At the front of the truck, a man opened the door and walked out, slamming the door shut.

Immediately afterwards, a person also walked down from the co-pilot's seat, and then, in the back of the truck, a wave of people came down, a dozen or so.

The one at the head was naturally Qin Lie, with Chen Jinhu beside him, Xing Feng at the back, and then more than a dozen members of the Longyan Squad entered aggressively.

The brothers behind Qin Lie, with submachine guns in their hands, pointed their muzzles to the periphery in all directions, and the younger brothers from the auto repair shop did not dare to go up.

A group of people are advancing forward, although there are only a dozen or so, but they have stepped out of the momentum of ten thousand people.

Walking to the center of the auto repair shop, Qin Lie kicked an iron table that was placed there with one foot, made a clanging sound, stood in the middle of the field, and shouted: "Where's the crow, where is your boss crow? He called me out!"

The crow was standing on the second floor, and when he saw this picture, his heart skipped a beat.

It's very strange that this kid Qin Lie didn't play cards according to the routine. He was very sure that he didn't leave any clues in place. Qin Lie came to the door with such a hard core.

Then his eyes rolled around in his sockets again, thinking about coping strategies.

The second child, Santoso, was originally on the first floor. When he saw the door was knocked open by a truck, and the walls were all collapsed, he was so angry that he led people to block Qin Lie in front of him.

"Who are you, and who gave you the courage to break into the headquarters of our Darong Gang?"

Qin Lie glanced at Santoso and didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with him: "What are you?"

Santoso had a very violent temper and said loudly, "I am the second head of the Darong Gang, Santoso!"

"Fuck me if it's not a crow!" Qin Lie's words were even more domineering, "I don't want to waste time with small characters!"

"Fake! Biaozi's dog!" Santoso said angrily, "Do you think I'll give you a face if I talk to you well?"

"So people fuck them for me!"

Santoso couldn't stand Qin Lie's arrogance, he raised both hands and waved towards the front.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Behind Santoso, all the Da Rong Gang's horsemen pulled out their submachine guns, raised their muzzles, and aimed at Qin Lie and everyone behind them.

Of course, Qin Lie and the Longyan team were naturally true, facing Santoso's people, all raised their guns and confronted each other, and the whole situation was tense in an instant.

And finally, at this time, the crow slowly walked down from the second floor, and said as he walked: "Santoso, what are you doing so excited, tell the brothers to put down their guns, our Darong Gang is not this kind of hospitality. way."

While walking from the stairs, Santoso said as he walked, "Qin Lie, Master Qin, why are you so angry? Although we have a small conflict, we shouldn't fight so much, right?"

"Small conflict?" Qin Lie snorted coldly, "Your people blocked me on the road and almost killed me. You told me this is called a small conflict?"

The crow opened his eyes wide, pretending to be shocked, and said loudly: "Young Master Qin, you have wronged me, we are just a small gang in Innsbruck, how dare you do such a thing to you, you can't Feel free to put hats on our heads."

Qin Lie turned his head and pointed to the big truck behind.

"Do you think this car looks familiar, I brought it back to you."

"Driving to block our road, crow, you are still very good at thinking of ways!"

But as for the crow, he made up his mind to kill him today, and he also felt that Qin Lie must have no relevant evidence.

So he said innocently: "Master Qin, what are you talking about, I can't understand a word, you brought a car to my garage just because you were blocked by a truck? There's no news about this at all!"

"Yesterday, there was such a fierce shootout on Xiangyu Avenue, don't tell me that as a local gang, you don't know anything??"

Qin Lie just wanted to see how far he could pretend.

As a result, he was acting stupid.

"I have heard a little about the shooting incident you mentioned, but I heard that it seems to be done by the evil mafia. It's really hateful, Master Qin, you are just victims."

Qin Lie didn't want to follow his topic.

"Crow, everyone is not a fool, so don't go around in circles. If you know what you know, you can put it on. We all know in our hearts that I have never provoked the mafia, and I have never met. Where do they come to find me? trouble?"

"That's your business." The crow said, "We don't know if you have any conflict with the mafia. Besides, the mafia is notorious all over the world. He has nothing to do, and he deliberately wants to trouble you, and it's not It's impossible, right?"

"All in all." The crow concluded, "You have no evidence of my actions, but you put this hat on the head of our Darong Gang. Our Darong Gang will definitely not recognize it. If you insist on pulling our Darong Gang in. .

So sorry, even if you are very influential in the Huaxia region, we will do our best to let you know that the status of our Darong Gang is not a matter of paper. "

It has already brought a taste of provocation.

Santoso was even more explosive, and said loudly: "Boss, what nonsense are you talking about with him, just these crooked melons and jujubes, a dozen or so people are not enough for the brothers to swallow, you give an order, we are all on, he today It's dead here."

"Haha..." Crow sneered, "After all, Young Master Qin was blocked in the middle of the road two days ago, and it's normal to be emotional now, people are in a bad mood, we are still rubbing salt on his wound, it's not kind for us to do so. , let Qin Shao get a little angry."

"Yeah." Santoso echoed, "After all, people like him have no evidence and can't beat the mafia, so they can only vent their anger with small gangs like us."

The two talked about the same cross talk, each one said a sentence, yin and yang strange, seemingly respectful, but in fact, Qin Lie was in a mess.

The two of them were sure that Qin Lie could not find any evidence of their actions, so they dared to be so arrogant.

At this time, if Qin Lie really did it, the Austrian official force alone would be enough for him to drink a pot.

Alberto rushed back to the Austrian upper parliament overnight yesterday, just to prevent such a situation from happening.

As for Qin Lie, he could also see that today's crow was ready to be beaten to death.

He originally wanted to drive the car over, anger the crow, and let him speak, so that he can do it rightfully.

However, the crow's city was very deep, and this trick did not work.

Of course, it doesn't matter. Qin Lie came to test this time more than he really did. Jiang Lei was rushing over with the other members of the Longyan team, and he was not in a hurry.

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