The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1128 Don't Care If You Shouldn't Care

Qin Lie was exhausted after ten hours on the plane, so he went back to his room with everyone to rest.

But he didn't sleep for too long, and woke up at five or six in the afternoon.

When he woke up, his stomach was croaking and he was very hungry. The main reason was that the dishes here did not meet his appetite, so he didn't eat much at noon.

Chinese people are very tricky to eat abroad. They are used to eating all kinds of food in China, and they are very uncomfortable when they go abroad. Just yesterday I ate the hand-made works of the heirs of various cuisines in Atlantis.

I turned around and came here to eat baked snails, roasted foie gras, and caviar. I couldn't eat it.

Before Qin Lie went to other countries, he basically had to find a Chinese restaurant in advance.

But in a small city like Innsbruck, plus a pure Catholic city, this requirement is more difficult.

After getting up, I went to the girls' rooms to have a look. They were all still sleeping soundly. Qin Lie didn't bother to disturb him, so he went out to find food by himself.

The hotel has assigned a personal butler to a big customer like Qin Lie. Recently, as long as it is in the hotel, the butler can be asked to do it, big or small.

The butler, named Wilson, was a well-trained, courteous gentleman.

In the afternoon, even if everyone in Qin Lie was sleeping, he stood in a prominent position outside the suite the whole time. As soon as Qin Lie came out, he would definitely be able to see him.

He waved to Wilson and called Wilson to his side. Qin Lie asked him directly, "Wilson, do you know any good Chinese restaurants around here?"

In English, communication is no problem.

Hearing this question, Wilson frowned and said, "Mr. Qin, your request may not be satisfied."


Wilson answered: "Innsbruck is a pure Catholic city, they are not culturally inclusive, this town is all traditional Western culture, very little Eastern culture, as far as I know, we don't seem to have Chinese restaurants here."

Qin Lie was disappointed: "No family?"

Wilson nodded: "None of them."

Qin Lie shook his head: "Wilson, I think it's really necessary for you to try Chinese food. If you have eaten Chinese food, you will be dismissive of your food."

Wilson did not answer this topic, but was still helping Jiang Yu to find a solution.

"However, if Mr. Qin insists on eating Chinese food, our hotel can help you hire a Chinese chef. As far as I know, there is a Chinese immigrant living on Liulai Street, less than 20 minutes' drive from our block. , the dishes they cook should be standard Chinese food, do you need it?"

"Yes." Qin Lie nodded, "How much does it cost?"

"It depends on how much they charge," Wilson said. "After all, they're just ordinary families, so I don't think it's too expensive."

Qin Lie nodded, as the so-called meeting with old friends in a foreign country, this is one of the cool things in life.

It is also a kind of fate to be able to eat Chinese food made by the people here.

Qin Lie agreed to the proposal and transferred 100,000 euros to Wilson to let him do it.

100,000 euros is just for a meal, which is absolutely generous. Wilson understands Qin Lie's background and background, and runs fast when he is doing errands.

As for Qin Lie, he knocked on Chen Jinhu and the others' door, but no one answered. Several girls were also sleeping. Bored alone, they went out for a walk on the street.

Of course, Situ Xuan was still with him.

But Qin Lie didn't care. If his enemies, even traveling by himself, could chase after him in a small distant city in Europe, then they were considered powerful.

So Qin Lie strolled on the streets of Innsbruck with confidence, a rare leisure time.

Along the way, I saw a lot of scenic spots in Innsbruck, the golden roof, the Inn Bridge, and the Arc de Triomphe in Baroque architectural style, which are very spectacular.

This is a city with cultural heritage, Qin Lie felt a lot more refreshed after walking down this trip.

After walking outside for an hour, at about seven o'clock, Wilson called and said that the Chinese couple had arrived and had already started cooking in the kitchen, and asked him to hurry back.

Qin Lie put down the phone and walked back slowly.

Originally, I thought that today would be such a leisurely past, and I would think about other arrangements tomorrow. As a result, I still encountered a few things on the way back.

Because it was past seven o'clock, night had already begun to fall.

The life here is far less colorful than that of Huaxia. Many shops on the street are closed by six o'clock, there are no high-rise buildings, and there are not so many lights.

Innsbruck at seven has become rather dim.

It's a perfect day to come home, turn on the heat, and drink a strong tequila.

As a result, just as Qin Lie walked back, at the entrance of an alley formed by two buildings, he suddenly saw two big men dragging a girl, covering the girl's mouth and dragging it into the alley.

Because the sky was dark and the lights were thin, this move did not seem to be conspicuous under the shroud of night.

However, Qin Lie's strength is very good, and the girl was wearing a long white dress, he saw it.

The first moment he saw this incident, Situ Xuan reminded him, "Don't forget, you are here to play..."

The implication is that if you don't care about some things, don't care, otherwise you will make a mess.

Qin Lie understood what Situ Xuan meant, nodded and said, "I know, Master, I don't care, let's go back."

Saying that, Qin Lie took the lead and walked quickly towards the hotel.

But inevitably, he passed the entrance of the alley and saw the scene inside out of the corner of his eyes.

The two big men pressed the girl against the wall and were trying to take off her clothes fiercely. At this time, the shoulders had been torn a lot.

The woman was very helpless and seemed to be begging for mercy for the two big men, but the two big men were indifferent.

At this time, the woman also seemed to see Qin Lie passing by the alley, and shouted loudly: "help! help!"

Qin Lie only stopped for two seconds, and the two violent men suddenly took out a switch knife from their pockets, pressed the switch, and a knife about ten centimeters long popped out, with a grin, warning Qin Lie not to go there .

Qin Lie stopped at the alley for two seconds and left quickly.

Seeing this, the two big men inside grinned even more, as if they had won a battle, put away the knife, very proud, and continued to press the woman against the wall.

She ripped off her skirt, revealing her snow-white thighs.

At this time, the girl was completely desperate, she shouted out in Chinese without hope: "Help, please help me!"

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