The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1097 Do Business With The Skull And Bones Society

Seeing Qin Lie pick up the syringe, Blaze felt like a guinea pig being used for experiments.

She jumped out of the chair with a swoosh of fear.

He waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no, this is no use. It's just a small injury. It's a waste of medicine."

"No no no." Qin Lie waved his hands again and again, "You gave me the medicine, and now I will use it for you, and I will bear all the consequences of the loss."

But is this really a question of loss or not?

The stock solution contains k03 reagent, which is addictive after one use, exactly the same as a drug.

No one else will say it. It's not that Blaze doesn't know what's in it, how dare he use it.

"Qin Lie, a little skin injury, I can just get a Band-Aid, really don't need it!"

Qin Lie insisted: "I have already taken one apart, who will I use it if you don't need it? Hurry up, don't talk nonsense, this injection will heal your injury in a few minutes, what are you still hesitating about? ?"

Qin Lie took the syringe and rushed towards Blaze like a perverted doctor.

Blaze was a test subject, he stood up all the way and retreated all the way, and finally retreated to the corner with no way to retreat, and finally he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Well then..." he said, "I won't give you the stock solution today, I'll bring it back myself later."

"Haha..." Qin Lie sneered, then stopped what he was doing, and said in a low voice, "That's what you said."

Chen Jinhu, who was on the side, kept covering his mouth while looking at this picture, wanting to laugh but embarrassed to laugh.

This Blaze, who plays with brother lie, is Qin Lie's opponent.

During the whole process, Qin Lie didn't say a word, he just used his own way to treat him, and he managed Blaze obediently.

Didn't you blow the original liquid of life so hard? Since it is such a precious thing, you can use it yourself, but you don't dare to use it yourself, doesn't that prove that there is a problem in it?

During the whole process, Qin Lie never mentioned that there was a problem with the stock solution, but this problem was clearly put in front of Blaze.

Yes, no matter how stupid Blaze is, he knows that Qin Lie has seen through his tricks.

Even if you kill him, he won't pick up his own liquid, and in turn, he's still trying to figure it out. If he doesn't know this, Blaze hangs his head on his crotch.

Moreover, Qin Lie is insidious, he doesn't know what to say, so he has to poke himself.

If you get such a shot, you won't want to get rid of this thing for the rest of your life.

If he didn't step back, Blaze was really afraid that Qin Lie would stab him down.

The dog's Qin Lie is also insidious enough.

But although Blaise was angry, he didn't dare to show it.

The thing is that he did something wrong first, and he wanted the wicked to sue first, courting death, right?

So even if you get angry, you can only break your teeth and swallow it in your stomach.

Qin Lie, the dog day, is indeed a bit ruthless.

It wasn't until Qin Lie walked away with the syringe that Blaze breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Qin Lie, he didn't install it anymore, and threw the syringe in the trash can. Blaze also followed the trash can and saw the four life liquids that Qin Lie had just thrown away.

Only then did I know that the whole process was designed by Qin Lie.

Today, Qin Lie thought about himself from the very beginning.

This shitty Qin Lie is really ruthless!

Qin Lie didn't do anything, and sat back in the chair with a smile: "If it didn't happen earlier, everything would be gone?"

Pushing back all the remaining four: "These four are also my honor to you."

"Hehe, hehe..." Blaze didn't dare to respond to Qin Lie at this time, he kept smiling and sat back in the chair in front.

I didn't dare to say it, I could only get angry.

Slowly retracting the box, Blaze's aura was suddenly much weaker than Qin Lie's.

Qin Lie packed up Blaze and began to order the eviction: "Mr. Blaze, if you have nothing else to do today, you can go back first."

Blaze was a little confused by Qin Lie just now. He was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

"Of course." Blaze said excitedly.

Qin Lie had just been messing with the wall for a long time, and almost forgot about the business.

"What?" Qin Lie asked.

Blaze then returned to his seriousness: "Of course it's still a matter of t1600."

When it comes to super carbon fiber, Qin Lie immediately lost interest: "Didn't I tell you, I can't give you carbon fiber technology, we just made things in China, how can the core technology be given to you, Don't bring it up again."

"Don't get me wrong." Blaze said, "We don't want your technology this time, just your materials, we want to do business with you."

"Oh?" Qin Lie wondered, "You want to do business with me?"

"Why not?"

Qin Lie was somewhat interested, lying in the chair: "Tell me."

Blaze just started chatting in a serious manner.

He said: "We Skeleton would like to order a batch of super carbon fiber from your technology company, including two tons of m90 carbon fiber, forty tons of t1600, eighty tons of t1400, and we also need twenty tons in m60 form. Well, you can mention it first, and we'll discuss it later."

As soon as Blaze finished his request, Qin Lie was taken aback.

You must know that at the time, Shenzhou Weapons, the manufacturer that supplied weapons to the Chinese army, only required one ton of m90, ten tons of m60, thirty tons of t1600, and fifty tons of t1400 at one time.

And the amount that Blaze wanted this time was actually much more than Shenzhou Weapons.

"What do you want to use this for?"

Qin Lie asked a question.

It is naturally impossible for Blaze to reveal: "As for what we use for it, you can't control it. You only need to be responsible for providing raw materials and collecting money, and don't ask more about the rest."

Qin Lie thought silently for a while.

If the Skull and Bones only want their own materials, it's not impossible to give them.

In doing business, the wealth is abundant, and the money is sent to the mouth. If you don’t eat it, you will waste food.

It's just that Qin Lie kept an eye on it. After all, the people of the Skull and Bones couldn't fully believe it, and they were very ambitious. They could earn their own money, but they could never be completely satisfied.

After thinking about it clearly, Qin Lie said directly: "I can make the material for you, but I will reduce all the quantities to one-third, especially m90, I will reduce it to one-tenth."

Qin Lie's purpose is very simple, that is, no matter what the Skeleton Society wants to do, he cannot let him easily get his wish.

The forces behind Skull and Bones are monstrous. In addition to the exclusive technology of t1600 and m90, other materials also have production capacity abroad.

They can obtain these materials through other channels, but they all place orders in their own companies.

What Qin Lie is guarding against is their ambition.

As a Chinese, he had to do this.

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