As a result, when Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu were thinking about how to deal with the incident, quickly, outside the highway, the local police came to the scene with the alarm bell whistling.

Driving from the front of the truck, a group of people got out of the car, bypassed the truck from the field next to it, and came to Qin Lie.

"Sir..." The one at the head was a policeman in his thirties, with a little beard and a serious expression, looking like he was doing business.

He walked up to Qin Lie, picked up the police badge and showed it. With great style, he asked directly: "I am the sheriff of the Innsbruck police station, you can call me Sheriff Lussen, everyone, who will give it to me? Explain what's going on here?"

Seven or eight vehicles were smashed at the scene, and more than 20 people died. This incident is a big news in any country.

But the sheriff didn't seem surprised to see this picture.

I don't know if I'm used to it or come prepared.

Anyway, Qin Lie was not satisfied with his aggressive attitude.

"Obviously." Qin Lie said, "As tourists in Innsbruck, we encountered the interception of your local gangster on the road. After hard work, justice finally defeated evil, the killers were chased away by us, and the world regained control. bright."

The corners of Lu Sen's mouth rose, and he didn't seem to put Qin Lie's words in his ears.

"Why aren't you chasing and blocking others, it seems that you have won a big victory, and you are the one who is ready."

"You can't blame me." Qin Lie sneered, "If you want to blame it, you can only blame your underground forces for being too weak to fight, and they are no match for my people at all."

"You guys have guns," Lucen asked. "It's not allowed in our country. Are you sure you're only here to visit Innsbruck?"

Qin Lie: "We have guns, but we also have gun licenses. Our team, even in Huaxia, is a recognized private armed force."

"But this is Innsbruck..." Lussen said.

"Yeah." Qin Lie scolded him, "This is Innsbruck. As Chinese people, we brought arms to your country. I think you should ask your customs about this question.

Moreover, as the sheriff, what you should investigate at this time is the whole story and the truth of this matter, instead of making a fuss about my identity all the time. "

"But now I suspect that you planned the whole thing." Lu Sen said, "According to the situation at the scene, you are the murderers, all come with us!"

Said, Lu Sen didn't give them a chance to explain at all, and ordered the police behind to come up, which would take Qin Lie and the others away.

Chen Jinhu was very reckless and unhappy, and asked Qin Lie loudly: "Brother Lie, this grandson is obviously favoring people from their country. I think he is very likely to collude with the Darong Gang to deliberately punish us. We can't Get caught, or I'll do it with them!"

"Don't be reckless."

Qin Lie quickly asked.

Although Qin Lie was also very upset, he also knew that he could not do anything with the police, not even the Austrian police.

Just a conflict with the Darong Gang can also be defined as a conflict between underground forces. Fortunately, it can be resolved. Once it starts with the Austrian police, it will rise to the political level, and it will be even more troublesome at that time.

The gains outweighed the losses, so Qin Lie asked the members of the Longyan team to stop resisting for the time being and go with them first.

At least in the hands of the police, they didn't dare to do anything blatantly.

Of course, I was still very upset.

What this Darong Gang does is disgusting.

Not only the means of doing things are poor, but also colluding with the local police to unite the disgusting.

These policemen did not come out after working with the gunmen for ten minutes or twenty minutes. As a result, just a few minutes after the battle ended, they came out, and the timing of their appearance was accurate.

Then, after arriving, he didn't talk about the case, he just poured dirty water on himself, in order to catch himself in. Isn't this disgusting?

Qin Lie hadn't seen such disgusting tactics for a long time.

Qin Lie didn't want to have a conflict, so he went back with Lu Sen for the time being.

He has many ways to get himself out, and it doesn't really matter if he gets in.

But in any case, this time with Liang Zi of the Darong Gang, it is settled.

Before, Qin Lie threw Hans and Jon off their arms and threw them back, just to warn them not to be wrong with him. If they were smart, they would act with their tails between their tails. After a few days, everyone did not interfere with each other on the single-plank bridge on Yangguan Road.

But obviously, they are not smart!

This incident disrupted the rhythm of Qin Lie's vacation, made Ye Yuqing and the three fearful, and even threatened their lives, which has touched Qin Lie's bottom line.

Qin Lie has already made a decision, this time out of the police station, he will definitely make the Darong Gang pay the price.


At this time, the crow Santoso and Albeno, who were far away in the Jager Auto Repair Factory, had a completely different atmosphere.

The crow sat behind his desk with both feet on the table, laughing. .

"Hahahaha, that's great, this Qin Lie probably didn't think that he could be arrested in the police station in Innsbruck, hahahaha..."

"Lu Sen said that his face at that time was extremely ugly, like he had eaten shit, hahahaha, it's funny to think about it."

The second child on the side, Santoso, doesn't really understand where Lu Sen's laugh is.

He asked: "Boss, I thought you sent so many people over today to kill Qin Lie. Now Qin Lie is alive and well, shouldn't our action be a failure? Why are you so happy?"

"Santoso, think about it." The crow told Santosuo, "What kind of character is Qin Lie, I will just send a few fringe people to trouble him, and I want to kill him, which is too naive ."

"I sent someone over this time, just to test his bottom, and disgust him by the way. I never thought of killing him."

"If he was so easy to kill, he wouldn't have gotten along so well in China."

No matter what Santoso thinks, the crow feels very comfortable anyway.

"Then..." Santoso was even more confused. He couldn't figure it out. He lost more than 20 subordinates on his side, and Qin Lie's side didn't die. Why is the boss still so happy.

"Then what's the point of us doing this?"

"Didn't I say it before, it will lead to misfortune." Crow said, "This time I let our people wear Mafia clothes and Mafia badges, and they don't leave any clues. They can only find the black hands. The party, looking for trouble, can only find the mafia.

Then this time, all the members of our gang were sent out. The main purpose was to test his strength and prepare for the next attack. "

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