Qin Lie was a little stunned for a while...

Picking my head, I can't figure out the key.

Shentu Overbearing made a bet with him. If Shentu Overbearing wins, let Shentu Mingyue go back, and if he loses, give him 2 billion as a bet.

Now Shentu Songbai came out and asked Feng Momo to win by himself. This kind of ending was actually Shentu's domineering victory, and then he promised himself 3 billion.

If this is the case, isn't it true that if he wins, he will earn 2 billion from Shentu Domineering, and if he loses, he will be able to get 3 billion from Shentu Songbai.

These two brothers are indeed rich and self-willed, giving away!

Dong Mingjun continued: "Mr. Songbai also knows about the bet between you and Mr. Shentu Overbearing. If you win, you will only have a bonus of 2 billion yuan, but if you are willing to admit defeat, Mr. Songbai can give you 3 billion yuan. Isn't it more profitable?"

Qin Lie finally summed it up, that is, Shentu Songbai and Shentu domineering, both of them want Shentu Mingyue to go back, but the methods used by the two are different.

Then since they have the same goal, they can just stand on the same front to deal with themselves, so why pay extra money to buy themselves.

Well, it's a little confusing, but the purpose of this Shentu Songbai is definitely not pure.

Fortunately, Qin Lie does not lack the billion now. He has been in contact with Shentu Domineering Shentu Aoshi and his son. These two people are more in line with his taste.

He doesn't like Shentu Songbai doing things behind his back.

So after thinking about it clearly, he clearly rejected Dong Mingjun.

"I'm sorry," he said, "please go back and tell Mr. Songbai that I can't help him in this matter. If he wants to help the Shentu clan master win, he can deal with me head-on, but this kind of side bribe, sorry, I refuse. ."

"Mr. Qin, you have to think carefully!" Dong Mingjun said, "Mr. Songbai is the No. 2 figure in the Shentu family. He made many important decisions of the family. It's not good for you if you go against his will."

Qin Lie raised his eyebrows, completely ignoring his threat: "No matter how powerful Mr. Songbai is, it can't be more powerful than Mr. Domineering? Please go back and tell him that I have made a bet with Mr. Domineering, and I won't be with him. He's playing!"

After saying this, Qin Lie's thoughts are also settled, and he will not stay in this place anymore.

Even if Dong Mingjun hadn't finished speaking, he just waved his hand and walked out with a few big strides.

When I went out, I looked at Feng Momo, who was on the side, and felt that this girl might be lucky recently.

The two big figures in the Shentu family have to support her for various purposes. This is the general trend.

But sorry, for the sake of Shentu Mingyue, I, Qin Lie, have to be that stumbling block.

Looking at Feng Momo, Qin Lie raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, but did not speak, and left Atlantis with Situ Xuan all the way.

After Qin Lie left, Dong Mingjun took out his mobile phone and called Shentu Songbai on the other end of the phone.

Report truthfully: "Mr. Songbai, Qin Lie is unwilling to cooperate here. I told him everything you said, but he just won't listen. Even if he offends you, he won't listen."

"Well..." Shentu Songbai's tone was very calm, as if everything was expected, "I see, it's fine, this is just an appetizer for him, just to understand his attitude, there are gifts to give him later , you stay in Longcheng for the time being and don't come back, I still have something to give you."

"Yes..." After Dong Mingjun heard this, he replied yes, and the two hung up the phone.


On Qin Lie's side, driving home with Situ Xuan, he was still thinking back and forth about the meaning of Shentu Songbai.

After thinking about it, I was still worried, so I called Shentu Aoshi and wanted to tell him about the situation.

After the call was connected, Shentu Aoshi quickly asked: "Brother Qin, do you have something to call me?"

Qin Lie didn't answer, but instead asked him: "Brother Shentu, you Shentu family, how is your relationship with your second uncle?"

"Ah?" Shentu Aoshi couldn't understand why he asked this, "My second uncle, why are you asking my second uncle?"

"You just need to answer me." Qin Lie said.

"It's okay." Shentu Aoshi said, "Although the second uncle doesn't like to talk, he listens to my dad's words more, and it's good for us. What are you asking about this, has my second uncle found you?"

"Well..." Qin Lie was only 1510, and he told Shentu Aoshi that Shentu Songbai entrusted Dong Mingjun to invite him to dinner, and that he had to give himself 3 billion to let Shentu Mingyue go back.

Shentu Aoshi didn't take it seriously after listening to it: "Hey, that's it, it's normal, now my second uncle is thinking and making decisions about many things in the family, and he is the only think tank.

Those of us are too upright and unsuitable for those complicated thinking. Of course, my second uncle also hopes that my sister can go back and help him share the pressure. "

"Really..." Qin Lie still firmly believed in his own thoughts, "It's better to be like this, anyway, it's not convenient for me to intervene in your housework, but you second uncle, I still advise you to be careful, and Shentu Mingyue , try not to go back during this time..."

Having said that, Qin Lie said everything he could say. As for whether he believed it or not, it was up to Shentu Aoshi.

He didn't want to be called a meddler either, so he hung up the phone after saying that.

This attitude made Shentu Aoshi baffled.

Qin Lie was too lazy to waste his time on this matter, so he forgot about it when he went back.

All the way home, they saw that Ye Yuqing and Chen Xiaoyu had already packed up their salutes. In the past few days, they didn't think about anything, they just wanted to have a good rest.

So early the next morning, the group of three went out. Situ Xuan drove and picked up Tang Lingxue on the road. They met Chen Jinhu and the brothers of Long Yan's team at the airport. The group boarded a private plane on the tarmac of the airport. Start the journey with the help of professional crew members.

This is Qin Lie's first time to fly out in his own plane.

Honestly, it's pretty cool.

Ye Yuqing had seen the world and was relatively calm in the face of this plane.

But the boys of Longyan Squad, seeing this, it looks like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

Looking at it all the way, admiring it all the way.

"Oh, how can a plane be built like this!"

"Assi, this is not a plane but a palace!"

"Don't move, let me feel the texture of this private jet!"

"I'll go, is this the power of local tyrants? I really love brother lie more and more!"

Then, it was a rainbow fart that praised Qin Lie to the sky, highlighting a person he had never seen before.

Here we should focus on praising Wang Congcong.

Wang Congcong helped hire the crew and flight attendant of the plane. In terms of the taste of life, Wang Shaona really has nothing to say.

Just that wave of little flight attendants, eh?

All of them were fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged, sweet-sounding, good-natured, and bowed down to Mr. Qin, making Qin Lie's bones almost flaky.

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