Conkins also knows that it is very risky to bring back soldiers on the frontal battlefield at this time.

This is definitely a very, very stupid decision.

The large force had already suffered from a very powerful attack force.

If you withdraw at this time, you will only fall into the situation of being attacked by the enemy.

But there is no way. The biggest problem now is that the central headquarters has already been broken through. At this moment, the defense of the headquarters is very weak and cannot withstand Qin Lie's impact, let alone Kong Wei. .

So even if the order was very dangerous, Conkins had to do it.

The commander on the frontal battlefield, when he heard Conkins' order, was shocked into sb:whatthefuck!

Immediately, I took out the eighteenth generation of Conkins' ancestors and scolded them again.

Retreat now, court death!

It is obviously going to be crushed, so why give up the current results?

No matter how stupid Conkins is, he can't be this stupid.

There is only one explanation, and that is that there is a fire in their backyard, and the headquarters can hardly bear it.

The commander here has no choice, so he ordered a retreat.

On the frontal battlefield, the wolf-hunting mercenary group that had been pushed to the gate of the dispatch center could only retreat back and leave like a tide after receiving the order.

The originally fierce and unusual frontal battlefield retreated without a single person in less than half a minute.

The front, which was under a lot of pressure, suddenly became very relaxed because of the retreat of all the mercenaries in front.

Li Tianlin didn't react at the first time, thinking that people disappeared all of a sudden.

After thinking about it, I realized that Qin Lie's actions inside must have had an effect!

After a short period of repression, many brothers held back their anger. Seeing the retreat of the wolf hunters, Li Tianlin waved his hand and immediately ordered: "Come with me!"

Then, Li Tianlin took the lead and ran all the way to the front, carrying guns, chasing and killing the fleeing wolf hunters all the way.

On the central floor of the battlefield, Qin Lie broke through the defense of the werewolf hunters led by Conkins and rushed to the third floor.

At this time, the Longyan team had the most morale, but the wolf hunter had already been beaten to the point of losing their morale.

After seeing Qin Lie lead people up, they panicked and fled in all directions. Except for a few people who fired a few symbolic shots, everyone else chose to escape. Jump below.

But even if you jump to the ground on the first floor, what's the use? Li Tianlin took the people outside and killed him long ago. Even if he fell, he could not escape the end of death.

Conkins, one of the protagonists of the battle, was breached on the third floor, and he immediately retracted into the small room protecting Kong Wei from the side.

The small room was equipped with eight people's defense force, plus Conkins, a total of nine people, trying to withstand the morale of Qin Lie's team, like a fantasy.

Conkins also knew that it was impossible to beat Qin Lie from the front, and the only way now was to retreat.

Protect Kong Wei, Kong Wei is not injured, at least half of the mission is successful.

Running into the room, Conkins couldn't help but ran to the window, opened the window, pointed to the outside and told Kong Wei: "Mr. Kong, the situation is urgent, you should retreat from here first, there is a staircase outside that leads directly to the ground floor, I will send A squad to keep you safe, exit through the back door."

Kong Wei stood up with a swipe, unable to understand what Conkins meant: "Conkins, have you failed?"

Conkins' face was ugly, but he didn't hold back. To tell the truth: "The opposing commander is really powerful, and there is a peerless master in their team, who instantly broke my defensive formation, the battlefield has been defeated, you can go. "

While talking, Conkins pushed Kong Wei to the window.

It can be said that neither of these two people expected such an ending.

How high the confidence was at the beginning, how embarrassing it is now.

Kong Wei's heart was half cold, and his brain had lost the ability to think. He was pushed by Conkins and walked towards the window mechanically. The whole world turned into a black and white picture in his eyes, and all the sounds seemed to be far away in the sky. Everyone's actions have also become slow motion.

Yes, he broke down!

His own movements also became extremely slow.

Conkins roared frantically in his ear: "Come on, hurry up!" The saliva almost sprayed on his face, but he didn't move at all.

There is only one question in his mind now, that is, even if he leaves alive, what is the meaning?

His wife and children are dead, and his only thought to survive is to kill Qin Lie.

But he now finds that Qin Lie is indeed one of the most outstanding talents of the new generation.

With his current ability, without relying on the Kong family, Qin Lie cannot be at all.

So, even if you run away, what's the point?

After a short pause, Qin Lie and the team rushed to the door.

Without hesitation, he decisively ordered that a small explosive bag was tied to the door handle of the room, detonated in three seconds, and blasted the door directly.

As the smoke filled the air, Qin Lie and the team rushed into the room, and the mercenaries in the left and right corners cleaned up instantly, leaving only Kong Wei and Conkins on the windowsill.

Kong Wei's emotions collapsed, and when he looked back at Qin Lie, fire burst out in his eyes.

At that time, he had already made a decision. Since it was pointless to escape, he might as well fight Qin Lie to the death!

Kong Wei had been holding a submachine gun in his hand. Seeing Qin Lie rush in, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Qin Lie.

But in front of Qin Lie, all this is just a pediatrician. With his skills, how could Kong Wei be an opponent?

With a stride forward, he rushed to Kong Wei's side in less than half a second, grabbed Kong Wei's muzzle, turned the gun ninety degrees, and disarmed the gun from Kong Wei's hand, holding the pistol in his right hand, facing Kong Wei, directly to the eyebrows.

Conkins over there was already taken over by Xing Feng, Jiang Lei and others who were swarming up. He was kicked to the ground, and several submachine guns were all put on his head.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, Conkins could only raise his hands in surrender, and everything was settled.

The beheading was successful, Qin Lie first ordered Jiang Lei and others to take Conkins outside to show the wolf-hunting mercenary group who didn't know the situation. As long as Conkins was captured, those soldiers would lose their backbone and naturally die without attacking. collapse.

In addition, there are so many brothers of Longyan Squad outside, there is no problem in clearing up the rest of the game.

These things are not Qin Lie's turn to worry about. All his attention now is on Kong Wei who is under his gun in front of him.

Looking at Kong Wei, Qin Lie's emotions were very complicated.

This feeling cannot be described in one sentence, but a lot of emotions flooded into my heart.

He is one point happy, three points admiration, six points sympathy.

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