I am happy that this battle has been won and the damage is not much.

But this joy is not strong.

What I admire is Kong Wei, who is a righteous person and a gentleman. Even if he hates the sky, he strictly follows his own code of conduct.

This character is very rare in the hypocritical and exaggerated contemporary age.

And the rest of the feelings, only sympathy.

Kong Wei was originally the head of the Kong family, and his ability was quite high.

Although Nai He himself is powerful, he married an ignorant wife and gave birth to a son who was arrogant.

If it weren't for his wife and children, Kong Wei's ending should not have been so tragic. Perhaps a tragic life may also have a comedy turn.

On the one hand, it may be because of his personality that he is too righteous, which leads to too much trust in Liu Peirong and Kong Yunze, and lacks the necessary discipline and education for them.

On the other hand, it may be really bad luck.

When Kong Wei was in the current situation, Qin Lie could only sigh and sympathize.

"You lost..." Qin Lie said.

Inexplicably, Kong Wei's expression changed a lot, as if the burdens around him had been lifted, and the whole person had been relieved.

He did not face the fear of death, but the ease of life liberation.

Being hit by Qin Lie's gun, he even sat down silently in a chair next to him.

He took out a box of Hongta Mountain from his arms, took out one, and lit it up.

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Kong Wei's eyes wandered and he said in a low voice, "Qin Lie, I used to think that you were able to achieve such a high level because of your support, luck, and standing on the shoulders of others.

But now it seems that I was wrong, you are very powerful, Yun Ze lost to you and lost, and I lost to you. "

At this time, there were only him and Kong Wei in the room, and Qin Lie deliberately pushed the others out of the door.

Even put away the gun, pulled out a stool and sat down.

He said: "Kong Wei, in fact, you don't have to do this at all. I will kill Kong Yunze because he deserves it, and I will kill Liu Peirong because she wants my life, but I don't have such a big grudge with you. If you don't look for me, I will not go to you on purpose, and there will be no such situation today."

"Haha..." Kong Wei only said one sentence to this, "Qin Lie, if I kill Ye Yuqing, what will you do to me??"

Qin Lie smiled miserably. Indeed, he put his heart to heart and stood in his position, and he had no other choice.

Everyone is a person of temperament, and some things have a cause, and the end is already doomed.

Qin Lie didn't continue talking on that topic, but changed his tone and said, "Kong Wei, I actually admire you very much. Your character and your work style are very similar to mine. If there is no Kong Yunze thing, we would Maybe a friend, maybe even a good friend..."

"Haha..." Now Kong Wei doesn't have much to say anymore, he said lightly, "There are not so many ifs in this world, I may not be as powerful as you said, the situation has been set, you are the last Ying Family, let's do it."

Between the two talking, Kong Wei finished the cigarette and ended the last journey of his life.

Spread your hands, close your eyes, and wait for Qin Lie's bullet to arrive.

Even in his expression, Qin Lie saw a little bit of anticipation.

Qin Lie picked up the pistol, loaded the bullet, and aimed it between Kong Wei's eyebrows.

As long as the trigger is pulled, Kong Wei is a corpse.

However, at that moment, Qin Lie felt a little pity in the bottom of his heart, which made him not have such a strong desire to do something about this middle-aged man.

He doesn't seem to have that much hatred for Kong Wei.

He thought that with this shot, there would be one less gentleman in this world.

I am also thinking about whether what Kong Wei has done before is worth his forgiveness this time.

In the end, Qin Lie concluded that it was worth…

The finger that had already pulled the trigger was removed, Qin Lie withdrew the gun and said, "You go."

When Kong Wei heard this, he was very surprised, opened his eyes and asked, "What did you say?"

"I told you to go." Qin Lie said, "I don't want to kill you now."

"Why?" Kong Wei asked.

Qin Lie: "You can be sympathetic or a hero, but I don't want to kill you right now."

"Why?!" Kong Wei asked again, this was not the ending he wanted, "If you don't kill me, I will settle the account with you in the future!"

Qin Lie shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I can hold you once, I can hold you twice, I don't care if you look for me or not, what I care about is that I appreciate you, so I want to keep you alive."

"Hehe..." This operation completely left Kong Wei's heart turbulent, he laughed desperately, "Qin Lie, I thought I understood you, I thought I saw your character, but now It seems that I haven't seen one percent of you."

Qin Lie killed him with one shot.

But Qin Lie actually chose to let him go at the most critical moment. This move made Kong Wei see the mind of the sea and the rivers, and the ambition is higher than the sky.

Compared with Qin Lie, he is just a clown.

He knew that it was no longer possible to defeat Qin Lie in this lifetime.

It was precisely because he saw the gap with Qin Lie that Kong Wei felt even more desperate.

With a miserable smile on his face, Kong Wei said the last sentence of his life: "You want to let me go, but I don't want to leave, Qin Lie, thank you very much for your tolerance, you are much more powerful than I imagined, Go on well, you must become the hero of the world!"

After saying this, Kong Wei didn't wait for Qin Lie to react, grabbed the dagger on one side and stabbed it directly into his heart.

His heart stopped beating, and Kong Wei fell to the ground in less than ten seconds.

He lay, blood slowly seeping from the wound, staining his clothes and the floor red.

But his expression was inexplicably relaxed, and he seemed to be finally relieved.

Looking at Kong Wei at his feet, Qin Lie felt a sense of loss. He didn't know how to describe this feeling, like a breath stuck in his throat.

Sadness can't be said, and regret can't be said. Originally, he should be happy when Kong Wei died, but he couldn't be happy at all.

Hearing the movement inside, Xing Feng, Jiang Lei, Li Tianlin and others also came here.

Originally thought Qin Lie was in danger, but seeing the dead Kong Wei lying on the ground, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Lei asked, "brother lie, what did you say in there just now?"

Qin Lie didn't want to stay on this topic anymore, he waved his hand and said, "Nothing, he committed suicide."

"Suicide?" Everyone was surprised, "Why did you commit suicide, I thought you did it, is he stupid?"

Qin Lie didn't like to hear them say this about Kong Wei: "Don't publicize this person's death, and don't insult him in a single sentence. Clean up his body and send it back to Kong's family. Let the Kong family handle it themselves."

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