The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1088 Break The Defense In One Second

This is the most tenacious resistance he has encountered since Qin Lie led his team into the abandoned building.

The other party is also about a dozen people, and the number of people is not much different.

And this is the hard power of the two teams.

The wolf hunter is indeed a mercenary group that has made a name for itself in Europe. .

Qin Lie led the team, Jiang Lei, Xing Feng, Chen Jinhu and others were all there, but they were not able to bite them immediately.

It's a hard bone!

In a large-scale melee, what is the most important in terms of combat effectiveness? ?

Marksmanship accuracy, team coordination, and individual combat capability.

These conditions add up to the overall combat effectiveness of a team.

Qin Lie's side is all the elite of the elites in the Longyan team. Needless to say, the individual combat ability, they have been together for so long, there is no problem in cooperation, and their marksmanship is also at the level of a hundred paces.

But this is already the case, and he still can't hold Conkins above his head.

Conkins was also very surprised.

He thought that private armed forces like Qin Lie were nowhere near as powerful, and they couldn't compare to their official mercenaries—now, they really couldn't compare—they couldn't compare to Qin Lie.

Their manpower has the upper hand, and they are condescending, and they have inherent advantages.

If you can't get the advantage and can't fight against the opponent, that is, your team's combat effectiveness is worse than Qin Lie.

But anyway, it has the advantage of the terrain, and it can't collapse for the time being.

The two teams started a tug-of-war between the second and third floors.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Encountering a tough problem, Jiang Lei told Qin Lie while shooting, "Brother Lie, this is not the way to go. Our initial plan is not like this. Otherwise, we will attack in another direction. We are special operations, and we don't have much ammunition. , and they will be at a disadvantage if you consume it, you have to think of a new way!"

Qin Lie knew that Jiang Lei was right, but if he retreated now, wouldn't he shoot at the opposite with his back?

The opponent's combat power is not weak, but it is not strong enough to make them retreat.

It's very frustrating, obviously it's a little bit short of victory, but it just can't make it up.

Qin Lie thought about it and asked Jiang Lei, "Can you accurately detonate their three firepower points?"

"It's very difficult!" Jiang Lei, "they three firepower points take turns shooting, and the time they come out is very short, they are all covering each other, we have to explode them in a very short gap, otherwise we will be injured, and the opposite team cooperates very well. Professionally, it's hard for me to do that."

"This..." Qin Lie was at a loss for words, and he really couldn't force it.

The opposite is not garbage, not rookies, Jiang Lei and the others are already good at this level, they can't force it.

Is it true that we can only retreat first, and go down for a long-term plan?

But now that his whereabouts have been exposed, it will be even more difficult to forcibly rush up, and it is not easy to choose.

At this time, Chen Jinhu on the side said loudly, "brother lie, otherwise, just bite the bullet and rush. It's not the way to go on like this. I'm running out of bullets!"

"Yeah, brother lie, if the strong man broke his wrist, it's fine if we die two, as long as we can rush in!" Someone else said.

"I'm almost out of bullets!"

This hard stubble was beyond Qin Lie's expectations, and it really made the situation difficult.

However, when everyone was crying, Situ Xuan on the side finally couldn't stand it any longer.

This Momo Haw, Momo Haw has been doing this for a long time.

At first, I thought I could get it done in a few minutes, but it turned out that I wasted more than ten minutes here.

Originally, Situ Xuan really didn't plan to make a move, but seeing Qin Lie, it was really difficult for them to do it, and they didn't want to wait any longer.

Without talking to Qin Lie and the others, Situ Xuan walked directly from the bunker on the side to the front of the corridor, a place where the two of them exchanged fire frantically and could be shot into a sieve by bullets at any time.

Seeing this, Qin Lie exclaimed: "Master, be careful!"

No matter how powerful Situ Xuan is, he can't be a match for bullets.

Now that the firefight is so intense, even if it is as strong as Situ Xuan, it will only be shot into a sieve when going up!

Qin Lie's heart tightened, and his heart came to his throat.

And Situ Xuan once again told him with his actual actions that as long as you do something for the teacher, you can rest assured.

Going out to the corridor, Situ Xuan stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of small stones at some point in his hand. Each stone was about the size of a thumb, as if he had just picked it up in an abandoned building.

At the entrance of the stairs, he grabbed the stone and threw it all over the third floor.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The pebbles flew and pulled out a whirring sound in the air, at a speed that was comparable to a bullet.

But don't look at Situxuan's stone just shot casually, but its accuracy can be called self-guided navigation.

At that moment, Qin Lie heard screams one after another from upstairs.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

At the moment Situ Xuan made his move, all the people who came out of their heads were all hit by stones. For a time, their foreheads were all broken, and blood flowed all over their heads instantly.

Although it didn't pass through the head like a bullet, it hit them in the head for the first time.

After the mercenary upstairs was hit, his brain was stunned, he was in a trance, and he didn't know what happened for a while.

The most powerful one was that a soldier was hiding behind a stone pillar. When Situ Xuan shot, he didn't pop his head out, but Situ Xuan's stone bounced off the two walls in front of him, smashing it as if he had installed precise navigation. to his forehead.

On the third floor, on the top, a team of fifteen people in total was broken by Situ Xuan in one second, and the opponent's firepower stagnated, which became Qin Lie's best chance to counterattack.

"Boys..." Situ Xuan looked down at everyone, "Why are you still standing there, this is not up?"


Only then did everyone react. Chen Jinhu took the lead and rushed forward bravely.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to flatter him: "Old Xuan is awesome!"

chug, chug, chug!

With the personnel, they all rushed towards the third floor.

Even Conkins, who has seen various situations on the battlefield, has never encountered a master like Situ Xuan.

The picture just now seems to be only in martial arts movies - yes, it must be seen in Chinese martial arts movies. The old man appeared, and the world was settled with one blow.

More than a dozen subordinates around him were injured at the same time. Could this be the mysterious power from the East?

Conkins doesn't understand, but the only thing he understands is that their front has been defeated, the third floor has fallen, and the last defensive position is the room that protects Kong Wei.

"Withdraw! Withdraw! Immediately withdraw!" Conkins instructed all his men to shrink into the room.

At the same time, he gave the order to the frontal battlefield team on the walkie-talkie: "Everyone, go back to the defense center building!"

All of a sudden, all the soldiers who hunted the wolf on the frontal battlefield were in chaos.

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