Every time the black wolf thinks about this, his back gets chills.

If it wasn't for the timely instructions given by Xu Ying, it would be him and his subordinates who would be cold.

So he wondered why Xu Ying knew this.

"You are talking nonsense, I must have seen it!" Xu Ying explained, "You are like a sb, rushing to a villa and using a grenade. With such a big movement, can the people nearby know? I saw a jeep with my own eyes. Followed your convoy, and there was such a big conflict between Qin Lie's cronies and a faction in Ruyang Port. Qin Lie's personnel are all complete tonight. We are definitely not his opponents, so don't throw them out. court death?"

Heilang scratched the back of his head embarrassedly and said, "I was in a hurry, I just wanted to bring people out quickly, but I didn't expect so many follow-ups..."

"Well..." Xu Ying said, "Fortunately, I responded quickly this time, otherwise we will both be finished, pay more attention next time when doing things..."

"Yes..." Black Wolf said.

But even so, there was a hint of insidiousness in Xu Ying's eyes.

If nothing else, the group of Mu Hei who came to Longcheng this time is enough for Qin Lie to drink a pot.

This matter seems to be Xu Ying's unintentional act.

He wanted to kill Qin Lie, but he couldn't figure it out.

He is now poor in power, and it is quite difficult to deal with Qin Lie alone.

I was bored that day, so I went to the Internet to find out how much money it would take to kill someone of Qin Lie's level.

He is on the dark web, the world's largest online trading platform, the gray area.

Lots of shady deals can be posted on it, including killings.

As a result, after flipping through the website, he couldn't find anything else, but inadvertently he browsed to a transaction.

The people who posted it are a group of warriors from the Middle East. Their request is to extradite them from abroad into Huaxia and bring them to Longcheng. Their goal is to attack a local boss in Longcheng.

Click on the big guy's profile to see, isn't it Qin Lie in the photo?

This is quite funny, and it's a coincidence that Xu Ying went to the Internet to find a killer, originally to engage in Qin Lie, but he opened a transaction post, and the other party's purpose was also to engage in Qin Lie.

As long as they help them extradite to China, not only can they make money, but they can also help them do the rest.

Where to find such a good thing.

At that time, Xu Ying immediately followed the task.

Some time ago, when Qin Lie was injured, he had been arranging this matter and helped hundreds of Muhei veterans to Huaxia.

He didn't understand why these Mu Hei and Qin Lie hated so much, but Xu Ying managed him, and immediately gave all the information about Qin Lie to those outlaws.

Xu Ying originally thought that the group of people would soon give Qin Lie a look, but after three days in Huaxia, there was no movement at all.

Unable to hold back, Xu Ying came up with a plan, that is, to capture Qin Lie's concubine to this group of admirers, and to speed up the conflict between them.

Then there is the picture of the black wolf going to Ye Yuqing's house and tying Ye Yuqing.

Didn't it happen to conflict with Kong Wei's actions? In the end, only Bai Xianglan was tied up, and through the surveillance screen, I saw Shentu Aoshi's tail following it. Knowing that something was wrong, I acted accordingly, so I immediately asked the black wolf to give it to the person. Those who are black.

One by one, Xu Ying made nearly 50 million euros from the middle. The most important thing is that now Qin Lie Shentu Aoshi has killed so many old men who are obsessed with Hei, and completely hate Mu Hei to death.

He extradited the group and knew how many there were.

The remaining Mu-Hei old irons won't let Qin Lie go so easily.

There were many twists and turns in the process, but the result was perfect.

You see, just over an hour after Shentu Aoshi killed Mu Hei Laotie, there was an explosion attack to counterattack. Hehe, Qin Lie can't live in Longcheng anymore.

Every time he thinks of this, Xu Ying's heart is full of beauty. This wave of killing people with a knife and watching the fire from the other side may be the best trick he has used in the past two years.

That shitty Qin Lie, get ready for the frenzied revenge of the Mu Hei.

All in all, Xu Ying was very satisfied with today's victory. Seeing that Qin Lie had been making transcripts of interviews with the police, there was no need to pay attention to it, so he left with Heilang all the way.

As for Qin Lie, I talked to the police for a long time, and then talked to Han Qi who came over for a long time. It was three o'clock in the morning after everything was settled.

Picked up Bai Xianglan Ye Yuqing and went home, but it was not the villa before, but a different place.

The security measures around the villa were strengthened, and the brothers of the Longyan team were kept on watch day and night. After all this was arranged, Qin Lie could rest assured.

This sleep, I slept until noon the next day.

Because the investigation of people was handed over to Shentu Aoshi, Qin Lie went through too many things yesterday and wanted to rest, so he just spent the day at home.

After eating and watching a movie with Ye Yuqing and Bai Xianglan, things seemed to be calm.

Another day passed. Qin Lie had enough rest today. He wanted to go to Shentu Aoshi and ask him how the situation was on his side.

As a result, he was getting dressed and was about to go out. Chen Jinhu walked in from the outside and reported, "Brother Lie, that son of a bitch Breez is here again."

Since the last life stock solution, Chen Jinhu didn't have a good impression of Blaze, anyway, what the name is.

Qin Lie was also surprised, this old boy just ran to him when he had nothing to do, and he never had any kindness.

It's only been a week, and now it's here again.

I just don't know what to do this time.

But not too busy, just play with him.

He waved to Chen Jinhu to bring him in, Qin Lie went to the study on the second floor by himself, and took the original liquid of life he sent from the house in the study.

After thinking about it, he took out half of the remaining nine and threw them into the trash, leaving only half in the box.

This seems to be the real deal.

After doing this, Qin Lie sat upright on the study table, took out a book, and read in a dress.

About two minutes later, Blaze's condescending laughter came from outside: "Master Qin, my dear boss Qin, I haven't seen you for more than a week. Did you miss your Brother Blaze?"

Shaking his head all the way, Blaze slowly appeared at the door of the study. Sure enough, Blaze was carrying a box of life stock solution in his hand. When he saw Qin Lie, he laughed, as if the two were very familiar with each other. It's the same: "Young Master Qin, I haven't seen you for a day, like every three autumns, how have you been this week, is your injury healed or not?"

Blaze came over, opened his arms, and wanted to give Qin Lie a hug.

But Qin Lie didn't want to do this. He put one hand on his chest and said with a smile, "Brayz, you can leave the hug. I am a Chinese who is not used to this."

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