"Yes." Xing Feng also said with a smile, "It's really good luck."

Xing Feng added: "The newly formed Darong Gang's boss, Crow, is a visionary. He knew from the very beginning that the underground forces would exist for a long time, and he had to establish a good relationship with government officials."

"So from the time he fought back to Innsbruck and grabbed the territory, he made a plan to clean up the whites."

"The first is to suppress the original local forces, whether it is the white or the underworld, and clean it up. The worst of them is the original lord of Innsbruck, the Habsburg family..."

"After destroying the Habsburg family, they began to send personnel to the local government, so that after the conflict with the official, someone from the official side can stand up and speak for them."

"Albeno is the elected spokesperson. He can speak a little in the local government and even the Austrian national government. In front of outsiders, he is a successful entrepreneur and an influential figure in the government, but Behind the scenes, he was also a member of the Dae-Rong Gang, the result of the Ravens operating in Innsbruck for twenty years."

What Xing Feng said was not in the data.

After listening to Xing Feng's words, Qin Lie was a little surprised.

"So, this crow is actually a far-sighted manager."

"Yeah." Xing Feng said, "It does seem to be quite capable now, but I don't know if it's the decision of the crow himself or if there is a think tank at the Flower of Sin to help him make plans."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Lie said, "I don't plan to stay here for long anyway. I will return to Huaxia in a few days. No matter what they do, it has nothing to do with me."

"Unless..." Qin Lie joked, "they can help me snatch the dragon head from the Cape family."

"This is a bit of a joke." Xing Feng laughed. "Even if these underground forces are noisy, they can only be called Grandpa when they meet the Cape family. How is this possible?"

"I'm just kidding." Qin Lie, "It means that I don't plan to care about them. As long as they don't come to trouble me, I'll be fine with them..."

Qin Lie asked Xing Feng to investigate the Darong Gang this time, but he was just taking precautions to understand the local forces.

It hasn't gotten to the point where it says war with the local gang.

Playing in Innsbruck for a few days, and on the gang bar, isn't Qin Lie itchy?

After learning about the Darong Gang, Qin Lie also had a bottom line.

A simple Darong Gang is nothing to be afraid of. With his current ability, as long as he does not disturb the flower of sin behind the Darong Gang, he can handle it himself.

Even with the help of Flower of Sin, don't forget that in Europe, Qin Lie has a wolf-hunting mercenary group who let them go and owes Qin Lie a love...

So even if he knew that Albeno was the third person in the Darong Gang, he didn't panic at all.

The panic is Albeno.

Almost at the same time Qin Lie got the Darong Gang information, Albeno also got Qin Lie's information.

It's not that the intelligence system of the Darong Gang is so powerful, it's just that Qin Lie's recent development in Huaxia has become too strong, and it has reached the point where people know it.

Not to mention the major industries involved in entertainment, biology, medicine and even advanced technology.

Just his power network is enough to drink a pot.

The eight great families in China are all the top powers in the world, and the top Xuanyuan family, the Xiao family, is even a head higher than the first family in Europe.

As for Qin Lie, he has become a deadly feud with the Xiao family, and has long had a break with the eldest young master of the Xuanyuan family.

Changed to ordinary people, they would have been crushed into meat patties by these two behemoths.

But Qin Lie is actually living a good life now, and he is living a prosperous life.

Looking at the power behind him, it's incredible.

Among the eight great families, the Tang family and the Murong family are all his supporters, plus the Shentu family who has been in contact with him very frequently recently, this person's background is also very big.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qin Lie is now a figure in China.

No wonder he dared to be so arrogant even in Innsbruck, and traveled in such a big way.

It turns out that he does have a background and strength.

This is a bit difficult for Albeno.

He originally wanted to find an opportunity to teach Qin Lie a lesson, but it seemed that this person was not very easy to provoke.

At that time, Qin Lie was forced into a hurry, and maybe his entire Darong Gang couldn't hold it back.

For a moment, after knowing Qin Lie's identity, Albeno felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

No, this matter is quite big, and I can't handle it by myself, so I still have to ask the boss Eric to discuss it.

Although Qin Lie has a huge power, but now in Innsbruck, they occupy a favorable location.

If there is a flower of sin to help, maybe it can get some benefits from Qin Lie.

Thinking of this, Albeno quickly stood up from the office chair, put on his coat, and ran to the headquarters of the Darong Gang.


At night, around nine o'clock, across the street from the Twelve-Stairs Hotel, in a fast food restaurant, two men were nibbling hamburgers and drinking Coke, watching the celebrities and nobles on the opposite Twelve-Stairs come and go.

These two men, one named Hans and the other Jon, are two gangsters in the city of Innsbruck.

Yes, the two of them were the two who wanted to force Tifa last night, but were beaten away by Qin Lie who came here.

Although Hans joined the Darong Gang two months ago, they were only marginal members of the Darong Gang and did not enter the core circle at all.

So they don't know a lot of things in the Darong Gang.

However, thanks to the reputation of the Darong Gang, the two of them lived a lot more casually in Innsbruck.

No one dares to do bad things, and the boss doesn't dare to ask them for money during dinner.

Last night was probably the only time they failed to do bad things in the last two months, so they hated Qin Lie deeply.

After inquiring later, I found out that the oriental man turned out to be Innsbruck who had just arrived from China. The private plane arrived, and six luxury cars drove away. He was a standard super rich man.

After learning Qin Lie's identity, the two of them had their own thoughts. They had planned to take revenge on Qin Lie, but now they had other ideas.

Qin Lie is so rich, maybe he can make some money from him?

After several inquiries, they finally settled on Qin Lie's foothold, which is the Twelve Steps Royal Hotel across the street.

Now the two of them are squatting here.

After nibbling off two hamburgers, Jon sipped Coke and made a sizzling sound.

Putting down the coke cup, he asked Hans: "Hans, do you really think this plan works, and how do you know that he will spend half a million euros on his woman?"

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