With the current capabilities of the Longyan Squad, Qin Lie is not afraid of any troops on the opposite side.

The soldiers of the Longyan Squad entered the fighting state very quickly. After Qin Lie gave the order, Xing Feng, the leader of the convoy, acted quickly and drove his car around the highway, biting the front of his car. At the end of the team, that is, the butt of the car that Chen Jinhu broke.

The other team members also responded and turned around behind him.

Including Qin Lie's own car, it became one of the circular positions.

They made the car into a circle and tightly protected the center of the circle, and the team members in the car got off the car.

Hiding in the circle, using the car as a cover, started a counterattack relying on this thing.

The team members got out of the car, quickly took out their weapons from the trunk, and shot at the circle of people inside and outside the position.

chug chug chug...

Bullets flew to and fro, and the entire road was immediately haunted by bullets.

The girls were very scared and hugged each other tightly.

Qin Lie couldn't control their state for the time being, so he could only temporarily let them stay in the car with their heads lowered, and use the car door as a cover as much as possible, so as not to expose their bodies to the glass windows.

The car was bulletproof, so they shouldn't be in danger of staying in the car.

"Master!" Qin Lie asked Situ Xuan, "Sister Yuqing and the three of them will be left to you for their safety. You don't have to take action on the rest, we will take care of them."

"Well." Situ Xuan said no nonsense, nodded and said, "Go."

These two words are enough, Qin Lie nodded, got out of the car with confidence, quickly ran to Chen Jinhu's side, took the submachine gun handed over from Chen Jinhu, and asked.

"How about Jinhu, how many people are there?"

The bullets were already interacting frantically in the air, Chen Jinhu gritted his teeth and slapped the opposite side, and replied Qin Lie: "Anyway, there are about 20 of them here, I don't know how many got on and off the big truck in front!"

Xing Feng also immediately added: "We also have about 20 here."

"Are you okay??" Qin Lie asked.

However, Chen Jinhu didn't seem to take this matter to heart at all, and said loudly: "No problem, the opposite is very good, I don't know where the gangsters came from, and they have no military literacy. It can be done in ten minutes at most."

"Yes!" Xing Feng also said, "It's really not very good, it should be easy to win."


After being mentioned by the two people, Qin Lie could see the fighting process of the people on the opposite side from the gap between the car window and the convoy.

Sure enough, the fighting power on the opposite side was the same as what Xing Feng and Chen Jinhu had said—they were very good.

There is almost no cooperation. While fighting separately, the individual combat ability is also very general. Some reckless men even learned from the movie, carrying a submachine gun and rushing forward, feeling that they are Stallone.

Of course, the final outcome was also obvious. The members of Longyan Squad sent him a shuttle of bullets unceremoniously, making this guy a sieve.

There is also almost no ability to collaborate.

Like the Longyan team, they all know that they are divided into several groups. When this group changes bullets, another group supports it. When this group pushes past, the other group changes bullets again.

Moreover, they absolutely hid behind the set bunker, and did not give the opponent a chance to hit them. In a systematic battle, the combat effectiveness was obviously several levels higher than that of the opponent.

Not to mention guns.

That shuttle of bullets came, and it gave a good interpretation of what a wave of "indiscriminate shooting" is.

That is, it doesn't matter whether you have anyone there, I have to shoot a circle anyway, and I won't mention it if I can't beat anyone, anyway, I have enough momentum.

Then there is a result, that is, it is thankful that ten bullets can hit one.

But the well-shot bullet was easily evaded by the members of the Longyan team by retreating into the bunker.

With such combat power, it is indeed a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Longyan Squad.

War is the collision of action and decision-making.

There is a big gap between the decision-making and action power of the opposing team and the Longyan team, so even if the number of the two sides is very different, the opposing team can't withstand the impact of the Longyan team at all.

Out of the seven or eight bullets on the opposite side, six or seven of them all missed, but the bullets of the members of Longyan Squad could accurately hit their foreheads.

At first, the firepower suppression on the opposite side was very powerful, but as time progressed, the people on the opposite side died, the injuries suffered, and the firepower gradually decreased.

Qin Lie could clearly feel that the bullets shot in the air were gradually disappearing.

At the back, the Longyan team had already shot more bullets than the ones over there.

After judging the situation, Chen Jinhu said next to him: "brother lie, I think we can almost rush. At least half of the people over there have been demolished by gan. Their morale is very low, can we rush?"

"Bullshit!" Qin Lie said loudly, "They are bullying us, how can we let them go?!"

"All the members of the Longyan Squad obey the orders, and give them all to Lao Tzu, and kill these bastards!"

Qin Lie roared angrily, jumped up against the hood of the car, and flew to the front of the position. He picked up the submachine gun and fired at the front for a while.

Then he took the lead and rushed out alone.

The other members of the Longyan Squad also kept up, rushing and fighting, even in such a situation, it was not chaotic and maintained a complete system.

Such an impact is naturally not something that the minions on the opposite side can resist.

Soon, the thugs on the opposite side couldn't stand it anymore, and several people were shot in the head as soon as they stood up from the back of their car, and they were shot in the head as soon as they stood up.

Originally, the distance between the two sides was more than 20 meters, but as time progressed, Qin Lie led the team to keep charging, which has shortened the distance to less than ten meters.

Those people felt that they were bound to die if they were caught. They felt that the situation was not right. A large number of them got into the car directly, and regardless of the battlefield, they drove around and ran away, and they went out as fast as lightning.

Of course, there were also a number of people who got into the car and found that their car had been damaged in the recent hail of bullets and could not start at all.

So he gave up the car and ran away on foot on the road behind.

For those who have driven far, Qin Lie can only say that they are lucky.

But for this group of people who want to run on the road, Qin Lie will naturally not be polite to them.

A shuttle of bullets hit them, hitting their thighs with precision.

Those people felt wrong when they were running, injured their feet, and fell directly on the road.

But still very tenaciously crawling out with both hands.

Qin Lie's purpose is very clear, and he instructed all Longyan teams: "Catch the live ones!"

Then, all the players swarmed up, just like Qin Lie did, hitting their legs so that they couldn't run far, and then pounced on them and grabbed them from the ground and caught them alive.

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