Xing Feng spat fiercely, and the bullets swept across the boys in front, killing one and injuring one, and he let out a sigh of relief.

It was just this time that no one thought of it, the jeep that was chasing in front suddenly got out of a kid and wanted to fight back.

And this man is not holding a submachine gun, but a huge bazooka.

He stuck his head out the window, carried the bazooka on his shoulder, and aimed at Qin Lie's car, who was chasing behind him.

There was almost no time for Qin Lie to react, so he pulled the trigger.

Everyone watched helplessly as the huge rocket flew towards them.


A huge arc was drawn in the air.

Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng's eyes widened, they were quite frightened, and said loudly, "Brother Lie, Elder Xuan, be careful!"

This rocket came, and their entire car might be gone.

And the two people in Chen Jinhu's mouth are the two most calm.

Seeing the rocket coming, Qin Lie just reminded Situ Xuan, "Master, stop the car."

Situ Xuan was more calm, and even complained: "Do you still need to say something?"

Then slam on the brakes.

The car made another tire mark on the road, screaming sharply, and soon, the front of the car collided with the rockets flying in front, and it exploded!


The flames were scattered, and the flames were sprayed more than two meters high.

The powerful impact not only forced Qin Lie's car to stop, but even blew up the rear wheel of the car.

The picture is very bursting, but it has little effect on Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu and the others.

The car has been specially treated for explosion-proofing. Although the explosion of the rocket is violent, it can force the car to stop, but it does not cause too substantial damage to the car.

Several people's bodies jumped forward fiercely because of inertia, but after they resisted the front seat or the front table, there was no follow-up.

The car was forced to stop, and the guy in front who took out the bazooka ruthlessly stretched out a middle finger at the crowd.

Then drove away.

Xing Feng was really going to be mad with anger, and the anger that had calmed down came up again, and pointed at the person in front of him who was irrational: "Old Xuan, chase after him, damn it, chase after him on a horse, I'm going to kill him now. They, shit, are too arrogant, these dogs are like things, I don't believe it, grab them and tear their mouths to pieces, I don't believe them and don't say where they came from!"

But Situ Xuan still had a clear mind, and turned around and asked Qin Lie, "Boy, are you still chasing?"

Qin Lie: "Stop chasing."

"Ah?" Xing Feng said, "why don't you chase, brother lie, look at how arrogant these people are, we can't let him go so easily. If we don't chase, all our arrangements today will be in vain?"

"Failed?" Qin Lie laughed, "Xing Feng, don't you really think that we really want to chase them when we drive out?"

"Then..." Xing Feng, "Then what do we do when we drive out?"

"It's a show," Qin Lie said. "Think about it. With a car like us behind the buttocks, will they really drive the car back to their place of residence? Can we really kill them all?"

Xing Feng thought about it, and it seemed to be the same.

Seeing Xing Feng's doubts, Qin Lie explained: "We chased out to let them take a look. Except for the guards at the scene of the convoy, other places are also paying attention to this matter.

It is impossible to extradite a terrorist in such a big international severe criminal case. There are two police cars in the front, two police cars in the back, and a prison car in the middle. There is no other arrangement.

We drove out to make them believe we were the ones watching them from behind.

When they forced us to stop with a bazooka themselves, they would feel relieved, they would feel that there was no tail behind them, and they would drive the car back with peace of mind, understand. "

"Oh..." After Qin Lie said this, Xing Feng suddenly realized.

Yeah, wouldn't it be weird if they got rid of all pursuit so easily?

This is to grasp one of the degrees, and we can't really settle them all, because we don't know how uneven the people who come today are. Of course, at the same time, we have to chase them.

What Qin Lie does is to grasp this degree and make everything seem so real.

But there is still another question, Xing Feng asked: "We have not followed, who else is following them?"

Qin Lie smiled slightly, showing a mysterious look.

Soon, Qin Lie took out his phone, flipped the phone to an app page, and opened it at the same time.

Then, Xing Feng saw a picture on Qin Lie's mobile phone. The picture was from a bird's-eye view, from an aerial perspective. In the picture, it was the road they were on.

Of course, in the center of the picture are the two jeeps that just hit a rocket and escaped.

"UAV?" Xing Feng saw it at a glance.

Then, he quickly climbed out of the car window and glanced at the sky.

Sure enough, above the head, about a few hundred meters away, there was a small black spot that kept moving and kept following this road all the way.

Sure enough, it was a reconnaissance drone.

Xing Feng couldn't help but stretched out his thumb and said, "Fuck, brother lie, seconds, there's one move and one move, one move and one move, this is too awesome."

"When dealing with these things, why don't you keep a few minds."

"But if these people drive into some indoor places, such as underground parking lots, to change cars and change clothes, what should we do?" Xing Feng asked again.

Qin Lie still kept a mysterious smile, took out his mobile phone again, and made another call.

The owner of this phone is Han Qi.

After the call was connected, Qin Lie asked directly, "How about the Korean Bureau, have all the people to follow have been arranged?"

Han Qi is very confident: "Don't worry, more than a dozen agents of the Kyushu Bureau are carrying out this mission. We have at least two people following them on each road section. You did a good job this time, and the rest will be left to us."

"Okay..." Qin Lie responded to him, "If you see that they have reached a specific destination, let me know."

"No need." Han Qi rejected Qin Lie and said, "Our Kyushu Bureau will take full responsibility for the rest. Even if they find their nest, the work of encirclement and suppression will be handed over to the Kyushu Bureau, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Haha... OK." Qin Lie agreed on the surface, but how could he not care about these terrorists.

Promise Han Qi to come down first, find the nest later, and then give them a first kill and then pay, anyway, dealing with terrorists, Han Qi is not easy to hold him responsible.

Putting down the phone, Qin Lie looked at Xing Feng and said, "How about Xing Feng, now you can rest assured."

Xing Feng kept nodding his head, admiring Qin Lie from the bottom of his heart: "Don't worry, this must be relieved."

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