Anyway, as the dinner progressed, there were more and more question marks in Qin Lie's mind.

Still the same question, this Dong Mingjun's identity is very low, he is just the president of Huayu Entertainment.

After all, it is a part-time job, the salary is not high, and there is a limit of ten or twenty million.

If one meal costs ten to twenty million yuan, does he not want to live?

To go a little deeper, even the chairman of Huayu Entertainment is worth only a few billions.

He doesn't need to have such a high level.

Qin Lie's whole body is uncomfortable because of this dismounting. You can ask him, he will let you eat before he speaks. This question has always been in Qin Lie's heart.

The dinner party lasted for about forty or fifty minutes, and everyone had almost finished their polite words on the bright side, and the topic was almost gone, which made Qin Lie lose his patience.

Seeing that the dinner was about to end, Qin Lie didn't bother to wait any longer, and asked directly: "Mr. Dong, now that I have eaten and drank wine, you can tell me what the purpose of calling me here this time is. , if you don't tell me, I'll leave, and I won't have a chance if I think about it more."

Having said this, Dong Mingjun no longer hides it. He first walked to Feng Momo's side and told Feng Momo: "Come on, Momo, pick up the wine glass, and let's toast Mr. Qin again."

Feng Momo has always been managed by Dong Mingjun in the company, so he listens to Dong Mingjun's words very much.

Including herself, she was also deeply grateful to Qin Lie, so she quickly picked up the wine glass.

The two of them walked to Qin Lie with wine glasses together. Dong Mingjun said, "Mr. Qin, if you say that, I really have one thing to ask you..."

"You said..." Qin Lie said.

"Drink first," he said.

Qin Lie waved his hand: "Mr. Dong, I don't like ink blots. I'm full of wine and food. I'll give you face. You'd better tell me your thoughts quickly, otherwise I'm really impatient."

Dong Mingjun nodded, and then said: "President Qin, so wise people don't speak secretly, I think this "I Am a Goddess" program, if you can praise Feng Momo as the champion, I, Huayu Entertainment, will definitely thank you. "

Qin Lie squinted his eyes and was very surprised: "You are just for this?"

Dong Mingjun: "We now Huayu Entertainment continue to be a traffic star to support the field. The original three giants of domestic entertainment, our Huayu's status is now significantly lower, we need such an opportunity."


But Qin Lie is still very strange.

Although the influence of Huayu Entertainment in recent years is indeed not as good as it was in the past few years, it is not so miserable in my impression.

Relying on the back door to become popular, maybe this is a traffic star who has been popular for a while, is it necessary?

Moreover, Feng Momo can shoulder the responsibility of saving their company?

Qin Lie doesn't think so.

So after thinking about it, Qin Lie said, "I'm sorry, President Dong, I can't agree to your request. I gave everyone in our program group a death order. This competition is absolutely fair and open, we only look at the strength of the players. , absolutely do not engage in evil ways.

I told my subordinates like this, you let me, the initiator, knowingly commit a crime, you are ruining my life. "

"I know!" Dong Mingjun said, "I also understand your original intention of wanting to be an absolutely pure talent show, but that's how this circle is, we just follow the established rules, you don't need to do too much, just give it to Mo Don't add more shots, take care of it when editing, and that's it..."

"I'm sorry." Qin Lie still clearly refused, "I said no, it is no, no matter what you say, it is the result, if Mr. Dong called me over for dinner today just for this, you have already got the answer, I Qin Lie doesn't like to owe favors, I'll pay for today's meal, but this matter is not negotiable."

"Mr. Qin, do you want to think about it again?" Dong Mingjun saw that he was not relaxed at all, and was anxious, "If you agree to my request, Huayu Entertainment can give you a generous reward."

"Oh?" Qin Lie smiled playfully, "How rich can a generous reward be?"

"Three billion..." Dong Mingjun said in one sentence, this really made Qin Lie sluggish in place.

Three billion, are you kidding me?

The size of Huayu Entertainment is not small, but it is only about 10 billion to break the sky.

Take out 3 billion to make a Feng Momo popular?

A group of board members at the top of the group were collectively kicked by a donkey?

Moreover, even if Feng Momo wins the championship, she can't guarantee that she will be popular all over the world.

If it can be as popular as Jay Chou, the three billion investment can still get a return, but Feng Momo? ?

Qin Lie said in her heart, she didn't deserve it.

And the influence of his own show is not that great.

Inexplicably, Qin Lie smelled something else in Dong Mingjun's words.

With a serious expression, he asked in a cold voice, "Zong Dong, tell me, who asked you to come today?"

"Ah?" Dong Mingjun panicked and said, "You, what do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting." Qin Lie said, "It's impossible for Huayu Entertainment to spend 3 billion to support an artist. I'm not a madman, you'd better tell the truth..."

Dong Mingjun said in a panic: "No, Huayu Entertainment can still take out 30 of the company's efforts..."

"You didn't say yes?"

Qin Lie interrupted him without waiting for him to finish speaking: "Then I'm leaving, this is the end of the matter!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Lie greeted Situ Xuan and really turned to leave.

Seeing Qin Lie's determination, Dong Mingjun finally gave up his resistance, sighed and said, "Okay, Mr. Qin, I'll tell you the truth!"

"Um..." Qin Lie then stopped and looked back at him.

With his eyes, he let Feng Momo and Sister Liu go out first, and asked Qin Lie, "Can you let Elder Xuan also..."

"No, my master himself is definitely not a long-tongued woman, as you say."

After all, Dong Mingjun had something to ask Qin Lie, and he didn't dare to ask for it.

After Feng Momo and Sister Liu went out of the private room, he sighed and said the truth: "Okay, Mr. Qin, in fact, Mr. Shentu Songbai sent me to tell you about this today, and the whole dinner, It is also what Mr. Songbai meant."

Shentu pine and cypress?

Qin Lie has this person in his mind, who seems to be the second person in the Shentu family, the domineering younger brother of Shentu, a secretive character similar to a military division.

It is said that his character is completely different from Shentu's domineering. He is extremely restrained but active in thinking. He is the living Zhuge of the entire Shentu family.

Qin Lie also didn't expect that the arrangement to do this today was not Shentu Domineering, but Shentu Songbai.

It's kind of interesting.

The bet with Shentu Domineering about Shentu Mingyue actually involves the internal relationship of their family?

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