The more Qin Lie looked at the layout of the venue, the more strange it became.

Most of these people are foreigners, both white and black.

But the strange thing is that although the soldiers are all foreign, their leaders are oriental.

What exactly is this configuration?

The Easterners hired a legion of Western forces?

This is the only explanation Qin Lie can think of.

With doubts in his mind, he could only follow the middle-aged man inside.

There are many soldiers around, but most of them are well-trained, and none of them want to kill him, and their tasks are basically just prevention and vigilance.

In this way, Qin Lie is much more relaxed, and the other party really has no plans to do it with himself.

Then there is no need to waste time on pointless battles.

Going all the way in, the middle-aged man is in front, Qin Lie is in the middle, Situ Xuan is in the back, and a small team usually walks into the abandoned building.

In the hall of the abandoned building, right below the steps of the upper second floor, Qin Lie saw a back, a lonely back.

The back is wide, but the waist is hunched. For some reason, Qin Lie felt that he was under a lot of pressure just by looking at this back.

And this back is very familiar, Qin Lie always feels like he has seen it before.

The closer you get, the more familiar this familiar feeling becomes.

As they approached, the middle-aged man bowed three meters behind his back, "Master, Master Qin is here."

It was after those words that the back figure turned around leisurely.

Turning around, Qin Lie recognized who he was, but at the same time couldn't believe it was this person.

"Kong Wei?"

Yes, this person is none other than Kong Yunze's father, Kong Wei!

Among all the choices, Qin Lie least believed in the person who would do this.

But he did exactly that.

what? Qin Lie reacted immediately, saying that he should not do anything to his family, but he felt hatred in his heart, but he couldn't help but do it? ?

If so, this old man is not as gentleman as he imagined.

Turning his head, Kong Wei had a serious expression, his hands behind his back, looked at Qin Lie, and said in a low voice, "Qin Lie, you didn't expect it to be me, did you?"

Qin Lie's tone was full of jokes: "Kong Wei, you said it well in the hospital, you want to take revenge on me with all your strength, and I am ready for you to take revenge on me, but you promised me that you will never Start with the people around me, huh, now it seems that everything you say is a fart?"

Kong Wei was not in a hurry, sighed, and said, "I promise not to do anything to your family, but I have to find a way to get you to come to my place, that's why I made this decision, don't worry about it. ."

Qin Lie said bluntly, "Don't worry about it? You should let the person who caught me out first!"

What Qin Lie was most concerned about was still Ye Yuqing's safety.

On Kong Wei's side, upon hearing Qin Lie's words, he waved to the middle-aged man on the side and said, "Chen Fu, go upstairs and bring Miss Ye down. Be polite and don't hurt her."


The middle-aged man took his order, without hesitation, turned upstairs, walked quickly, and disappeared on the second floor.

Qin Lie's eyes were on him, worried about Ye Yuqing, but he just wanted to see Ye Yuqing quickly.

While Chen Fu was doing this, Kong Wei continued to ask Qin Lie from the front: "Qin Lie, how is your injury?"

Qin Lie looked at the second floor and didn't understand what he meant: "Why are you asking this?"

"Since I resigned as the head of the Kong family, I have been thinking about how to take revenge against you, but I don't like to take advantage of others' dangers, so I have been waiting for your injury to heal. I have been dormant these days, contacting everywhere. The manpower has been waiting for the time to pass."

"It seems that you have some time to be discharged from the hospital now, and you should be almost better."

"Seven, seven, eight, eight." Qin Lie said, "but it has nothing to do with this matter. If you dare to touch my people, I promise to smash your body into tens of thousands of pieces."

Kong Wei nodded, only caring that Qin Lie said the injury was healed.

He nodded and said, "That's good, so that I can fight with you in an upright manner."

"Dignified?" Qin Lie said rudely, "You kidnapped my people, and now tell me you want to fight me in an upright manner? Are you old or am I stupid? I can't hear where Tang is here. ?"

"Don't get excited." Kong Wei said, "I said, I brought Miss Ye here entirely because I wanted to lure you here. I had to have a medium. For Miss Ye, I treated each other very well and didn't let her suffer a bit. Wronged, you will find out later."

Qin Lie squinted, still doubting what Kong Wei said.

You have all my people in your hands, and now you actually tell me that you will not use her, the devil will believe it.

But with the appearance of Chen Fu and Ye Yuqing, even if Qin Lie didn't believe it, he had to believe it.

Ye Yuqing followed Chen Fu down the stairs and saw Qin Lie from a distance. On the stairs, she excitedly shouted at Qin Lie, "Qin Lie, I'm here!"

Hearing the sound, Qin Lie ran over immediately, took Ye Yuqing into his arms on the stairs, looked up and down, left and right, and asked, "How is it, Sister Yuqing, are you alright?"

"No..." Ye Yuqing shook her head, "I'm fine, at first I saw so many people, so many guns, I was quite scared, but then they took me to the second floor and just took away my phone, No rudeness, even made me coffee, I don't know what they thought."

Looking up and down, Ye Yuqing did not have any scars on her body, and Qin Lie was relieved.

In this way, what Kong Wei said is true.

But still surprised by Kong Wei's choice, Qin Lie walked back downstairs with Ye Yuqing and asked Kong Wei, "What do you want?"

"Avenge my son's wife!"

"How to report!"

"Kill you!"

Qin Lie snorted coldly: "Then you can do it now!"

Kong Wei shook his head: "I said, I don't take advantage of people's danger, and I won't even move you while you are injured. Do you think I will bully the less with more?"

"Then why did you force me here?"

"I'll play a game with you." Kong Wei's words were greatly unexpected.

"Huh?" Qin Lie couldn't understand.

"Hunting the game!" Kong Wei said, and immediately explained, "I can give you a certain amount of time later to send Miss Ye out, but you have to stay here."

"When Miss Ye is safe, I will let you and this old gentleman go out, and I will give you a chance to face off in an upright and fair manner, your people, against mine."

"So, as soon as you step out of the gate of the dispatch center, I will launch a frantic attack on you, leaving no room for your life!"

"You can run or fight back, but my pursuit of you will never end, either you or I!"

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