This time, Conkins brought all the elites of their wolf-hunting mercenaries in Europe.

The number reached more than 400!

Even more than when they helped Kong Wei deal with Qin Lie!

Qin Lie didn't intend to let him bring so many people here, but Conkins insisted that this matter be done.

That's okay, he wanted to redeem himself, and Qin Lie just wanted to make sure that this matter was foolproof. The more people there were, the more people there would be. At least today's things could be done 100%.

This time, all the people from the wolf hunting mercenary group rushed out from behind the entire auto repair factory and in all the alleys. They were hidden deeply and never showed their heads from beginning to end.

Just wait until he shows up, that is a devastating blow to the Darong Gang and the Flower of Sin.

"Boss, no, boss, really wrong, they still have people, they still have people!!"

After seeing the person behind the flower of sin and the person shooting at the person of the flower of sin, the Santosos were numb.

Even if he was particularly good at fighting and wanted to peel off Qin Lie's skin, he was still shocked by Qin Lie's continuous arrangements, and he was shocked by the backhands again and again.

This person, in the absence of any confrontation, actually counted all the situations that could happen today.

The first round, the second round, the third round, the shock after another caught them off guard.

And this one-on-one blow was much more violent than the previous ones!

"That's not right, where did they come from, did they fall from the sky?" Including the crow, they didn't expect Qin Lie to have a backer.

And the people who came out from behind were all Western faces.

When did Qin Lie persuade such a powerful Western organization to stand on his side!

The number of people has exceeded the limit of the crows.

Including the leader of the team at the Flower of Sin, also scolded the crow on the walkie-talkie: "Eric, this is the information you gave? You said that he only has a man in the early 100s, and I will help you deal with it. , now I ask you, what happened to the hundreds of people who came out later?"

what happened?

If the crow knew that he would not panic now.

From the beginning of the battle, the crows thought they were completely sure, but now they are in chaos.

He could only explain to the person opposite: "I don't know when they found someone again. I'm sorry Johnny. If you can leave, you should leave now! I shouldn't be able to fight today!"

Johnny didn't talk nonsense with him, and said directly: "Of course I have to go, I don't leave, do you still stay and be buried with you? Eric, you have provoked a Chinese person who shouldn't be provoked. ."

After saying this, Johnny wanted to retreat with the flower of sin.

Now in this situation, it is natural to ensure that one is one, and he and the crow are also in danger.

However, how can it be so easy to retreat.

Qin Lie looked at all the intersections at the back door of the auto repair factory before he acted. Li Tianlin's people were waiting there for a long time. Coupled with the attack of the wolf hunting mercenary group, the rest of the Darong Gang and the Flower of Sin fled in a hurry. It is their living target.

The work of Li Tianlin's team has become the easiest one.

At the five exits, there are six people in each team. When encountering people from the Darong Gang and the Flower of Sin, come one to kill one to two to kill one pair.

The real interpretation of what it means to be one husband is the gate, and ten thousand people are not open.

Originally, the crows weaved the net for Qin Lie, but Qin Lie's several operations turned it into an encirclement for themselves.

A member of the Longyan Squad, a member of the wolf hunting mercenary group, locked up and beat the people of the Darong Gang.

One is counted as one, and none of the members of the Darong Gang will be spared.

Some members of the Darong Gang were willing to surrender, but Qin Lie would not kill them.

Anyway, according to his arrangement, the people of the Habsburg family will come back to take over all the industries of the Darong Gang and re-establish a foothold in Innsbruck. The family is busy.

As for those who were stubbornly resisting, Qin Lie naturally spared none of them and killed them all.

The second child, Santoso, led someone to stop a wave of fierce counterattacks in a corner of an alley, but in the end, Jiang Lei shot him in the forehead and exploded his head, but the counterattack failed.

As for Crow Eric, seeing that all his elites are dead, and knowing that he will not be able to gain a foothold in Innsbruck from now on, his heart is uncomfortable. Twenty years of the country has been destroyed in one fell swoop, which is unacceptable. In the end, there is no one behind the factory building. suicide in the room.

At this point, the entire Darong Gang was completely dispersed by Qin Lie.

Only one person who was not involved in the operation, number three, Albeno, escaped to an unknown place.

Albeno originally wanted to suppress Qin Lie through official power in the Austrian House of Representatives, but he didn't know what was going on, but it didn't seem to work.

During the whole process, Qin Lie did not feel the interference of the official force, and even the police station that originally stood with the Darong Gang and received the money from the crow did not take action.

This surprised Qin Lie. I wonder if there were outsiders helping to suppress it.

Of course it doesn't matter, as long as the ending is good.

After the completion of the matter, Qin Lie negotiated with Conkins, and the grievances between them and the wolf-hunting mercenaries were written off. Qin Lie did not remember that they helped Kong Wei deal with his own revenge, and no longer controlled the wolf-hunting mercenaries, and returned them to them. free.

Conkins said that if Qin Lie still has something to do with them in the future, even if they open their mouths, they still have a lot of things they can do for Qin Lie in Europe and so on...

It's just that it changed from helping Qin Lie for free to charging a fee.

Qin Lie sees that Conkins is also a man of temperament. When he used money to help Kong Wei deal with him, he was only fulfilling the mission of the mercenary group. This person's temperament is still suitable, so continue to keep in touch.

After sending away the wolf hunting mercenary group, Qin Lie began to clean up the mess in Innsbruck.

For Qin Lie, the biggest gain from this incident was actually the puppet of the Habsburg family.

So far, he has no one to speak to in Europe, which has caused him to have no power of his own in this part of Europe.

But this time it will be different.

He supported the Habsburg family to stand up again in Innsbruck. The Habsburgs took over the entire Darong Gang industry. The power was not particularly large, but it was still small and influential.

In addition, the Habsburgs were originally a well-established family. As long as they operated a little, not to mention catching up with the behemoths such as the Cape family, as long as they could wrestle with the second-tier forces such as the Mafia and the Flower of Sin, he was also satisfied. .

In this way, when his industry develops to Europe, someone can escort him. At the same time, with the 20% annual dividend promised by the Habsburg family, Qin Lie is actually a double harvest this time.

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