Two giant buses suddenly appeared one after the other, sandwiching the main prisoner car in the middle.

At the same time, seven or eight people jumped out of the windows of the two buses, and seven or eight people jumped down from the front and back, carrying submachine guns and wearing black masks on their faces, and quickly approached the main prison van.

At this time, all the defense forces in the front and rear were knocked out by the bus, and only Li Jing and Chen An were left in the center of the entire battlefield.

The two turned their heads and saw that the leading terrorist was holding a remote control in his hand. The remote control was used to control the bomb. The moment he pressed the button, there was a bang, and Li Jing and Chen An quickly rang in his ears.

On the side, at the lock position of their prison car, a small bomb that had just been placed exploded. The strong impact blew the car door open, and the loud sound blew the eyes of the two of them.

The shattered car glass turned into a shower of glass rain and plunged into the bodies of the two of them.

Especially Li Jing, the co-pilot he was sitting in, the bomb almost exploded beside him, the impact blew him into a bloody mess, and the glass dregs also got stuck in his flesh.

"Ah!" He couldn't help screaming.

In about two seconds, their car door was torn open, and the people outside dragged them to the ground, and in an instant, a dozen submachine guns hit their heads.

In the same way, the car door on their side was opened, and the door of the prison car at the back was also opened. Antoso, who was closed inside, regained his freedom at this time, and naturally knew that his classmates had come to save him.

Murray was among the dozen or so people when he saw that his brother Antoso was seriously injured, and he became angry for a while.

He picked up the gun and put it on Chen An, wanting to put all his anger on the two people in front of him.

At this time, the sniper in the distance immediately reported Qin Lie: "Brother Lie, the other party has an idea to kill the people from the Kyushu Bureau who transported the prisoner. What should we do?"

This plan was thought by Qin Lie and Shentu Domineering together, and of course the losses should be kept to a minimum.

It is very rare for Han Qi's two subordinates to be ordered in danger. Of course Qin Lie will not let them die in this mission.

Immediately, he immediately ordered his subordinates: "Kill one of them and let them mess up!"

Qin Lie's purpose is to use them to find the home of all Middle East terrorists.

He is not sure if all the people who came to participate in the rescue operation today are all, so Qin Lie will not kill all of them at this time, he wants to go back with them.

But it's okay to be a little threatened.

The sniper had already aimed at a person in the opponent's crowd, and Qin Lie quickly pulled the trigger after giving the order.

The bullet flew out in a swish, swiped in the air, invisible to the naked eye, and quickly plunged into the terrorist's head.


Can be described as a headshot.

The bullets from the sniper rifle were powerful. They entered from the man's left and exited from the right. When they came out, half of his head on the right was blown off, and the blood was splashed all over the place.

All of a sudden, the terrorists were in a mess, and everyone was terrified. They didn't expect that their people would be the first to be headshot.

"Euan, Euan!" Sandys exclaimed when he saw that his subordinates were killed.

"Ah!" Murray was mad, and another of his companions was killed. In a panic, he picked up the gun again to attack Chen An.

But the sniper in the distance didn't give him any chance. A shot came, directly piercing Murray's right arm holding the gun, and even the bones of his forearm were broken.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Murray screamed hysterically. That pain was the most devilish pain he had ever experienced in his life...

Sandys is experienced and knows that in addition to the police officers they dealt with on the scene, the delivery convoy also has defense forces in the distance.

But until now, he has not seen that this is a set game!

So he immediately commanded the team: "Retreat, retreat, get me in the car, don't stay here again!"

"Ah! Ah!" Murray burst into tears in pain, and wanted to beat Chen An to death, but at this time he was forcibly dragged away by Sandys.

Soon, in the haystacks beside the road, two jeeps that seemed to have been prepared for a long time rushed out of them like flying and stopped in front of them.

Sandys took their people, a total of a dozen or so, into the two cars, and left quickly!

"Brother Lie, they're gone!" Jiang Lei reported on the walkie-talkie.

Qin Lie has been observing the situation, of course.

Throwing away the telescope was the most important step in their action today.

"Let's go!" After giving the order, Jiang Yu took the lead in rushing out of the room, led the team into the car, started the car, and chased in the direction Sandys and the others had fled.

The car let out a long whistle on the road, and a piercing, piercing, shrill scream passed in front of him. The car was thrown out of a big bend by him, turned around quickly, and chased after him along the road.

And this tracking team can't be many, too many will easily cause their suspicion.

So, only Qin Lie, Xing Feng, Chen Jinhu, and a Situ Xuan followed.

As for the others, when Qin Lie and the others find their destination, they will naturally come over.

Overall, today's purpose has been achieved.

Two police cars were lost, and several police officers were injured, but the cost was not large.

It would be worth the price if the nest of these people could be found.

After flying all the way to catch up, Qin Lie and one of their cars and the two cars in front started chasing on the road.

The people in front also quickly saw that there was a tail behind them. Those people were so arrogant that they directly picked up their guns and swept them at the back.

chug chug chug...

Bullets came in shuttle after shuttle.

Fortunately, Qin Lie's cars have been bulletproofed, so it's not that bombs and armor-piercing bullets can't penetrate them at all.

Everyone only heard the sound of ping ping pong pong on the car body, but they did not suffer any extreme damage while sitting inside.

It's just that this incident made Jiang Lei quite annoyed. Seeing that one person in front of him strafeed, another one came out, and the other one emptied the magazine and replaced the other one.

"Grandma's!" Xing Feng couldn't take it anymore and shouted loudly, "What a shame for you!"

After saying this, Xing Feng also rolled the car window open, half body rushed out of the car window, picked up the gun and shot a bunch of bullets out.

His accuracy is unmatched by others.

After a shuttle passed, a boy in front who wanted to fight back was shot in the head by a bullet, and the one on the left, whose arm was also pierced by Xing Feng, shrank back screaming.

Xing Feng spat fiercely: "A bunch of dogs, I really can't beat you, if I didn't go to your old nest, I would have done you a long time ago! Bah!"

I'm in a bad mood, but in order to take care of the overall situation, I really can't make a killing at this moment.

But Xing Feng swore that after today's incident was over, he would kill all of them with his own hands.

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