Sure enough, just as Qin Lie thought, the Habsburg family contacted them because they wanted their help.

With the current strength of their family, there is no way to challenge the Darong Gang.

If that's the case, then it's no wonder that I'm still cheating.

"Yes." Qin Lie said confidently, "I also think I have no problem dealing with the Darong Gang."

When the conversation changed, the next sentence directly choked Ferdinand: "I have such strength, so why should I cooperate with you?"

"This..." Ferdinand couldn't find a suitable sentence to answer Qin Lie's question.

Yes, Qin Lie's ability, if he wants to vent his anger, it is enough to rely on his own power. Even if he destroys the Darong Gang, it is his own exclusive thing.

The Habsburgs didn't need help at all, and neither did he.

Then this cooperation is actually very vain, because Qin Lie has no demand at all.

"Mr. Qin," Ferdinand said, "we can give you a favor, as long as you agree to a few demands of the Habsburg family."

"So..." Qin Lie put the problem on the surface and said, "Actually, the Habsburg family asked me, and you should be asking for help, not the so-called cooperation."

"Cooperation is the exchange of interests. You are only asking for it unilaterally. This does not constitute cooperation, and I don't see your attitude of asking for help."

A series of words completely choked Ferdinand to death.

The crampedness at the beginning was obvious at this time, the breathing quickened, the head bowed, and he didn't even dare to make direct contact with Qin Lie.

It can be seen that they still retain the pride of the nobles.

I thought I was still the same Habsburg family.

But in fact, it has long since changed.

What Qin Lie does now is to break their arrogance.

"Mr. Ferdinand, why have you stopped talking, do you think I am right?"

Ferdinand was nervous, breathing faster and faster.

Finally, he sighed heavily and nodded relievedly: "Yes, Mr. Qin, since I checked your background information, I have been imagining today's dialogue, yes, this time it is Habsburg The family is asking for you, and I hope you can give us this opportunity."

"But I don't see the respect you have for me." Qin Lie said, "You still uphold the noble atmosphere of the Habsburg family. Only Mr. Ramo came to greet me at the door, while your Habsburg family members did not. You don't show a single face, and I don't see how enthusiastic you are when you talk, it seems that you don't care about destroying the Darong Gang, if this is the attitude, I don't think this cooperation is necessary. "

"Don't!" Qin Lie's words frightened him.

Seeing that Qin Lie was about to refuse, Ferdinand quickly stood up and gave Qin Lie a heavy bow: "Mr. Qin, I apologize to you for my inappropriate attitude before, yes, our family has no more In the past glory, we are still forcibly maintaining the previous self-esteem, but I also know that these self-esteem are not worth a penny."

"So, Mr. Qin, I'm sorry!" Ferdinand was very sincere this time, "This time the Habsburg family really wants to ask you to do something, we want to ask you to help us pull the Darong Gang out of Innsbruck, and take Support our Habsburg family to return to Innsbruck, and let us take care of the industry of the Darong Gang. As long as this is possible, our family will meet all the conditions you have mentioned within our ability..."

"That's right." Qin Lie said, "I respect the Habsburg family very much. I know that your family has far-reaching influence in European history. If you want to restore the glory, I also support it with both hands, as long as you make me feel To respect, I am also willing to support.”

"Really?" Ferdinand's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Are you willing to support us?"

"I like families with cultural heritage, at least they deserve more respect than those mad dogs in the Darong Gang."

"That's great." Ferdinand's smile appeared, and he did not restrain his joy at all, "Your decision is a great honor for our family!"

"Don't be in a hurry." Qin Lie immediately pulled him out of his joy, "I can help you, but you have to exchange for equal benefits. I can't help you work for nothing."

"You can ask for anything," Ferdinand said. "As long as our family can meet it, we are willing to pay."

"Okay." Qin Lie said, "I want a billion euros in cash to transfer directly to my account."

Qin Lie said this number after careful consideration.

If it is the former Habsburg family, it is easy to come up with this money.

It's just that this time is different from the past. The family has been defeated, and only a little bit of heritage is still there. One billion euros should be their limit.

Converted to RMB 7 billion, Qin Lie thinks this transaction is quite cost-effective.

But as a result of this number, Ferdinand's face showed an embarrassed look.

It seems like this is beyond their capabilities.

"Uh..." Ferdinand looked very embarrassed when he talked about this topic.

"Mr. Qin, I think your request is quite reasonable. After all, it is a major event to help the Habsburg family return to Innsbruck and change the fate of our family. One billion euros is totally worth it, but..."

Of course Qin Lie could see at a glance that they were poor, so they weren't stupid, were they?

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Lie said directly: "Just tell me how much money you can spend with your words?"

"This..." Ferdinand hesitated again, made an overall consideration, and finally said, "One hundred million, one hundred million should be our limit."

I rely on!

Hearing this number, Qin Lie directly broke the defense.

I have been laying the groundwork for so long in order to gain benefits from them.

It turned out that this grandson was good, and the price was still one-tenth of the price, so I can cut it off.

This is the master of bargaining!

But looking at his bitter expression, it seems that this is indeed the limit number they can bear now.

Asi, if you do it like this, it will be a bit of a waste of time.

Qin Lie just didn't expect that the contemporary Habsburg family had been brought to such a miserable state, ten times worse than he thought.

But in this case, the previous request, one billion euros, converted into seven billion yuan, still has a head start.

Now there is only 100 million euros, and I feel that it is a few grades worse at once, which is quite a loss.

Qin Lie doesn't like to suffer, so after thinking about it for a minute, he changed the conditions again.

"That's it, I'll help you get rid of the Darong Gang. After the matter is completed, you will pay 100 million yuan, and then I want 20% of the shares in your family. No matter how much money you make every year, I will pay for it. Twenty percent of the dividend, can you accept it?"

"Well... there's no problem with this." Facing Qin Lie's request, Ferdinand agreed without thinking.

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