That feeling is one word, cool!

All the way, the shirts came and stretched out, turned over and opened, everything was arranged properly, and they didn't have to worry about it at all.

Qin Lie fluttered like a fairy, and for a moment felt like he really became an emperor.

But it is impossible for the emperor to be an emperor. Chen Xiaoyu opened his mouth and said, "Qin Lie, I want to drink water!"

The speed of running errands can also be called dog-legged.

Chen Xiaoyu wanted to see the Alps, so this time their destination was an Austrian city called Innsbruck.

One of the reasons is that Innsbruck is completely located in the valley of the Alps, and the four-level climate is pleasant. Even the coldest, the temperature will not drop below minus five degrees.

Second, Innsbruck is a transportation hub in Europe. Although it is located in Austria, it connects three countries including Germany, Italy and Switzerland. If you don’t want to stay in Austria, you can go to other places to have a look. .

Everyone flew all the way to Innsbruck by plane.

Qin Lie specifically asked the captain that the flight this time would take about nine to ten hours, so he also prevented various activities on the plane.

Don't look at the long time, everyone can have a lot of entertainment on the plane.

The soldiers of Longyan Squad plunged into the game hall and couldn't get out. Xing Feng and Chen Jinhu had shooting machines for them to play. When they were tired, there was a billiard room. Even Situ Xuan could find a tea room to drink him two cups. Clear tea.

Qin Lie is more tacky, and he called the girls to play poker, and the content of the game was particularly down-to-earth - fighting landlords.

The loser gets a sticker, which is a small punishment.

Then Qin Lie found out that the girls were all teaming up to bully him. He was the boss, and the girls played very seriously, and they would beat him no matter what. Come to top him, but he should be miserable.

In the last round, Chen Xiaoyu and him were teammates, and they took the two kings out with four or two. He knew that he could not win today.

He tore off the paper with his face covered, cursed these vicious women, and finally joined Chen Jinhu to punish Feng's billiards with resentment.

The most poisonous woman's heart, the ancients did not deceive me.

The girls laughed and gave high fives.

Just talking, laughing and joking all the way, they have never been so relaxed, all the way to Innsbruck Airport.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning when I got off the plane. As soon as I went out, in addition to feeling a little bit of coldness, the air, sunlight, and openness of sight made everyone in the tour group refreshing.

In the distance, the majestic mountains of the Alps are rolling up and down, and the white snow is shining under the sunlight. Because the airport is located halfway up the mountain, looking up is the Alps, and looking down, it is a local building with local characteristics.

These buildings are not high, so they do not block the line of sight, and it is refreshing to see them at a glance.

Such a picture can not be seen in front of high-rise buildings in big cities in China.

Chen Xiaoyu got his wish and was very excited. He held Qin Lie's shoulder in excitement for a long time, and couldn't help but kiss Qin Lie's face several times.

She said happily: "It's so beautiful here, it's so beautiful, I want to live here for the rest of my life."

Qin Lie chuckled and said, "It's definitely not good to live here all your life, but if you like it, you can buy a small house near here. When you think of it, you can take a plane and come here for a vacation, but that's okay."

Chen Xiaoyu smiled and said with contentment: "I'm joking. No matter how beautiful a place is, I'll get tired of seeing it for a long time. I don't want to live here for the rest of my life. In fact, as long as you are here, everything is heaven."

Qin Lie directly gave her a roll of eyes: "Don't be close to me, you didn't say that when four two and two kings were on the plane."

"Stingy!" Chen Xiaoyu gave him a white look and said angrily, "Isn't it just playing tricks with you, you have been worrying about it all the time, there are so many people who want to play cards with us, we still don't play with them, no Understand the style, go, Sister Yuqing, let's play by ourselves, not with this cheapskate."

Saying that, he took Ye Yuqing's hand and went to take pictures.

Women, no matter what age group they are, it is certain that they love beauty.

Regardless of their successful careers, no worries about food or clothing, they are all ladies in the eyes of others.

When I came to this Internet celebrity check-in place, it was still the same photo and check-in, and the scissors gestured more than anyone else.

Chen Jinhu came around from the side and reminded Qin Lie, "how about it, brother lie, there are too many ladies, sometimes it's hard to fight."


Seeing that Chen Jinhu had come to watch his jokes, Qin Lie thought about it for a moment and then turned back: "It's hard to fight, especially when you're in bed, some people can't understand this feeling."

This sentence made Chen Jinhu unnecessary.

There is only one thought in my mind, and that is: Damn, he actually let him pretend.

But it has to be said that a person sitting on so many goose-skinned beauties and putting them on any man in the world is something worth showing off.

Poor Jinhu was ruthlessly sprinkled with dog food by Qin Lie.

After staying at the airport for a while, the staff of the private plane went to negotiate with the airport about the shutdown, and Qin Lie and his party rushed to the hotel.

I have already booked the hotel here on the Internet in advance, the name is Twelve Steps Royal Hotel.

Qin Lie asked Wang Congcong to check, this is the largest and most luxurious hotel here.

The hotel originally provided a pick-up service, but Qin Lie said he didn't need it. He brought six cars in the garage under the private plane, and the group drove out of the airport.

And among these six cars, the minimum configuration is 3 million Mercedes, and they drove out all the way, attracting the attention of many people.

Local tyrants travel, what they want is to be strong.

The Twelve Steps Royal Hotel is said to have been a hotel for a local royal family to receive foreign guests in the past. It is similar to the State Guest House in Huaxia. Later, the royal family declined and was intervened by capital, and then transformed into the current hotel.

The hotel has a total of four buildings, each of which is only five stories high, but each building is wide enough to cover a large area. Each building has twelve stairs for going up and down, so it is called twelve stairs.

The four buildings form a square to enclose the space in the middle, and there is a large garden in the middle space. There is a large fountain in the center of the garden, and inside the fountain is the statue of the Roman emperor.

The specifications of the entire hotel are quite high, and Qin Lie is quite satisfied.

When I arrived at the hotel at about 12 noon, I simply used local specialties in the restaurant, but it was not delicious, so I thought it was filling my stomach.

After dinner, everyone went back to their room to sleep in order to avoid jet lag.

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