"To give you face?" Qin Lie continued to sneer, "Then look back at me, all of them are my friends. I broke their hearts to give you face. Who will give me face?"

In fact, Qin Lie didn't have to use this venue.

He just wanted to see Albeno's attitude.

The first time I asked the staff to pass the message, if Albeno didn't silently intervene, but came over to discuss it with himself, if he wanted that venue, no problem, he could give it to him.

Qin Lie is not an unreasonable person.

Then the second time the staff sent a message. He didn't say a word again, without any apology, he just threw a bank card over, like a beggar, Qin Lie certainly couldn't accept it.

Even just now, as long as he expresses his apology, Qin Lie can still give it to him.

But his tone never really calmed down from beginning to end.

Although he always used the honorific "you", Qin Lie did not feel the slightest respect.

The only feeling is that he is a big man, and he has to listen to what he says.

If you don't listen, then I'll show it to you.

I'm sorry, Qin Lie can't get used to such an attitude.

"Mr. Qin." Albeno said, "Are you sure you want to fight against me today?"

"You have to figure it out." Qin Lie, "You caused me trouble first, not me against you!"

"Do you know what the four words Albeno mean in Innsbruck?" Albeno narrowed his eyes, his eyes already filled with a sense of threat.

Qin Lie is calm and steady: "I don't know, and I don't bother to know. If this is your attitude, then you can go back."

"Very good." Albeno also sneered, "Huaxia people, I appreciate your courage, you may have some skills in China, but this is Innsbruck, my world."

"By the way," said Albeno, "you'd better be careful when you eat, drive, sleep, and everything you do in Innsbruck these days, otherwise, there will be an accident and no one will be able to. help you……"

After saying this, Albeno didn't speak anymore, the conversation had collapsed, and Albeno turned around and left with the people.

The last words already had a very obvious threatening taste.

But Qin Lie didn't take it to heart. He didn't think that a little-known local leader could do anything outrageous, especially after learning about his background.

Sure enough, Albeno went out of Qin Lie's lounge and immediately ordered the people around him: "Chelsea, go and investigate the background of this person surnamed Qin in China immediately. I want all the information about him in China."

After saying this, Albeno directly gave up the arrangement at the ski resort today, and took his friends to other occasions to talk about things.

As for Qin Lie, he didn't take it to heart at all, it was just a small episode on the road.

After taking the venue, a group of people happily played in it. This game was all morning.

Qin Lie didn't know how to ski originally, but after self-taught, he can stand from top to bottom and control the direction freely.

On the contrary, it was the animals who claimed to be showing the majesty of men. After a few hours, what level was it at the beginning, and what level is it now.

I fell all the way from the top of the mountain, not for skiing, but for rolling snow.

A boy slid from the top of the mountain to the halfway and rolled forward and knocked his teeth into his knees. His mouth was full of blood, which really made Qin Lie laugh.

This *** way, so chic.

Anyway, all the way down, those boys who started to be ambitious were convinced by the sport.

As for this sport, entertainment is fine, but if they are really pretending to be forceful, then they really can’t.

One and two regretted it all.

"If I had known this thing was so difficult, I wouldn't have come."

"Lying in a hotel and watching a few episodes of TV is even better than this."

"Unless I have to fight in the snow in the future, this thing is really useless to me."

"Let's go, let's find a video game city to play games."

Everyone shouted like this and quickly left the ski resort.

There was no other arrangement in the afternoon, so Qin Lie let them play by themselves, while Qin Lie himself went around with a few hostess, bought some things, and experienced the local folk customs.

It was a full day, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening when we returned to the hotel.

After eating a whole fish feast specially prepared for them by Zhang Shanggui and his wife, it was a perfect day.

When he returned to his room at night, Xing Feng sent the information about the forces he had already investigated.

In the study, Qin Lie was reading the materials, and Xing Feng explained: "Brother Lie, we have already investigated clearly. The underground forces in Innsbruck are still the Darong Gang I mentioned yesterday."

"Um..." Qin Lie's reaction was small, a little surprised, "Didn't you say they have been broken up by the Mafia?"

"Yes..." Xing Feng said, "They were indeed broken up by the Mafia about twenty years ago, but later, the current leader of the Darong Gang, Eric, nicknamed the Crow, took the beating The remnants of the scattered Darong Gang took refuge in the second gang in Europe, the Flower of Sin in Germany.

With the help of Flower of Sin, they re-formed the new Darong Gang, killed Innsbruck, and regained control of the place. "

Qin Lie continued to look at the Darong Gang's information and said, "In that case, the current Darong Gang is actually the lackey of the Flower of Sin?"

"Yes..." Xing Feng nodded, "The Flower of Sin has always been developing secretly, and their goal has always been to surpass the Mafia and become the number one underground force in Europe.

In these years, they have often clashed with the Mafia in secret, and many people have died. Of course, they also hope that more forces can join them. "

"How do the people of Sin Flower do things?" Qin Lie asked again.

"Comparing the three things," Xing Feng said, "Murder and arson, kidnapping for extortion, extorting money, unscrupulous means, as long as they can achieve their goals, they can do anything. It is also because they have broken too many rules. They have been suppressing them for years, but the effect is not particularly good."

"Okay, I have it in my mind." Qin Lie nodded and turned to the last pages of the information given by Xing Feng.

Some of the core members of the Darong Gang are marked on these pages.

The eldest crow Eric, the second character Santoso, and the third character are actually the same Alberto who met on the ski resort during the day.

"Albeno?" Qin Lie smiled, "I'm so lucky to meet a number three person right away?"

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