Listen to the yin and yang of the crow and Santoso talking.

Qin Lie sneered: "Crow, I used to think that the people who won the Oscar are very good at acting, but now I realize that they are nothing compared to you."

"Master Qin..." The crow laughed along, "You are saying that I am acting again, but I am telling the truth every word, and God can bear witness."

"It seems you don't believe in God."

Qin Lie came over today just to give the crow a deterrent, and didn't intend to actually do it.

Seeing that he didn't admit it, Qin Lie didn't want to waste any more time.

Turning around with the people from Longyan Squad, Qin Lie said, "Crow, don't think that I can't do anything about you without the evidence of your actions, and don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have power in the Austrian government."

"I remember what happened the day before yesterday, and I promise you that within five days, your entire Darong Gang will disappear from Innsbruck. What I said, it's useless for you to ask God to come."

After saying this, Qin Lie waved his hand and ordered the brothers behind him: "Go!"

Then everyone turned around and walked mightily down the street.

When passing by the gate wall, without looking back, he said loudly, "This truck will be given to you. I hope your wall will not be too difficult to repair..."

After finishing speaking, he didn't look back, and disappeared all the way to the end of his line of sight.

Looking at the backs of Qin Lie and others, the corners of the crow's eyes were actually twitching.

Although Qin Lie's goal was not achieved today, he was still very upset.

Qin Lie is too arrogant, a dozen or so people dare to come to their headquarters to make trouble.

And there are more than 200 people in his auto repair shop! If you count the thugs in Innsbruck, he can summon thousands of people in an instant.

Qin Lie seemed to be sure that he didn't dare to do anything to him. He drove to the auto repair shop, and then left with a big swagger. How arrogant.

This is also today, and the crow can bear it a little bit.

If it was fifteen years ago when the crow had just entered the arena, Qin Lie might have been chopped into meat sauce by now.

"Boss..." Santoso was also very puzzled, "Why are you afraid of him, he sent more than a dozen people to our door today, all of us together, he has ten heads that are not enough for us to hit."

"It's not that simple." Crow said, "It's not like you haven't read his information. If he comes out and is killed by us, the Tang family and Murong family behind him will never let us go. You think you can withstand a few cards. Pei family?"

"But let him go back this time, he will rest and recuperate, especially if he brings his domestic forces over, we will not be able to deal with it."

The crow shook his head: "The Flower of Sin has already sent people over. Whether Qin Lie can deal with it or not is up to the Flower of Sin. All we have to do is to take advantage of the fisherman."

"Hey..." Santoso always felt aggrieved in his heart, but seeing that the crow was so determined, he could only compromise, "Okay, then I will listen to you."

"Remember Santoso." The crow nodded and said, "What we Darong Gang will do is never to be a small gang in Innsbruck, nor will we not always be the lackeys of the Flower of Sin, we have bigger ambitions. , there is a longer surface, and if we want to go further, we must learn one thing, that thing is called forbearance!"

"I see……"


Qin Lie left the Yager Auto Repair Factory and returned to the hotel.

Chen Jinhu's reaction was very similar to Santoso's, and he was full of doubts all the way back.

"Brother lie, just now I thought you were really going to do it, but you asked us to come back. Why don't we just fuck him?"

"Golden Tiger."

Hearing Chen Jinhu's question, Qin Lie smiled like a senior.

"What do you think we have just started, how much of a certainty can we kill the crow?"

"Seventy percent." Chen Jinhu himself is not very sure, "but as long as you give an order, I will definitely have a chance to get the crow within ten seconds with a dozen people, but I don't know if he has any follow-up preparations. If there is no follow-up, there will be no problem at all, and if there is a follow-up, it will only be a little troublesome, and we can still get out."

"Eighty percent." Qin Lie said, "Even if I give you 10 percent more, there is still a 20 percent uncertainty."

"I'll ask you again." Qin Lie said again, "If I bring most of the domestic Longyan Squad over to deal with the crows, how sure is it?"

"100%!" Chen Jinhu replied, "His little Darong Gang can't support the Longyan Squad."

Chen Jinhu's combat effectiveness of the Longyan Squad is still very clear.

That is comparable to the combat effectiveness of the world's top special forces. Where can these horses from the Darong Gang be able to fight.

As long as the Longyan Squad comes, it will be the end of the slaughter.

"I'll ask you again." Qin Lie said, "Since I'm 100% sure, why should I use 80% to gain 10%?"

Chen Jinhu understood Qin Lie's thoughts.

Qin Lie is waiting for all the members of the Longyan team to arrive, and then settle the account with them.

That's 100% sure.

But in this case, Chen Jinhu doesn't understand a little bit: "Then what is the meaning of our past today, we don't need to fight grass and startle snakes today..."

"Listen to the crow's tone and try to figure out his way of doing things." Qin Lie said, "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles. You should know better than me."

"Besides." Qin Lie paused, "He sent so many people to trouble me, which made us terrified, and we had to do something to return it."

"Okay..." Chen Jinhu understood, "I'm afraid we delayed waiting for the Quan Longyan team to come over, and they also contacted the people from Flower of Sin."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Lie said, "I have my reasons for doing all this. They have flowers of sin, and we have other backers. You don't have to worry about it."

"All right."

Hearing Qin Lie say this, Chen Jinhu finally felt relieved.

He was still afraid that Qin Lie would do something irrational because of impulsive impulse, or that he might not be able to think calmly.

But after chatting with Qin Lie, he knew that he thought too much.

Qin Lie has gone through a lot and can always make the most correct choice in a variety of situations.

And what he has to do is to follow Qin Lie's instructions and do things all the way.

Qin Lie gave the crow a slap in the face, which was a gift for the crow to send a gunman to kill him the day before yesterday.

After doing this, Qin Lie went back to the hotel.

But he is not idle, and has already begun to plan the next step.

He first asked Xing Feng to help check the phone number of the Habsburg family's castle supervisor, Aaron who received five million euros from Qin Lie that day.

After calling Aaron, I found Tifa's phone number through his channel.

Then, in the hotel, he called Tifa.

The phone was connected, and Tifa asked calmly on the other end: "Hello, may I ask who you are?"

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