Originally, Tifa's mood was really calm, but after Qin Lie rejected her invitation, her life returned to the tediousness and boredom of the past.

As a result, Qin Lie's words sounded, and her emotions could not be calm: "Tifa, I'm Qin Lie."

"Mr. Qin?" Tifa felt joy falling from the sky, and cheered like a villain in her heart.

Could this be the feeling of love?

Even just a frown or a smile from someone you like can cause huge waves in your heart.

But after thinking about it, Tifa felt that she was not called love, but only unrequited love.

She might have feelings for Qin Lie, but Qin Lie didn't seem to be interested in him from beginning to end.

She was very excited, but she was trying her best to suppress her emotions, took a deep breath and responded, "Mr. Qin, you, do you have anything to do with me?"

Qin Lie had no idea that Tifa's side could have such a high level of turbulence because of his single voice.

He said casually: "I've changed my mind, I want to meet your uncle, it's best to call the Habsburg family, let's have a meal together... I just don't know where you are. It's also inconvenient."

"Convenient!" Tifa almost exclaimed.

As a result, when she called out, she felt too rude, and quickly adjusted her tone: "Well, Mr. Qin, we have been waiting for your arrival, and my uncle also wants to meet you, the Habsburg family. Ferdinand Uncle is here too, and they all want to see you very much..."

"Well, you'd better inform your uncle and ask him what time is best. I have time in these two days and can make an appointment at any time." Qin Lie said.

Tifa didn't know why Qin Lie suddenly changed his mind, and his will was so strong.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he comes, he is 10,000 willing.

"Okay, I'll discuss it with my uncle now, and I'll get back to you later..."


After Qin Lie finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Tifa ran downstairs in a lively manner, shouting as he ran, "Uncle, uncle, Qin Lie, Mr. Qin has promised to come to our house. He said that he has time these two days. Ask when we can host him!"

Ramo was downstairs and was still mowing the lawn of their manor, but when he heard the news, he threw the scissors aside.

"What, he promised?"

"Yeah!" Tifa replied.

"When it's convenient for us, we have time at any time!" Ramo was also very excited, admonishing Tifa, "Go tell your aunt and ask him to cook quickly, and I will inform Mr. Ferdinand and ask him to come over too. "

Qin Lie made a phone call and made the Tifa family feel like it was going to be years.

Everyone was happy, and everyone moved.

Qin Lie's own idea is also very simple.

Since there is no way to reconcile the conflict with the Darong Gang, this battle has become inevitable, so why not find a way to get some benefits from it.

I have learned about the grievances and grievances between the Darong Gang and the Habsburg family before, and I know that the relationship between the Habsburg family and the Darong Gang has become a fire.

I have to deal with the Darong Gang, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and by joining forces with the Habsburg family, I can get a certain amount of support, and at the same time, I can get benefits from the Habsburg family, why not do it?

Although he feels that the current Habsburg family can't give much benefit, it is better than nothing.

This is also the main reason why he called Tifa today.

As for the girl Tifa, he really didn't have much thought.

Tifa called back in about five minutes, saying that she would be able to meet him tonight.

It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day. Qin Lie also wanted to solve this matter quickly, so he agreed.

After explaining to the three of Ye Yuqing, and at the same time leaving Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng at the hotel to protect their safety, Qin Lie and Situ Xuan drove out the door together.

Following the address given by Tifa, he quickly arrived at the gate of the ancient manor.

Since Qin Lie walked to this manor and saw the furnishings of this manor, he knew that what Tifa said before was not a lie.

This is a very quaint manor. Although many facilities have been dilapidated, it can be seen from the architectural style and cultural heritage of the manor that this place used to be brilliant.

Moreover, the nobles with deep background can see a strong sense of extravagance from the surface, and this extravagance is something that the nouveau riche cannot possess.

Soon after walking down the avenue into the manor, Qin Lie was greeted by the Tifa family at the door of the villa.

When Tifa saw Qin Lie, she couldn't hide her happiness. She secretly hid behind his uncle and looked at Qin Lie from the corner of her eyes from various gaps.

She looks like a noble lady in an ancient boudoir, who clearly likes it, but dares not express it openly.

Qin Lie could see her thoughts, but deliberately ignored her.

They just introduced themselves to the Tifa family as usual, and got to know each other.

Ramo was very excited. He grabbed Qin Lie's hand as soon as they met and said excitedly, "Mr. Qin, thank you very much for coming. I had already given up hope on this matter. It's really great that your presence is an honor for our entire Feicanaan family."

"Mr. Lamo is serious..." Qin Lie said, "I have something to ask the Ficanaan family, or even the Habsburg family for help this time, so Mr. Lamo doesn't need to be so polite."

"By the way..." Qin Lie looked around, except for the family of three, he didn't see that Tifa mentioned the spokesperson of the Habsburg family on the phone.

"Where are the descendants of the Habsburg family now?"

This is the main purpose of his visit this time. What he needs is the main body of the Habsburg family, not the sideline Feicanaan.

Ramo pointed upstairs and said: "Mr. Ferdinand has been waiting for you upstairs, waiting for you to come, we can start to eat..."

With that said, Ramo walked forward to lead the way and took Qin Lie upstairs.

However, Qin Lie murmured in his heart.

Oh, this Habsburg spokesperson is still a bit flamboyant. Obviously they have something to ask for themselves, but only the Tifa family comes to greet him, and he doesn't show his face.

Could it be that their family still thinks that they still have the same strength as themselves?

From the moment he entered the door, Qin Lie had been observing the attitude of the members of the Habsburg family.

This attitude determines how much he can benefit from the Habsburg family.

Low three or four, then directly sit on the ground and start the price.

If there is still a bit of flair, Qin Lie has to find a way to use some means to make them lower.

All in all, it's all about maximizing your own interests.

It was only after he saw Ferdinand upstairs that Qin Lie realized that he was thinking too much.

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