How did Qin Lie know that Xu Ying was doing things behind his back and there was a fire in the backyard.

All he wants now is to go to Ruyang Port and find Ye Yuqing, and he can't control anything else.

With Situ Xuan in the queue and most of the Longyan team's strength, Qin Lie didn't have any worries about his combat effectiveness.

He was just thinking right now, who had the guts to challenge him blatantly.

Drive all the way to Ruyang Port, about half an hour to the scene.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when we arrived.

Ruyang Port used to be very popular in Longcheng. At that time, the thousand-ton cargo ships basically unloaded at this port.

Just because it is a port, the water level here is generally low. With the development of industry, freighters are getting bigger and bigger, and freighters of 10,000-ton or even 100,000-ton class have begun to appear.

The water level of Ruyang Port is not enough for those cargo ships to dock.

Including the government's policy, the economy, and finally all the business was transferred to other big ports, and the convenience of this place gradually became lonely and depressed.

In addition, this is not a key economic development area, and capitalists cannot see the benefits here.

Let him be abandoned and ruined, until now.

Ruyang Port in the middle of the night is definitely a good place to steal chickens, kill people and set fires.

Existing buildings can not be found within a radius of one kilometer, except for young people who occasionally come here for excitement, this is definitely a forbidden place at night.

Only today, because of the existence of Qin Lie, this place has become very lively.

Everyone drove, more than 20 vehicles in total, and they came to the gate of Ruyang Port in a mighty way.

What Qin Lie didn't expect was that the people here didn't hide at all and stood at the door openly.

The strength of the guards is European, and it is obvious that they are professional mercenaries.

Uniform clothing, body armor, grenades, smoke bombs, submachine guns, pistols, sabers, all equipment, everything is available.

And the number of people on the opposite side is also quite large. Just the garrison at the door has come to as many as eight.

There was only one face at the door that looked like an oriental face. Seeing Qin Lie coming, he was actually quite polite.

A middle-aged man in his 40s looked at Qin Lie and said, "Mr. Qin, you are here, the master will be waiting for you for a long time."

"Master?" Qin Lie was very strange and didn't know who the other party was. "Who is your master?"

"You'll find out when you go in later." The middle-aged man said, "Now, all your members stay outside the door, you are the only one, go in with me to see the master."

"Why!" Jiang Lei's side exploded, so many people came over, he planned to be tough with them, but now these people actually threatened Qin Lie to go in alone, Jiang Lei naturally disagreed.

"Brother Lie, just fuck them!" Jiang Lei said loudly, "a bunch of shit, pretending, our brothers are all here, it's them who should be afraid!"

Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng also agreed.

Since you come to fight, don't talk about any conditions.

If you pack this port and force you to meet people, you will not believe that these people are not afraid.

It's just that Qin Lie will have more concerns in his heart, after all, he will never joke about Ye Yuqing's life.

"Jiang Lei Jinhu, don't talk yet."

After stopping the two, Qin Lie's first priority was to protect Ye Yuqing's safety. .

Looking back at the middle-aged man, Qin Lie said, "I want to know how my people are?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Miss Ye is absolutely safe and unscathed."

"I want to see her." Qin Lie.

"Then you have to follow me." The middle-aged man.

Qin Lie thought for a moment: "Then I will only bring one person, plus two of me."

"Okay..." The middle-aged man agreed without thinking.

Qin Lie actually made a decision here.

Looking at the big fanfare on the other side, it doesn't seem like he is playing with himself.

Moreover, they put on a posture, obviously waiting for themselves, so they shouldn't have any thoughts about Ye Yuqing.

Qin Lie's plan is very simple, as long as he receives Ye Yuqing, and when Ye Yuqing is safe, no one will care even if there is a huge wave in Ruyang Port.

After thinking about it, I decided to go in with the middle-aged man.

Jiang Lei Xingfeng and Chen Jinhu were both very worried about this.

After listening to his decision, they persuaded each other: "Young Master Qin, there's no need to do this, our strength is not necessarily weaker than them, it's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a run."

"Brother Lie." Chen Jinhu also said, "We can also launch the attack directly now, and arrest the middle-aged man at the door. Judging from his appearance, his position on the opposite side is definitely not low. We can use it to exchange with Sister Yuqing."

"Brother lie, it's too dangerous for you to go in alone."

Qin Lie knew that everyone was worried about his safety, and he was moved.

Just: "Everyone, I know what you think, and I thank you too, but you know that I am a person with heavy feelings, and that person inside is my woman, and my Qin Lie will never allow him to be hurt, even if my Qin Lie dies, I will never let others hurt him, I don't want to exchange other things with her, I want to guarantee her 100%, so everyone, thank you, but I have to do this."

"And I also promise you that I must pay attention to my own safety. After so much, they want my Qin Lie's life, and they are still tender."

"Okay, okay." At this moment, a voice interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Situ Xuan came over and said solemnly: "One by one, it's like saying goodbye to life and death, didn't he say that two people can go in, I'll go in with this kid, what do you have to worry about.

Even if you can't beat him, there's no problem keeping him well-rounded. Don't worry about each one of you, just go! "

Many people present had seen Situ Xuan's great power.

With Situ Xuan's assurance, everyone felt a lot more at ease.

Seeing that Qin Lie was more decisive, everyone stopped talking.

Watching Qin Lie and Situ Xuan go in all the way, Jiang Lei was still worried and turned back to inform his brothers.

"Yang Tang, take a few brothers to walk around this factory area, find a high point, arrange sniping forces, and always pay attention to Brother Lie's movements. Once you find any tendency to do something on the opposite side, just snipe and kill."


Yang Tang took the order, ordered four brothers in the crowd, carried the rifle, and quickly dispersed.

With these arrangements, Jiang Lei and everyone felt a little more at ease.

Qin Lie and Situ Xuan entered the factory under the leadership of the middle-aged man.

After entering the fence, I saw an abandoned building with about three floors in front of it, which was the former logistics dispatch center.

After entering, the two discovered that the professional soldiers this time were not ordinary.

They were all foreigners. There were three steps and one post, and five steps and one post in the walled field.

The person on the other side brought it, like a small army.

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