In the restaurant on the second floor of the villa, Qin Lie met the spokesperson of the Habsburg family, Ferdinand.

Ferdinand was about forty years old, not tall, his hair was meticulously groomed, he was wearing a suit, and he was meticulously groomed.

The overall feeling is like a tall and successful person, but from his eyebrows, it can still be seen that he has not been doing well recently.

Qin Lie entered the door and noticed his cramp at a glance.

He wanted to stand up to greet him, but he also thought that he was here to talk to him on behalf of the Habsburg family, and he had to pay attention to his identity, so he sat down halfway through his stand, and waited until Qin Lie had completely entered the door before standing again. Get up and reach out to greet you like a business boss: "Mr. Qin, it's nice to meet you."

Just from these small actions of Ferdinand, Qin Lie can see that he is actually very inferior.

He didn't want to show this kind of inferiority, so he kept pretending to be calm.

But Qin Lie can be 100% sure that Ferdinand's heart is not strong.

It wasn't until Lamo introduced the two that Qin Lie shook hands with him symbolically and said some scenes.

"Mr. Ferdinand, I have always known the far-reaching influence of the Habsburg family in Europe. It is also my honor to meet you this time."

"Mr. Qin is very polite." Ferdinand said, "Last time I checked your background at La Moto, and now you are the real favored person. Among the newly rising forces in China, you are second to none. It is an honor. It should be me."

With that said, several people sat down at the dining table.

After sitting down, Ramo enthusiastically introduced Qin Lie some special Austrian dishes in their family, saying that only his wife Liz could cook them.

After Qin Lie tasted it, it was the same principle, the taste was average, and he was still not used to Western food.

However, on the scene, I still have to praise her a few more words: "Ms. Liz's cooking skills are superb, I want to go to a Michelin restaurant, there should be no living space for those chefs..."

Very western-style humor, which made the whole table very relaxed.

After drinking a few more glasses of red wine, Qin Lie started talking to them about business.

"I heard from Tifa that the two of you have always wanted to meet with me. They said that there is something to discuss. I don't know what the matter is?"

"This..." Speaking of this matter, Ramo immediately called out the two ladies, Liz and Tifa, because the next thing was really not for the ladies to participate in.

After the two left, Lamo turned his attention to Ferdinand, meaning to let Ferdinand speak.

Ferdinand was cramped for a while before he said, "Yes, a few days ago, after Lamo asked me to investigate your background, Mr. Qin, I have always wanted to meet you. I think Mr. Qin and we There can be some cooperation between the Busburg family..."

"Oh?" Qin Lie pretended to be surprised, "I wonder how the great Habsburg family can cooperate with me, a little Chinese?"

"Hey..." Ferdinand sighed heavily, picked up the red wine in front of him and drank it.

Bitterly stunned, he continued: "Mr. Qin, I'm not afraid of your jokes, the Habsburg family has long since lost its former halo. Back then, from the twelfth century to the fifteenth century, we were also the whole of Austria-Hungary. The king of the earth, we are the Wang Shi family, and there is no one in this land who does not respect us."

"Even in the next few hundred years, we are a first-line family in this area. Although the strength has been weakened, the heritage of the entire family is still there."

"But now, our entire family is on the verge of disappearing."

"Oh? Why?" Qin Lie pretended to know nothing and asked in surprise, "Can a super family like you be so miserable?"

"There are many reasons." Ferdinand said, "After entering the new century, the national government began to suppress the noble families, to prevent families like us from controlling too many national resources, and to consciously reduce our power, we can control it. The resources of the country's lifeline begin to decrease, and the weight of speaking in parliament is getting lower and lower."

"Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that damn Darong Gang!"

Speaking of this, Ferdinand hated it deeply, and the hand on the table couldn't help clenching his fist.

"After the Darong Gang started to take control of Innsbruck, they madly attacked our family property. We fought with them for more than ten years, and many people died, but the Darong Gang was backed by the Flower of Sin, a The bigger gang forces, in frontal armed conflict, we are not opponents."

"Then we took the matter to the official side, but the nasty thing is that both the local government and the national government actually stand on the side of the Darong Gang, and both the underworld and the white road can't work. Getting weaker and weaker, being squeezed all the time, and even being broken up by the Darong Gang in Innsbruck, has become the current situation."

After Qin Lie heard this, he deliberately pretended to be very sorry.

"Yes, it is true that the Darong Gang does not obey the rules many times. It is a pity that the poor Habsburg family was suppressed by the gang."

"Mr. Qin, I heard that you and the Darong Gang also had a lot of conflict?"

As a result, Ferdinand changed the conversation and finally got down to business.

This is the main reason why Ferdi South Africa wants to meet Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was not shy, and said directly: "Yes, Darong gang killers came to besiege me and my family, which has violated my bottom line. This time, I will call the Darong gang to look good!"

"Great!" Hearing this, Ferdinand applauded almost reflexively.

"Great?" Qin Lie frowned, showing a hint of displeasure.

"Oh no no no..." Ferdinand explained quickly, "I'm not saying that Mr. Qin is too good for your family to be surrounded, I mean, our Habsburg family and the Darong Gang have something to do with each other. Hatred, you and he also have irreconcilable contradictions, we can cooperate!"

"Cooperation?" Qin Lie knew from the beginning that Ferdinand asked him to come here for this, but he just wanted to play stupid, "How to cooperate?"

"Let's work together!" Ferdinand said. "Get rid of the Dae-Rong Gang from Innsbruck, so that our Habsburgs can take back control of Innsbruck, and you'll get the best of both worlds. ."

"Mr. Ferdinand wants me to cooperate with your Habsburg family to completely destroy the Darong Gang?"

"That's right!" Ferdinand said, "We checked your information, Mr. Qin, and I think you have such strength."

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