Qin Lie said goodbye to Shentu Aoshi, but he was not as excited as Shentu Aoshi.

Went home with Situ Xuan, on Ye Yuqing's side.

Because of the recurrence of the old injury, there is no other arrangement today, so I just have a good time with Ye Yuqing at home.

I bought some food in the evening, Qin Lie personally cooked several dishes, and ate with Ye Yuqing in the evening.

In the middle of the night, I had a good "deep" exchange with Ye Yuqing, which made Ye Yuqing want to die.

Ye Yuqing couldn't help but scold him, how could he be so fierce even after being injured.

As for Qin Lie, although he and Ye Yuqing have enjoyed countless family happiness, every time he hugs Ye Yuqing, he can always find the passion of the first time.

This passion is definitely something that a vulgar fan like Yang Xue cannot bring.

Three times a night, Ye Yuqing almost fell apart.

The next morning, Ye Yuqing was too tired to get up, so she planned to stay at home and not go to the company.

Qin Lie got up a little later, about ten o'clock in the morning, ready to go to the entertainment company to have a look.

"I Am a Goddess" became extremely popular after its launch. The hit rate of each episode of Penguin's video alone exceeded 600 million, which has almost become a phenomenal program.

In today's entertainment industry where talent shows are booming, because of Qin Lie's proposition, the entire talent show is absolutely fair and open, and all the players who dare to go through the back door and try to hide the rules are all cleaned up by Qin Lie.

His approach created a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

And the feelings of all the contestants in the show, because there is no shady scene, all rely on hard work, they have become sincere.

This stuff is much better than those scripted talent shows.

The audience is not stupid, your feelings are true or false, and it is not just one or two performances that can be fooled by a tear or two.

All in all, this show has been extremely popular after it was launched, and a large part of the credit comes from Qin Lie's iron-blooded methods, which is absolutely fair.

Of course, his approach has also offended many entertainment companies.

Some entertainment companies push artists, they just want to rely on the back door, build relationships, and hype their popularity to hold people up.

But in the face of Qin Lie's iron-blooded tactics, these companies have been closed.

So these companies hold grudges and want to give Qin Lie a look.

So many navy soldiers on the Internet began to slander Shinhwa Entertainment, all kinds of chaotic rhythms.

But Qin Lie didn't care about it at all. He had Wang Congcong on the one hand, and himself on the other, and neither of them could be provoked by those entertainment companies.

Go with him for a little trouble.

Even if the trouble gets bigger, there is still Wang Congcong.

In dealing with the navy, Wang Congcong is a master.

This thing is completely out of Qin Lie's turn to worry about himself.

As for why he thought of going to the recording site of "I Am a Goddess", well, since he hasn't watched it for a long time, as one of the two initiators, it really doesn't make sense.

Second, there are so many young girls, it is also pleasing to look at.

The most important thing is that he had contact with Shentu Aoshi yesterday, and he wanted to go see the little princess of Shentu Mingyue.

These are all subconscious actions.

After leaving the villa, Situ Xuan drove, and Qin Lie was about to go there.

As a result, the plan could not keep up with the changes. When he was halfway through the road, he suddenly received a call from Wang Congcong.

He picked it up easily, and Wang Congcong said excitedly: "Qin Lie, come and have a look, the private jet we booked has arrived at the airport now, damn it, it's cool, come over here."

Qin Lie then remembered that he had booked a private jet with Wang Congcong while he was injured.

After a bit of calculation, it's really time for the arrival.

Such a big thing, when I get it, I really have to go and see it. After all, it is not a piece of clothing and a car. If there is a problem with this thing, I have to know who to turn to.

So after a little thought, Qin Lie decided to postpone the arrangement of going to Shinhwa Entertainment and go to see the plane first.

"Where are you?" he asked.

Wang Congcong said, "Of course at Longcheng Airport, he can't send you home with such a big thing, come quickly."

After saying this, Wang Congcong hung up the phone.

Qin Lie also changed his plan, told Situ Xuan to go to the airport to see the plane first, and then went straight to the past.

At the airport, Qin Lie revealed his identity and purpose, and was led by the airport staff enthusiastically to the tarmac where their two private jets were parked.

The staff at the airport are very enthusiastic. They have been giving Qin Lie Amway on the road, saying how much discount they can give Qin Lie a year, how convenient it is, and how much convenience they can give Qin Lie when they park the plane at their airport.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to have their own private airport, so even if there is a private plane, most of the parking places are at public airports.

Every year, the rental of parking spaces alone can bring millions of income to the airport.

It is impossible that the airport staff are not enthusiastic.

But now these things are not in Qin Lie's consideration, and he casually dealt with the staff along the way, and soon came to the place where he stopped.

At first glance, Qin Lie was surprised by the size of the Gulfstream c300.

When I bought it at the time, it was recommended by Wang Congcong, saying that this private jet is very cost-effective and larger than ordinary private jets. It has more complete functions and richer facilities.

At that time, he felt that Wang Congcong was in charge, and he didn't bother to take care of it.

As a result, seeing the plane in front of him now, it is much bigger than he thought.

Private jets are no better than civil airliners. Many private jets are exquisite and luxurious, and can park and take off at any time. Therefore, the volume is definitely not comparable to that of civil airliners. Of course, the cost will be much cheaper than that of passenger planes.

But the private jet in front of him is definitely a giant.

The front and rear spans and the height of the stairs to board the plane are one circle larger than that of ordinary small passenger planes, not much less than that of medium-sized passenger planes, and the appearance is unparalleled, which is a hundred times greater than the visual impact seen in the photos.

And his price was even 20 million cheaper than Wang Congcong's father's private jet.

It's impossible not to make money.

When he arrived, Wang Congcong stood at the door of the plane and waved to him: "Qin Lie, what's the matter, my eyesight is good, I tell you, this plane is so cool that you don't want to come and see, you If you don't come, I'll tell you, you'll lose a lot today."

Wang Congcong complimented the plane to the sky.

To make a rich second-generation like Wang Congcong show such excitement, it is enough to see how good this plane is.

At the urging of Wang Congcong, Qin Lie also got on the air palace.

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