Qin Lie's intention is also very clear, nothing more than want to know who did it.

Although you already have the answer in your heart, you always have to seize the evidence, right?

As a result, when he shot the leg of a rogue in front and beat him to the ground, he chased after him and tangled his collar to lift him off the ground.

The kid turned out to be very strong, picked up the gun, pointed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The bullet penetrated the head, and the boy quickly died.


Qin Lie took a deep breath and was shocked!

Don't look at these people's average combat effectiveness and no organization, but their temperament is so strong that they don't want to be caught even if they end up with a shot, it's quite ruthless.

Including other members of the Longyan team chasing out, they also encountered the same problem.

Just when they were about to touch those people and could catch them alive, they all picked up their guns and shot themselves in the deadliest spot.

Either the head or the heart, all committed suicide.

Zhang Yu of Longyan Squad chased two people left and right, and the result was the same, and he gave up in the end.

You can stop them from escaping, but it's hard to stop them from committing suicide, and these men were tough at the last minute, and a dozen people in all were killed by their own guns.

Looking back, Qin Lie got various reports.

"Brother lie, no, the people on our side will kill themselves without arresting them."

"Mr. Qin, we are here too. I committed suicide before I met him. I can't catch him alive."

"Brother lie, I tried my best. I knocked his gun out of his hand, but he actually took out a dagger from his waist and plunged it directly into his heart. I'm convinced."

Everyone reported that they failed to seize the opportunity. Those who could run would not run, and if they couldn't, they would commit suicide. They were not given a chance to catch the alive at all.

Qin Lie was surprised and asked everyone in the headset: "How is it, has anyone caught a live one? All in one breath."

But there was silence across the headset, and no one answered him.

This also means that Qin Lie's original idea was destroyed.

"Amazing." Qin Lie sighed, "The organizer is ruthless enough. In order not to leave witnesses, he won't leave us a living hole. The organizer behind this is also very strong."

"Yeah." Xing Feng was experienced, nodded and said, "In such a situation, the organizers behind most probably seized the lives of these people, either kidnapping their family members, or having a bargaining chip that made them fearful and forced them to use Died to keep their families safe."

The killer business that Yanwangdao did before, this method itself is also a way to control the killer, which is not uncommon.

"But then our clues will be cut off." Chen Jinhu said, "These people are all dead, and we can't ask anything. Are we going to be dumb?"

"No..." Xing Feng said, "Sometimes the dead are more useful than the living. For example, this..."

With that said, Xing Feng took off a badge from a body on the ground.

The design of this badge is a skull, the skull was penetrated by a revolver, the interpretation of the content is very scary.

Even if he has never been involved in European gangs, Qin Lie knows that the force behind this badge is the world's most famous and notorious mafia.

The influence of the Mafia is indeed very far-reaching.

The first origin can be traced back to the twelfth century, and Sicily in Italy is their place of origin, similar to the Tiandihui in Huaxia.

Because of dissatisfaction with the government's jurisdiction, he chose to revolt. After the uprising, he was dispersed by official forces. After that, he went underground to do some criminal business, which has grown all the way to today.

In the nineteenth century, the influence of the mafia reached its peak, and the wave of immigrants made their footprints all over the world, including the United States at that time, and they were also deeply poisoned by the mafia.

Smuggling, drug trafficking, child trafficking, arms trading, all these evil things they have done.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, their gang numbered 800,000 at its peak.

Its influence is far-reaching and second to none in the world.

Later, although they were attacked by the governments of major countries, their power was slightly reduced, and they did not dare to act so blatantly, but they were still the world's first-class gangsters.

Especially in Italy, where they originated, they still have a very terrifying influence.

Qin Lie naturally did not expect to find the mafia's iconic badge on the body of this group of people today.

According to Qin Lie's idea, 80% of this group of people may be from the Darong gang.

After all, only the Darong Gang is in conflict with people here.

A mafia popping up out of thin air is completely unreasonable.

Chen Jinhu also thought it was very strange: "brother lie, what do you mean? We didn't provoke them. As soon as they came over, they made such a big move to mess with us. Is this the rhythm of wanting to start a war? I can't figure it out... "

"There's something I can't figure out." Qin Lie said, "It's just that some people are uncomfortable with us, but they don't dare to blatantly trouble us. They can only use this method to put the blame on his opponent, the style of the villain. ."

"You mean, Darong Gang?"

"Otherwise, who else would there be? This plan is full of loopholes. If you think about it with your feet, you can think that it was done by the Darong Gang. We cut off the hands of two people. They must be angry and have to find a way to retaliate."

"Then it doesn't make sense for him to do this method." Chen Jinhu said, "His plan feels like there is no silver tael here, and doing it is more useless than not doing it."

"But you just have no evidence." Qin Lie said, "Let all those involved in the operation either run away or commit suicide after the incident is over.

If the operation can be successful, they will be happy. Even if it fails, they will not have safety problems. We have no evidence and no reason to come to them to trouble them. They are just here to disgust us. "

When Chen Jinhu understood, he was very upset: "This group of idiots do not know what they are doing, and they have to play tricks. This is not in China. If I were in China, I would have come to trouble them very early."

"You can find it, why can't you find it!" Chen Jinhu's words suddenly reminded Qin Lie.

Da Rong Gang is so insidious, why does he insist on going according to his script? ?

He felt that there was no evidence for this matter, and he couldn't find a reason to come to the door to make trouble. Even if he knew that they did it, he seemed to have nothing to do with them.

But what are you dealing with now? It's a gang!

Why do you have to be reasonable when dealing with gangsters?

You arranged not to let me come, but I did.

If you don't follow the rules, then I won't play cards according to the routine.

Qin Lie had already made up his mind at that time. Tomorrow morning, he would come to visit the bosses of the Darong Gang in person.

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