is no need to live it again here.

Now he just wants to perfunctory these people, leave early, and go home early.

So as long as someone came up to toast, he reluctantly took a drink. After a round of drinking, he had already retreated in his heart and was ready to find a way to escape.

But at this time, Wen Bin and Liang Bo, who had been waiting, finally came up.

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