With deep fear and suspicion, John returned to Conkins.

Seeing his expression, Conkins frowned slightly: "What's the situation?"

John still can't believe it, and his emotions have not reacted until now. Even if Conkins has asked him, he is still silent.

This made Conkins anxious, and said sharply: "John, I order you to report the information of 02! Immediately, immediately!"

John was in a trance, and then he said leisurely: "General Conkins, position 02, all the defensive forces at position 02, a total of sixty mercenaries, all died..."




Conkins, Kong Wei, and the lieutenant beside Conkins stood up swish.

Their pupils trembled, as if they had heard news that made them doubt their lives.

"All dead?" Conkins asked.

John nodded: "All dead."

The ground is a mess and I suspect they have penetrated to the bottom of our building. ' John added.

"Did you break through from the front of the back door?" Conkins asked again.

Conkins doesn't understand. He has already strengthened the defense force for the 02 direction. Sixty people, not to mention completely blocking the same number of people on the opposite side, at least blocking one or twenty people from the front is absolutely no problem.

But the flashbang just now disappeared in a flash, and in just a few seconds, all of your own people were suddenly killed? This is outrageous.

"No!" John responded immediately. "It's not the front. The iron door on the front has not been opened. It should have appeared from another direction."

"Other directions."

Conkins was so angry that he sent personnel to guard every entrance and exit of the entire dispatch center. Although some of these people were later dispatched and sent to the frontal battlefield, there was still a lot of strength in each area.

Now the people on the opposite side have touched the bottom of the building from other directions, and these people have no sense at all?

what to eat?

Immediately, Conkins reacted first and said to the deputy general: "William, bring Mr. Kong Wei to the room for protection first, John, immediately contact other area personnel to check the situation."

Finding that something was not right, Conkins responded quickly and began to deploy immediately.

The lieutenant took Kong Wei to a closed room on the third floor, which was the best defensive position on the entire third floor. John received the order and immediately checked the information on other positions on the walkie-talkie.

As a result, the information they got from their mouths was that everything was normal in all positions, nothing was wrong, and no one penetrated from their defensive positions.

And after the news reached Conkins' ears, the Conkins people exploded!

At position 02, everyone was annihilated, their iron gates were not blasted, and then all other areas, all positions, reported no abnormalities.

Is this a joke?

Whenever there is an abnormality in one place, or everyone in that place is killed, and there is no response on the other side of the walkie-talkie, Conkins has to understand a little better, but now, he is stunned.

How did these people infiltrate and are they ghosts? ?

But in any case, the floor was no longer safe at this time, and Conkins did not dare to risk letting Kong Wei stay outside.

Kong Wei called him here to kill Qin Lie. If Qin Lie killed his gold master in turn, his mission would naturally fail.

That's a tens of billions of dollars in business, how could Kang Jinsi deal with it carelessly.

In his eyes, the current Kong Wei is all about money!

Quickly sent Kong Wei into the room and sent more manpower to protect him. Conkins did not dare to neglect him. In any case, his opponent this time was not an easy-going person.

He threw away the cigar, picked up the submachine gun himself, and took the initiative to go into battle.

Intuition told him that the opponent launched a decapitation operation, and the elite team on the opposite side had already arrived at his feet, in his floor.

This sudden situation must be handled with care.

At the same time, Qin Lie and others downstairs had already started the massacre on the ground floor.

The previous tactics have worked, and Conkins has transferred many people to the frontal battlefield, where the defense force is extremely weak.

Entering the bottom floor, Qin Lie noticed that there was a three-person team in every corner of the surrounding area. They controlled the defense of the bottom floor and let go. After turning in through the window, they landed near the southeast corner.

The three players in this position were sent to heaven by Jiang Lei's guns almost without reacting.

Although every gun here is equipped with a muffler, the muffler is not absolutely silent. After the bullet protrudes, it still spreads to the ears of other people on this floor.

In the northeast corner closest to this side, the three over there realized something was wrong and slowly moved towards this side.

Qin Lie and the others hid behind a cabinet, and when the three men groped their way up, they were shot three more times, killing them directly.

As for the remaining six people, nine of them protruded directly from the front, and they were quickly resolved.

Their elite team, since entering the dispatch center, everything has been like a storm, and they have not encountered any decent resistance.

The only dangerous attack was when Qin Lie and the others dealt with the mercenaries on the first floor. When they were about to go to the second floor, a mercenary lurked on the beam behind and jumped to attack from behind. Rush to Qin Lie's back and stab him.

But before the man jumped down, he was hit by a dart from Situ Xuan, who turned his hand and hit his neck, and he died.

Situ Xuan didn't even look back when he made his move.

The others didn't even know there was someone behind the boy after he fell.

The crowd exclaimed.

He was shocked by Situ Xuan's strength again.

This old man is so powerful that it looks like he has opened a perspective hanging.

Everyone went straight to the second floor. The defensive strength of the second floor was similar, even a little worse than the first floor. The soldiers here were mainly responsible for vigilance, and the combat power was not even as high as the first floor.

After a few easy bullets, everyone finally came to the stairs from the second floor to the third floor.

It was also at this time that they finally met Conkins and others on the top.

The team led by Conkins was about to go down to check the safety of the floor. It happened to meet Qin Lie and others who were breaking through. The two leaders went up and down and looked at the stairs for two seconds. There was surprise in the other's eyes.

Two seconds later, the situation broke out instantly, the bullets exchanged, and the two forces were separated by a corridor and shot frantically on the stairs.

chug chug...

chug chug...

Bullets like rain, crazy interaction.

The guards around Conkins are also his cronies. Their combat effectiveness is much higher than ordinary members. They are very experienced. When they saw the battle, they immediately took cover and hid. They fought with Qin Lie Jiang Lei's Longyan team. shoot.

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