Murray's organization is called Hamas, a relatively well-known faith organization in the Palestinian-Israeli region.

Murray, who joined Hamas five years ago when he turned 18, relies heavily on that place.

Because he has lived in war-torn areas for a long time, he saw his parents being shot through by bullets when he was a child, and his sister committed suicide after being forced by a soldier.

His world is full of darkness.

He didn't know why the world was so unfair to him, and he didn't know why the world was always so dark.

It was not until he joined Hamas that he felt a little bit of warmth.

The friends inside were very concerned about him, introduced him to the faith, introduced him to Allah, and let him be wrapped in the light of Allah.

It also made him believe that as long as he follows the path led by Allah, he will surely usher in a bright spring.

Over the years, Murray has done many things for Hamas. The most powerful one was when he blew up a convoy of the American army with a bomb. That time he cost the American army at least 30 soldiers. Transporting soldiers, it was a day he was proud of.

He didn't know much about the action to come to Longcheng this time.

He only knew that they were coming to Longcheng to kill a man, a Chinese named Qin Lie.

This person occupied a mine that their organization took a fancy to, causing the organization to lose a lot of things. I don't know the specifics.

But those are not important, the important thing is that the mission this time was not as smooth as expected.

It took a lot of effort to enter the border of China first. This country values ​​the border more than Murray knew. They couldn't even break in independently. Later, they spent a lot of money to find a person in China. I came to Longcheng with help.

On the first day they arrived in Longcheng, they found Qin Lie's wife, thinking that they could use this wife to force Qin Lie to show up.

As a result, within ten minutes of the woman's grasp, someone suddenly came out and took down their den.

In that bloody battle, they killed eleven brothers, including his best brother in the organization, Antoso.

The rest of the people, although they saw that the situation was not right, ran away, but the past few days have not been easy.

They found a landlord near the electronics factory to rent a few rooms, and then killed the landlord to avoid leaking information.

The leader, Sandys, set the rules for them. No one was allowed to go out during the day, and they had to wait until night before they could move, including eating and shopping.

Murray felt that they were living like mice these days, which made him very uncomfortable.

In the past, at the base, even if they blatantly fought against the official army, the official army could not do anything about them, but in Huaxia, he really saw the synergy of this country.

On the night of the car explosion, he saw the hospital, the fire brigade, the police, and the military, all acting at the same time, so many departments were able to maintain such a high degree of consistency, so they were also very uneasy.

But Sandys told them that they had to be patient, even if they felt bad, they had to be patient.

I believe that Allah will help them arrange everything, and that Qin Lie will definitely reveal flaws.

Therefore, Murray has also been waiting, waiting for the day of action.


With a sigh, Murray took the packaged meals handed over by the restaurant owner, stopped his thoughts, and prepared to leave.

At this moment, he raised his head and saw the TV in the hotel.

At that moment, he was immediately attracted by the content on the TV.

Because he took a picture of a person on the TV screen, Antoso, it turned out to be his brother Antoso!

That's right, there was a photo on the TV, a photo in the police station, and that person turned out to be his brother Antoso!

Antosso didn't die?

This time, Murray was completely attracted by the news on TV.

Because Murray occasionally reads some Chinese online novels, and those novels are very popular in their culture.

It's just that their country is in turmoil, and some translations are not good. Sometimes Murray will look for the original Chinese characters. In this way, he has more or less contact with Chinese.

Therefore, he can recognize many simple Chinese characters and even speak some Chinese characters.

It is precisely because of this that the organization sent him to Huaxia.

Murray could understand what was said on TV, he could read the words on TV.

He clearly saw the news on the TV about the transfer of his brother Antoso.

His brother Antoso was arrested by the Huaxia police and will be transferred to prison tomorrow.

Even the time of the transfer, the route arranged, and the security force of the defense were clearly introduced in the news.

Seeing this, Murray was so excited that he stopped in a daze in the restaurant, carried the food, and flew back to their destination.

When he got to the room where he lived, he slammed into it fiercely, threw the food on the person next to him, and found Sandys, the main person in charge of their operation.

"Sandys, I have something to tell you..." He pulled Sandys aside, excited.

Sandys is older than Murray, has a beard, has a turban on his head, and is very tall. Of course, he is also a murderous and cold-faced killer.

Sandys was called aside, very strange: "What's the matter, my boy, what did you encounter when you went out? Has your whereabouts been exposed to the Chinese?"

"No, not this." Murray said quickly, "I saw Antoso, I saw my friend Antoso on TV, he was not dead, he was arrested by the police in China."

"Really?" Sandys, of course, was surprised which Antoso was, "Didn't Antoso die in action three days ago?"

"No, he doesn't." Murray emphasized, "I saw him on TV. Isn't your mobile phone connected to the Internet? You can also go to the Internet to check it out. There should be a lot of news about Antoso on the Internet now. "

Sandys also attached great importance to this matter. After listening to Murray's words, he took out his mobile phone and asked Murray to help enter a few keywords of "terrorist action" and click search.

Sure enough, soon, a lot of information about Antoso appeared on the webpage of his mobile phone.

Sandys read it carefully one by one, and found that what Murray said was true.

The brothers who came with them were not completely killed.

Tomorrow, the Huaxia police will transfer Antoso. If they wait until they transfer Antoso to prison, it will be very difficult for them to save people again.

"You want to save Antoso?" Sandys asked Murray.

Murray nodded firmly: "We are all believers surrounded by the halo of Allah, we should be a unified whole, I think tomorrow they will transfer Antoso is the best time for us to rescue Antoso.

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