Sending Kong Wei back so that he can be buried in his homeland is Qin Lie's greatest comfort to him.

It's just that I don't know if this incident will arouse the anger of the Kong family. After all, Kong Wei died in front of him. Even if he didn't do it, they would definitely attribute it to himself.

But at this time Qin Lie couldn't think so much anymore.

Put this matter aside as much as possible, Qin Lie has another matter to deal with.

Go down the third floor of the abandoned building and come to the square in front of the dispatch center.

In the square, all were the remnants of the wolf-hunting mercenary group that had just clashed with the Longyan Squadron. A large number of them were almost dead. In the chase and charge just now, the Longyan Squadron killed nearly 100 of them.

In addition, some of them died in the beginning, plus the 60 killed by Qin Lie at the back door, and the ones in the abandoned building.

There are more than 300 wolf-hunting mercenaries who have come to Huaxia at this time, and there are less than 80 left.

Their leader, Conkins, was in the middle of the team, and was attacked at gunpoint by several members of the Longyan Squad.

Qin Lie walked over and checked the damage on his side first: "Li Tianlin, how are the casualties on our side?"

"It's okay." Li Tianlin replied, "Seven brothers died and twelve people were injured, of which only two were seriously injured. I have already sent someone to the hospital."

It is not easy to maintain such a casualty rate in the melee between a total of hundreds of people.

Qin Lie nodded and was quite satisfied with the result: "Each deceased brother's family must pay five million pensions, and then their families, from now to the future, we have to do a good job, this matter must be dealt with All right, you do it."

"I know." Li Tianlin nodded, and also knew that Qin Lie valued all his brothers very much. Of course, the issue of pension after death must be properly arranged, "I will deal with it tomorrow."

"The brothers all played well this time. I will give everyone a bonus of 500,000 yuan. All the brothers who participated in this operation will have three days off."

"Yes." Li Tianlin responded again.

After dealing with all the problems, Qin Lie came to Conkins, and it was time to deal with the problems of these prisoners of war.

Asking Conkins with an indifferent expression: "what'syourname!"

Qin Lie's English has become more and more mature, and he can communicate with these foreigners without any problems.

Conkins was captured here. As the so-called man was under the eaves, he had to bow his head.

His attitude was very low, he introduced himself by name, and also said which country he served in before and what military rank he had achieved.

Qin Lie is not interested in these, because no matter how powerful and rich Conkins's resume is, it is only his defeat.

All he cares about is: "Do you want to die?"

Conkins is not Kong Wei, he still has a lot of good times alive: "Of course I don't want to die."

"Ok!" Qin Lie said, "Now you need to give me a condition, a condition not to kill you. If the condition is good, maybe you can be let go."

Qin Lie has no interest in the lives of Conkins and all the mercenaries of Hunting Wolf.

They were hired by Kong Wei to kill themselves, just because of their business. They have no hatred for him, but they don't mind killing them all. Anyway, dealing with more than 200 corpses and dealing with more than 300 corpses have no quality. the difference.

Qin Lie was just thinking that wolf hunting is not small in Europe, and it is unlikely that there are only more than 300 people.

If this power can be used, there may be a lot of benefits for him.

Anyway, he is now holding Conkins' life, and he has to do whatever he says. If he doesn't pay, he will directly get the benefit. This transaction is not done for nothing.

For Conkins, there is also hope in his eyes.

Damn, I feel like I've lost the battle and I'm going to die, Qin Lie actually gave him a chance to survive?

Conkins chose to be a mercenary, and he was very good at calculating gains and losses.

If he is dead, he has no hair, and if he is alive, he can still find a way to make a comeback. Naturally, he must seize this opportunity.

Turning his mind, Conkins said: "Two billion! Conkins said, I will give you 30 million per soldier according to the price that Kong Wei gave us. We have nearly 80 people left, and I will give you 2 billion. , you let us go."

Qin Lie shrugged immediately after hearing this: "Actually, it's a very attractive price, two billion, yes, you have to give this money, but it's not what I want, you have to add another condition."

Conkins heard this and knew it was over.

Qin Lie is not talking about conditions, he is simply extorting.

Anyway, his own life is in his hands, what he says is what he says, and he doesn't dare to refute it.

Conkins is bitter, this trip to Huaxia is a real loss, not to mention the money I didn't make, my brother lost so much, and lost his wife and lost his army. Sure enough, the international rumors are true, Huaxia is a mercenary Forbidden land!

After breaking his teeth and swallowing it in his stomach, Conkins shook his head dejectedly and sighed: "Then tell me if there is anyone you want to kill, or a force you want to destroy, and we can help you get rid of it..."

"Yes..." Hearing this, Qin Lie responded immediately. In fact, he had already pre-set the conditions in his mind.

Conkins was also excited when he heard it, and seemed hopeful: "Who?"

"Ross family." Qin Lie said.


Conkins squirted all kinds of things in his heart, and this hope is better not to have.

Rothschild, you are joking, the Rothschilds, the No. 1 wealthy family in Europe and the United States, have left all the families far behind, grasping the economic lifeline of many countries, and many members of the family hold important positions in major governments.

This super family rooted in the soil of the United States, turning its hands into clouds and covering its hands into rain, you actually asked me to kill him.

"Mr. Qin Lie, I think you're joking." Conkins said, "It's not that I am unwilling to help the wolf hunter, but it is really beyond our ability. We have no way to snipe the first family in Europe and America. They Any team of armed forces can easily kill us, Mr. Qin Lie, if you are in this condition, I would rather you shoot me now."

"Don't worry." Qin Lie said, "I said the Ross family, I didn't let you wipe out the entire Ross family, don't say you don't have this strength, even if the top three corps of your mercenary corps are added together, they don't have this strength. ."

"I just..." Qin Lie shrugged and said, "Let you guys help me disgust him."

"Disgusting?" Conkins looked puzzled, "Why is it disgusting?"

Thinking of this, Qin Lie's mouth curled into a wicked smile.

Thinking about the rare earth mines, the Ross family really disgusted them. Qin Lie now just wants to find some ground.

If you can't beat it head on, can't you be disgusted?

Thinking of this, Qin Lie raised his eyebrows and told Conkins: "As far as I know, there are a total of eight branches under the Ross family, and each branch manages a different industry..."

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