Blaze was held by Qin Lie, not embarrassed at all.

He laughed, gave up the hug, sat down opposite Qin Lie, crossed his legs, pulled out a cigarette and lit it, very casually, treating this place as his own home.

This pointed to the outside and said, "Qin Lie, my brother, what's the matter with you recently? It's heavily guarded outside, and it feels like your house is about to be surrounded. Are you in trouble?"

Qin Lie thought about it for a while, and then asked, "Blaez, do you know the recent movements of Muhei's group in Huaxia..."

The headquarters of Skull and Bones is also abroad, Qin Lie wondered if they knew more about these things.

If Blaze knows the news, don't ask for nothing.

But Blaze paused for a moment and then asked: "Mu black, what MU black, those terrorists in the Middle East?"

"Yes..." Qin Lie said.

Blaze quickly shook his head as he smoked a cigarette: "Then I don't know, we Skull and Bones rarely do business with them, they are a group of desperadoes, and there is no bottom line in what we do, we are all business men, how can we do business with them? the same?"

Hearing that Blaze claimed to be a gentleman, Qin Lie smiled silently, too lazy to break it.

However, it was only a tentative question, and he didn't put his hope on it. Qin Lie waited for such an answer and didn't mention it again.

Instead, it was Blaze who asked him: "What, brother, you have been targeted by those outlaws recently? That might be a little troublesome, these people are doing things in a mess, you have to be careful, if not, I can let the skeleton Someone who will come to protect you."

"There's no need for that." Qin Lie said, "My own people are enough, you should use them where you want to use them. By the way, what are you doing here this time to find mine?"

"Oh..." Blaze pretended to be suddenly realized, smiled and said, "I think that my brother was injured last time, maybe he hasn't recovered yet, no, I'm afraid that the nine life liquids left last time will not be enough, I'll send you another box in a hurry, and ten more, to make sure your body is fully recovered."

Qin Lie sneered in his heart.

Sure enough, the group of dogs of the Skeleton Society wanted to use the addictive things in the original liquid of life to control themselves.

Afraid that the first time will not be enough, I sent another box, what, want to completely become their slaves?

However, Qin Lie had a grudge against the last incident. He had been looking for an opportunity to count on Blaze for the past few days, but he never found a suitable opportunity.

Blaze delivered it to the door today, and he just happened to give the old boy a little color.

After listening to Blaze's words, Qin Lie smiled enthusiastically and said, "Mr. Blaze, I, Qin Lie, are just a small person. It's my Qin Lie's honor that you can remember me like this."

Blaze said: "Hey, Qin Lie, you are a friend of our Skull and Bones Society. The Skull and Bones Society has always treated friends politely. This is what I should do. Come on, new life liquid, please accept it with a smile."

But Qin Lie didn't pick up the box, but opened the box that had been on the desk for a long time and showed him: "No no no, this box is not used for the time being, look at the nine pieces you gave me last time. I haven't used it yet, I used it for four days in a row, and I feel the effect is very good, after four days I was almost better, and then it was useless."

Blaze looked at the five remaining life liquids in the box, and was quite happy, but also a little strange.

To my delight, it seems that Qin Lie has really used the original liquid of life, and he did not waste such a game designed by himself.

The strange thing is that he obviously added the k03 reagent to the ten life medicines. That reagent is highly addictive. Generally speaking, it will become addictive after only one use.

Since Qin Lie used the first one, the following ones should be used very quickly.

Why Qin Lie still has five left.

The above gave Blaze an order. Once Qin Lie is under control, the Skull and Bones Society can come in and develop the Chinese market.

Qin Lie is a bridge for them to enter Longcheng. Once this bridge is built, the next thing can be done.

So Blaze takes this matter very seriously.

Hey, it doesn't matter, anyway, Qin Lie can use it. As for why it is used less, it may be that Qin Lie's willpower is stronger than ordinary people.

These ten stock solutions will be used by him again. Even if Qin Lie is an immortal, he has to follow his own ideas.

"It's alright," Blaze said. "Even if this stock solution is not injured, it still has the effect of strengthening the body, and..." Blaze raised his eyebrows, "It can also make your man's ability rise rapidly, and it can make your brothers and sisters in the If you want to die in bed, they are all men, you know..."

"Haha..." Qin Lie laughed, "The most powerful drug in my pharmaceutical company is Viagra. Are you using this to enhance my bedtime skills?"

Blaze: "That's different. After all, aphrodisiacs are only temporary, but this one is permanent. You should think about it more."

"Things are too expensive, I really don't dare to ask for more." Qin Lie.

"This is what we gave you, and we don't want you to spend a penny. All the expenses are paid by us. What are you afraid of?"

"But I really don't use it very much now, otherwise, you can take it back and use it yourself."

Blaze: "No, no, no, no, no, the above asked me to give it to you. If I take it, the above will hold me accountable."

Qin Lie: "That's what I gave it to you. If you ask me, you can say what I mean."

"No, no, I still can't."

The two of them seemed to be doing Tai Chi, pushing the medicine box around on the desk, one left and one right.

The reasons used are also strange, Blaze sent it strangely, and Qin Lie rejected it strangely.

In fact, seeing that Qin Lie was so reluctant to receive the original solution box, Blaze had already seen some clues.

He was wondering if Qin Lie already knew that he had moved his hands and feet in the original liquid, otherwise why would he resist so much.

After pushing back and forth for several rounds, Qin Lie deliberately knocked the box into a fruit knife on the table.

He picked up the box and slammed it fiercely, and the fruit knife flew out with a swish and slashed directly onto the back of Blaze's hand.

Although the scratch wasn't too deep, blood still flowed out quickly along the scar.

"Oops!" Qin Lie exaggeratedly covered his mouth and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Blaise, I was careless. I didn't see there was a small fruit knife here. It's over, and it actually hurt you."

Blaze's side is still strange, but Qin Lie broke the shackles of the life stock solution box at that time, picked up the stock solution, then picked up the syringe, and sucked the stock solution into the syringe.

"Mr. Blaise, why don't you stop the bleeding with a dose of stock solution?"

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