Shentu Aoshi has a straightforward personality, and of course he doesn't recognize the result of this battle.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier if you were injured? I should have known earlier that you were injured, and I wouldn't be so ruthless."

"Mainly I didn't expect my injury to break out." Qin Lie told the truth.

"Then it doesn't count this time." Shentu Aoshi waved his hand immediately, "I'll fight again when your injury heals."

"Haha..." Qin Lie didn't take it to heart at all, and waved his hand casually, "Let's talk about it."

It's hard to say whether there is an intersection, what about the next time.

Besides, he wasn't as obsessed with martial arts as Shentu Aoshi was, and he couldn't understand those who practiced martial arts, why they had to differentiate between those who could fight.

He didn't take it to heart at all.

And Shentu Aoshi was very serious.

"Then leave your name and contact information, and I will contact you after a while."

Qin Lie really didn't want to entangle with Shentu Aoshi anymore, he waved his hand: "Qin Lie, this is my name, if you really want to fight, come find me yourself."

"Oh?" When Shentu Aoshi heard this, his eyes showed surprise, "Are you Qin Lie?"

"Have you heard of it?" Qin Lie asked him back.

He didn't answer, and said to himself: "Haha, I just said that someone is so powerful, so it's you, no wonder you are so powerful, that's really no wonder."

Have you heard of it? It is naturally heard.

In fact, before coming to Longcheng this time, his father told him.

When you go to Longcheng, you need to pay attention to two young people. Those two young people are the outstanding and rising stars of the world. On the one hand, it is necessary to guard against the rise of these two people.

On the one hand, we should also learn a lot from these two people. Both of them have something special in them. A lot of contact can help him grow in all aspects.

As for the two people, one is called Xuanyuan Tianci and the other is called Qin Lie.

Xuanyuan Tianci is the arrogance of Xuanyuan's family, and it is natural to have his current achievements, and this Qin Lie, who almost started from scratch, has achieved his current status in a short period of time.

Shentu Domineering told him that Qin Lie might be more powerful than Xuanyuan Tianci.

This is his father's evaluation, which can be said to give Qin Lie enough face.

So when Qin Lie announced his identity, Shentu Aoshi was a lot of surprise.

After today's battle, the two did not know each other without fighting, and Shentu Aoshi also realized that this person is really the best among the younger generation.

Thinking of what his father explained to him, Shentu Aoshi's attitude towards Qin Lie also changed a lot.

He held his fist and apologized to Qin Lie very seriously.

"Qin Lie, I took advantage of the danger this time. Next time we have a chance to fight again, I will definitely give you a fair match."


Seeing Shentu Aoshi's move, Qin Lie nodded silently.

In any case, the character of this man is still in line with his taste.

He smiled, waved his hand and said, "It's nothing to take advantage of others' danger. I didn't expect my injury to recur, so it's better for you to win."

"No, no!" Shentu Aoshi emphasized.

"That's up to you." Qin Lie really didn't want to argue with him any more.

Finally, he asked, "Are you going to avenge that friend for you?"

As he spoke, he pouted, aiming at his "old classmate" Wen Bin.

Shentu Aoshi looked back, and then he remembered that the person who started the conflict with Qin Lie turned out to be this person.

He laughed and said, "I was just too bored to think about the effect of the show. This guy just brought me a show, so I stopped by. Actually, I'm not familiar with him, haha, not familiar!"

At this time, Wen Bin was the only one who was embarrassed.

Originally, I was thinking of asking Shentu Aoshi to help me find a way back, but when the two of them fought each other, they cherished each other and showed affection, and I was like a clown, and became the matchmaker for the two of them to "knot a good relationship".

But this time, he also saw it completely.

Even Junjies at the level of Shentu Aoshi are impressed by Qin Lie. Qin Lie's current level is close to that of the eight great aristocratic families.

Even if it is not as powerful as the Eight Great Aristocratic Families, it still grabs the tail of that level.

And this level is indeed an existence that he cannot reach.

When I see Qin Lie in the future, I can still lick it, but Wen Bin also estimates that with today's events, Qin Lie probably won't even have a chance to lick him.

After several years of development between the two, the gap has not only opened a gap, but a galaxy.

Qin Lie didn't plan to bother with Wen Bin, this jumping clown was not worth his anger.

After dealing with Shentu Aoshi here, I plan to leave with Situ Xuan.

However, before leaving, Shentu Aoshi was still unwilling to give up, and asked Situ Xuan again: "Senior, can you really not reveal your name, even a single word?"

Situ Xuan saw that Shentu Aoshi sincerely asked for advice, including this person's words and actions, which were also in line with his taste.

After thinking about it, he finally asked him, "Boy, is your master Xu Cangshan?"

Hearing this, Shentu Aoshi was very surprised, because Situ Xuan said it all.

"How do you know?"

Situ Xuan: "It can be seen from your movement and tactics."

Based on this alone, Shentu Aoshi was sure that Situ Xuanjue was very human.

It takes a lot of experience and vicious eyes to see at a glance where one's teacher is!

In this way, the old man in front of him is even more powerful than his master.

Situ Xuan didn't say the name himself, but deliberately sold a pass and said, "If you really want to know who I am, go back and call and ask your master if he still remembers the Qilian battle."

After saying this, Situ Xuan didn't stop, took Qin Lie to the car, drove along the road all the way, and drove to the end of the road.

Sora stayed where he was, Shen Tu Aoshi still looked shocked.

Shentu Aoshi waited until Qin Lie and Situ Xuan left, and thoughtfully took out his mobile phone and called his master.

"Master, I met a super expert in Longcheng this time. I'm very curious about his identity, but he doesn't want to reveal it, so I have to ask you."

"He said, do you still remember the first battle at Qilian? Who did you fight in Qilian Mountain? Who won and who lost?"

On Mo Bei's side, after hearing this information, he paused for a long time.

About three minutes later, he told Shentu Aoshi all this.

Shentu Aoshi didn't know whether he heard it or not. He was startled when he heard it, and a shocked expression appeared directly on his face.

After listening to Mo Bei's words, Shentu Aoshi immediately made a decision, and directly refunded the air ticket back to the northwest with one phone call.

Just because of Qin Lie and the old man, he decided to stay in Longcheng for a while.

That old man must be followed, and Qin Lie must also have a good relationship.

Qin Lie, my friend, in the future we should get close to each other!

I am definitely not approaching you to ask your master for advice, absolutely not!

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