Sandys thought for a long time after listening to Murray's words.

He was thinking about the feasibility of this.

It stands to reason that people from one of their organizations should rescue their companions, but he always felt that it was very strange.

The first is that the news came too suddenly - on the day of the bombing, Huaxia TV media didn't let a single fart, but now three days have passed, but suddenly it is overwhelmingly publicized.

The second is that the news report is also very strange. Even if they want to transfer people, they will transfer them, and they will disclose tomorrow's roadmap and transfer time, just like they are afraid that they will not rob people.

All kinds of things made Sandys feel that the Chinese police seemed to be deliberately inviting them to show up.

If it wasn't for what he had guessed, it would be fine, he saved people, and he could continue to do tasks in Huaxia.

If they really guessed it, then everything would be over, their mission could not be completed, and everyone would be arrested by the Huaxia police.

"Murray." Sandys said his worries, "Don't you think these news are strange??"

Of course Murray knew: "I know it feels strange to say the running route and time in the news, but Sandys Uncle, you don't understand the style of the Huaxia police, the Huaxia police have always been so confident, as long as they decide what to do, The information can be completely made public, they are not afraid of people on the outside looking for trouble, they feel they can handle it themselves.”

Murray still persuaded: "So all this seems strange, but it is actually a routine operation of the Chinese police. I know Chinese people better than you, you have to believe me!"

Sandys was a little persuaded by Murray. He expressed doubts, but the tone of the mouth has begun to loosen: "Are you sure this is not intentional by the Huaxia police?"

"I don't know..." Murray said, "but I know I'll go save Antoso, because he's my best friend, and even if you don't come with me tomorrow, I'll go..."

"Um..." Sandys pondered for a while, thinking for a while, and was finally persuaded by Murray.

The main Antoso is the computer expert they came here this time. If they want to act later, there are still many places where Antoso can be used.

After thinking about it, after comparing the risks and benefits, Sandys finally made a decision: "Okay, we will save people tomorrow..."

When Murray heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and the whole person relaxed.

He sincerely thanked Sandes and said, "Thank you, and may the halo of Allah always surround you."

"Um..." Sandys nodded, not responding much, but told Murray, "Go and call Euan and Chaka over, let's discuss tomorrow's action plan."


After answering, Murray left the room excitedly and ran to the next door.


Chen An is Li Jing and two elite agents of the Kyushu Bureau. Over the years, they have been conscientiously helping the Kyushu Bureau with various tasks.

Since they joined the Kyushu Bureau, their previous identities have been completely erased. Except for their family members and colleagues, almost no one knows that they exist in this world.

Just yesterday, they received a call from Han Qi. Han Qi told them to end their vacation and go back to work in the bureau. They had a special task to give them.

The content of the task is to escort the members of the international terrorists from the Longcheng Public Security Bureau to the Longcheng Severe Prison. The two of them serve as the driver and escort of the main prison van.

When they received this task, they were still very strange. They asked Han Qi, shouldn't this task be the responsibility of the Public Security Bureau, and why they were asked to carry it out.

As a result, they didn't know until they learned about the details of the task in detail.

The Korean Bureau asked them to escort terrorists, not to send terrorists to prison, but to cleverly send terrorists out.

The Korean Bureau is going to use this terrorist as bait to lure other terrorists who still exist in Longcheng to take action, so as to catch that group of terrorists in one go.

What they have to do is to act realistically and try to restore the scene of a robbery, but at the same time protect themselves from being killed by terrorists.

The resistance is too strong, and the opponent cannot break through. If there is no resistance, the opponent will definitely be suspicious at the first time.

So, everything depends on the acting.

And going undercover, acting, going deep into the enemy's interior, these are simply too easy for an experienced old agent like them.

The two are also old partners, and they quickly took over the task.

The next day, at 9:30 in the morning, they put on the police uniforms specially made for them, put on bulletproof vests, and drove the main prisoner car to the Longcheng Public Security Bureau.

At 9:40, the comrades from the detention center took the people out and held a handover ceremony with the comrades in the prison. At 9:50, the prisoners got into the car. Li Jing and Chen An were both waiting for the time to arrive. They were there. There was even a loaf of bread in the car.

At ten o'clock, the delivery mission began. The police car in front opened the way, and Chen An and Li Jing followed the police car and drove out.

Yesterday, Han Qi gave them a roadmap and assigned them about three positions where the opponent could easily shoot. When passing through those positions, the two of them needed to be extra careful.

Among them is a school, a farmers market and a free trade center for small commodities.

What these three places have in common is that the flow of people is large, the personnel are complex, and the movements are difficult to monitor.

If the other party is an experienced terrorist, they will definitely choose these three places.

Therefore, Qin Lie, Han Qishen and Tu Aoshi also focused on these places, and three people were responsible for one area.

At 10:20, on the way to the delivery mission, they passed near the first school. That place was under the control of Shentu Aoshi as the commander. They had both the police officers of the Kyushu Bureau and their own private armed forces.

So although on the surface there were only a dozen or so police officers in the convoy escorting Antoso, secretly, there were no more than a hundred members involved in this incident.

The team has not yet arrived at the farmers market in charge of Qin Lie, so Qin Lie still has a leisurely chat with Shentu Aoshi.

"Brother Shentu..." After a few days of contact, the two have gotten to know each other a lot. Qin Lie said half-jokingly, "How about it? Have you ever participated in such an operation before? Are you nervous?"

Shentu Aoshi certainly wouldn't admit it, he said: "Nervous, what are you nervous about? When I took our family's armies everywhere to fight the world, Qin Lie wasn't on the list of China's richest people at that time. Don't forget us. How did the family get started..."

The Shentu family started out as a very famous water gang in ancient times.

"That's good..." Qin Lie said with a smile, "I thought you were about to pee your pants."

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