The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1167 Treasures Are Priceless And Feelings Are Priceless

Count the strength of the eight great families.

The Xuanyuan family is the top, and the Xiao family ranks second.

These two are both behemoths, and both have grudges against themselves.

Qin Lie was thinking that if one day these two families attacked him at the same time, even the Tang family might not be able to keep it.

But in the country, there are no families that can be compared with these two families. They are already the ceiling of the family power.

To deal with them, in addition to his own strength, Qin Lie also turned his attention to foreign countries.

The influence and strength of the Cape family in Europe are comparable to those of the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family. Even if they are relatively weak, they still have the ability to break their arms.

If this family can stand on his side, then he will undoubtedly have a great help.

This is 100% good!

But the more such a good thing fell from the sky, Qin Lie always felt that something was wrong.

Even if Bruni said it clearly, he still felt unreal.

He paused, looked at Marco, then at Bruni, and finally asked, "Mr. Bruni, can I know why?"

"what why?"

Qin Lie: "The Cape family is so powerful, why do you want me to be your partner? I still know my weight."

"Mr. Qin, don't belittle yourself." Bruni's Chinese is really good, and he can even use idioms such as belittle yourself.

"Since we invited you to come here today, we have already investigated your background. We know your strength and the grievances between you and the Xiao family are like water and fire."

"But you used your existing capital to deal with these forces, and you even did a good job. Our family actually agrees with your level, so you don't have to be too modest."

Qin Lie listened and didn't take it seriously: "But I'm still a thousand miles away from a family like the Cape family."

"So what we bought is a potential stock!" Bruni said, "You know our patriarch's favorite thing is to collect things that have growth value, and the same is true for his collection of antiques. You can understand that we are looking at your future. road……"

But even if Bruni's words were taken into account, Qin Lie still didn't believe it.

"But I think you should have other reasons for coming to me," he said.

"Of course." Bruni said with a smile, "but this reason is related to the second thing I came to see you today..."

Bruni paused for a while before saying, "We hope that through you, we can help us deal with the Xiao family in China!"

"Xiao's family?" Qin Lie naturally didn't expect that there was something about the Xiao family here.

"Huaxia Xiao Family?"

"Huaxia Xiao Family!"

After being confirmed, Qin Lie was even more strange: "What kind of grievance do you have with the Xiao family?"

"Then this has been around for a long time!" Bruni briefly introduced, "In general, our Cape family's interests in new energy and the Xiao family's interests in new energy have completely conflicted in recent years.

There have been many frictions between us. In order to compete for energy mining rights in major parts of the world, there have even been many violent conflicts. Recently, our family's mine was blown up in the deep-sea selenium resource mine in the Indian Ocean Gulf. , the loss is as high as 10 billion.

This incident was finally confirmed to be done by the Xiao family, so the grudge between our family and the Xiao family is not a day or two, but a long history, so you can understand. "

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded, it should be the division of the huge family's interests in the world.

Super families like the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family have not only had domestic industries, but their industries have spread all over the world. It is normal to have such frictions with the Cape family abroad.

"So..." Bruni said, "We have learned about the grievances between you and the Xiao family, and we thought that our purpose is the same, and that's why we have such an invitation."

From beginning to end, this time Bruni made the purpose and motivation of this invitation clear.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they just wanted to use their own hands to engage in the Xiao family in China, and they already had grievances with the Xiao family, so they just came to mention it.

As for seeing your own development potential, there may be, but not too much.

But anyway, it's still a good thing.

"I want to know what I can get from the middle, and what do I need to pay?" Qin Lie said first, "Now my ability is not fully capable of confronting the Xiao family head-on, side harassment is okay, if I confront them head-on Do it, I won't do it."

"You can rest assured..." Bruni said, "We won't let you do too many excessive actions, just some side revenge. For example, I came here this time to let you destroy one of their family's in South Korea. Platinum Mine, in revenge for their previous blow up our mine, that's the second thing today."

"It's that simple?" Qin Lie asked.

"It's that simple!" Bruni replied.

"It's not difficult, but it's a testimony to our friendship." Bruni continued, "Of course, there will be other actions against the Xiao family in the future, as well as some secret information about the Xiao family's industry. To you, this is only our first cooperation."

"What can I get from the middle?" Qin Lie was still concerned about this question.

"The friendship of the Cape family!" Bruni said, "Mr. Qin, I said this to you personally on behalf of my patriarch. He asked me to tell you, as long as you are willing to stand with us against the Xiao family. , if the Xiao family has any revenge against you in the future, we will fully support you!

Regardless of financial resources, power, contacts, etc., if we can help, we will definitely help. "

"Of course, it's limited to the Xiao family." Bruni added, "If it's another family, we won't take action. After all, the Xuanyuan family is also one of the objects of our family's jealousy."

It can be seen that even the Cape family does not dare to act rashly towards the Xuanyuan family.

But even if they only target the Xiao family, this is a great thing for Qin Lie.

"Moreover, if the South Korean affair can be successful this time," Bruni said, "our patriarch said that he will personally deliver the dragon head to you as an iron witness of our friendship."

"Really?" Qin Lie couldn't believe it.

Even a rational person like him feels unreal when he hears these two great benefits.

The full support of a Cape family, a dragon head that all Chinese people are eagerly waiting for, I am afraid that no Chinese people can resist such a temptation.

"Of course it's true," Bruni said. "The patriarch said that although he loves dragon heads and is sincere, treasures are valuable and feelings are priceless. He is willing to exchange treasures for your feelings."

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