The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1164 Invitation From The Cape Family

But of course, it is not without follow-up troubles.

This time, the Darong Gang was killed, not to mention the broken arm of the Flower of Sin. Anyway, it also had a considerable impact on the power of the Flower of Sin.

More than 100 elite members were wiped out in Innsbruck, which must also cause a shock to the upper echelons of the Flower of Sin.

In the later stage of Sin Flower, Qin Lie himself will definitely launch a crazy revenge.

A second European gang force that has no bottom line in doing things will be more troublesome to deal with.

But after this incident, Qin Lie also believed that even if the Flower of Sin wanted to move him, after seeing the case of the Darong Gang, he would still weigh it.

Including returning to the country after finishing their work, no matter how powerful their evil flowers are, they will not cause any trouble in the country.

So Qin Lie is not so worried about this matter.

Qin Lie was quite satisfied with getting so many things on a trip because of Chen Xiaoyu's rise.

It took three or four days to deal with the endgame. After finishing the work, I went to visit the Alps again, which made up for Chen Xiaoyu's longing and fantasies about this place. Qin Lie plans to return to China that day.

Thanks to the care of Zhang Shanggui and his wife these few days, Qin Lie gave them another 500,000 Euros before leaving, so that even if they return to China, they will have the capital to open a restaurant of a certain size.

Zhang Shanggui and his wife heard that Qin Lie is mainly in Longcheng now, so they also promised to go back to Longcheng to open a family in the future.

Qin Lie also promised at the time that he would definitely visit the restaurant of the two of them when he had time.

Mainly because the two of them cook meals that really fit Qin Lie's taste.

On this day, Qin Lie set out from Innsbruck at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and returned to Longcheng at 7 o'clock in the evening. After returning, he just took a rest.

Everything has been packed, and I have communicated with the airport to arrange the flight.

At noon, he was resting in his room after dinner when Xing Feng suddenly knocked on his door.

"Young Master Qin, someone came to you outside the hotel and said that you must come with them."


Qin Lie was a little surprised when he heard this. After all, everything here is almost dealt with. At this time, there are still people looking for him. What do you mean?

The Habsburgs?

Not knowing, he opened the door and Qin Lie asked Xing Feng.

"Who did he say?"

"Just a messenger," Xing Feng said, "but he said the name of the person he helped pass the message was Marco Sandro."

Xing Feng's words specifically mentioned this Marco, and Qin Lie naturally guessed what this person might be.

"Anything to say?"

Xing Feng said: "The number three figure in today's Italian mafia headquarters is called Marco Sandro."

"Oh?" Qin Lie was a little surprised. "People from the Mafia, what are they looking for me for?"

Xing Feng didn't know either, so he could only guess: "Maybe you did a favor to them by getting rid of the Darong Gang, they want to thank you or something..."

"I don't need their thanks." Qin Lie shook his head.

Although the Mafia has a better reputation outside than the Flower of Sin, it is, after all, a real underground organization, even the world's top underground organization.

Getting involved with them will definitely make a mess.

It was enough for him to have a flower of sin, and he didn't want to have anything to do with the mafia anymore.

"Find any reason to send him away, just say we are going back to China soon, and we don't have time."

Qin Lie didn't know what the Mafia's purpose was to find him, but no matter what the purpose was, Qin Lie decided to disappear.

It's just that Xing Feng suggested, "Young Master Qin, I suggest you go..."


Xing Feng explained: "Because, that person said that the person who invited you this time is not only Marco, but also has a name that you must be interested in, it's called Bruni Capet!"

"and many more……"

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh.

In the whole of Europe, there may be only these two words that can make Qin Lie have such a big reaction.

I met Rasheed at the auction, and later got the chicken head, so I paid attention to the news of the dragon head.

The information given by Rashid is that the dragon head is in the hands of the first family in Europe, Cape, and this family is a super family comparable to the Huaxia Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family.

Possibly weaker, but also limited.

Since then Qin Lie has learned about the power of this family.

Because he knew that the dragon head was in the hands of the Cape family, Qin Lie didn't have such a strong desire to get it back.

Without him, it is impossible to beat.

Now a guy named Bruni Capet came to him, of course he was surprised.

"No, what does this mean??" Qin Lie looked surprised, "Anyone from the Cape family? Why are they looking for me?"

Qin Lie can understand that this Darong Gang incident has something to do with the Mafia, but he really didn't expect the Cape family to find him.

"Is there any relationship between the two?" he asked Xing Feng.

"I don't know the specifics." Even Xing Feng didn't know, "But I think that the mafia, as an underground organization, can have such a high influence on a global scale, and there should be more forces behind it. From this perspective, this force should be the Cape family."

The Cape family has always been a reclusive super family. They have always been low-key in their work, but they definitely need a public spokesperson.

If this spokesperson is from the Mafia, this can explain why the Mafia can have such a high influence in the world, and no one dares to control it.

But even if he knew that there was such a relationship, Qin Lie still couldn't imagine why they were looking for him.

Xing Feng guessed: "I'm thinking that they should have also learned about your methods of dealing with the Darong Gang, and they thought you were very capable, so they paid attention to you. If you can connect with the Cape family, it's not a bad thing. I suggest you better go for a visit, and it won't be so troublesome for them to move you, there should be something else."

Qin Lie thought about it for a while, and felt that the Cape family didn't have to take so much trouble to clean up.

After thinking about it, he accepted Xing Feng's advice.

He and the Cape family have no grievances or enmity. They are such a big family, they can't just come and mess with themselves.

As long as you don't have this level of worry, in fact, whether you go or not depends on your mood.

I also think that what Xing Feng said about connecting with the Cape family is not a bad thing, and there are even more benefits, so let's go and see.

Maybe in addition to the previous two harvests, can you find a third harvest?

With this thought in mind, Qin Lie finally decided to follow him.

After a brief tidying up, Qin Lie got out of the hotel, got into the car, called Situ Xuan alone, and followed the messenger to their place.

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