The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1168 Director Of The Kyushu Bureau

Having said that, all the conversations with the Cape family today have actually ended.

The rest is to see Qin Lie's own wishes.

If you want to do it, then agree, if you don't want to do it, then leave.

But now Qin Lie seems to have no other options.

Because from start to finish, he had a good impression of the Cape family.

Bruni's self-cultivation, the background of their family, the sincerity of cooperation given, as well as the exchange of interests, their own gains, etc., are all on the line of Qin Lie's expectations.

It can be said that this time the Cape family has given full sincerity to invite themselves to become partners.

Qin Lie is cautious and careful, and he agrees to everything after careful consideration.

But in this matter, he could not find any thought of the Cape family.

They just simply appreciate themselves and want to be close to themselves.

Again, he likes that kind of respect.

To the present position, he could not find a reason to refuse.

So after careful consideration, he decided to agree.

"That's good!" Qin Lie said, "Mr. Bruni, I appreciate your family's style and your personality. Just this conversation alone, I am very satisfied with your family. Today you brought these two I can promise anything..."

"Very good!" Bruni was also very happy after hearing this, after all, he didn't come here from London for nothing, "Mr. Qin, you are very courageous, our patriarch did not see you wrong.

From my personal perspective, although you say that you have nothing to do with Mr. Xuanyuan Hao, I still see some shadows of him in his work style.

I believe that your achievements in Huaxia will catch up with him in the future! "

To catch up with Xuanyuan Hao?

Become the patriarch of the first family in China?

Qin Lie laughed self-deprecatingly. Although he is confident, he is not so delusional!

But the conversation I came here today finally came to a successful conclusion.

Marko, Bruni and Qin Lie simply held a celebration ceremony in the study room and opened a champagne, wishing them a happy cooperation.

Because Qin Lie was driven away in the afternoon to return to Huaxia, Bruni did not let Qin Lie stay longer, and sent a car to take Qin Lie back around 2:30 in the afternoon.

After this matter was completed, Qin Lie really got the third layer of benefits as he wished.

The friendship of the Cape family, this trip to Europe, although there is a big commotion, it is really rewarding.

In the afternoon, Qin Lie returned to the hotel and made a simple arrangement, letting Li Tianlin bring fifty brothers from Longyan Squad to stay in Europe to assist Marko in encircling and suppressing the Flower of Sin, and the others followed Qin Lie and Wang Congcong's two private planes. The plane flew back to Longcheng.

During this period, Qin Lie also got the specific location and other information of the Xiao family's platinum mine in South Korea from Bruni.

Qin Lie wanted to wait for Li Tianlin and the others to return from Europe before doing this, so he was not in a hurry.

It was seven o'clock in the evening when we arrived at Longcheng. We sent Tang Lingxue back to Tang's house, and let the other members of Longyan Squad return to their positions. Qin Lie himself rushed back to the villa.

It was quite tiring to run around these days. After returning home, I took a shower to wash off my exhaustion. At night, I had a little intimacy with Ye Yuqing for a while, and Qin Lie fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Qin Lie first dealt with the things that the pharmaceutical factory had piled up in the past few days, and briefly inquired about the business of the entertainment company. In the evening, he was going to order a table of wine, this time in Innsbruck. Brothers who have been busy have a meal.

I told Wang Congcong before that I wanted to book a banquet to thank him.

For this reason, I will also reward Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei and others along the way.

They are all internal core members, so they are more open, and the most important thing is to eat comfortably, and the price or whatever is acceptable.

Qin Lie was targeting a Chinese restaurant called "Qin Chun Yuan" in the eastern suburbs of Longcheng.

This restaurant has been visited by Wang Congcong before, saying that the location is very good and the environment is very quiet, suitable for exchanges and conversations between friends and enjoying life and so on.

Anyway, in terms of life style, Qin Lie has always believed in Wang Congcong's aesthetics, so he didn't bother to take the test, so he directly booked a private room with the highest specification on the phone.

Originally, the restaurant staff said that the private room was full and suggested that he change it.

However, after Qin Lie raised the price to a higher price of 200,000 yuan than before, he readily agreed.

Anyway, money can create shortcuts in any aspect of China.

After dealing with the company's affairs here, Qin Lie was about to drive over. He notified them in the WeChat group, sent the address location to the group, and asked them to keep up with them, and then set off.

But just as Qin Lie went out and got into the car, before he could let Situ Xuan drive, a call came to his cell phone again.

Qin Lie took out his phone and looked at it. He didn't want to answer it, but he couldn't help it.

This call is from Han Qi.

It is estimated that it is the Skull and Bones, Night Soul, genetic medicine or something like that.

Speaking of which, after Qin Lie had dealt with Mu Hei, Han Qi brought a few bottles of genetic medicine over, and Qin Lie had already started to ask Taian Medicine's biological laboratory to study it.

The final result found that the genetic medicine did have the effect of strengthening the human body, but the actual effect was much worse than that of Alonso's successful case.

It should still be just an experiment.

Human genetic technology seems to be a breakthrough, there is still a long way to go.

It's just that there are several tubes of genetic medicine from Skull and Bones, which also means that Qin Lie has also mastered the most advanced genetic modification technology.

Although these technologies still need a lot of research on pharmaceuticals to decode, at least there is a trend that can be caught up.

Qin Lie saw another small business opportunity in this matter.

To put things straight, Qin Lie was in a hurry to eat at the moment, so he took Han Qi's call and dealt with it more casually: "Han Bureau, I just returned to China, what are you looking for me for, the Skull and Bones Society these two days? Quiet!"

"Skull and Bones didn't move, you made a lot of noise. You went to Europe to exchange fire with the Flower of Sin. I thought you went to Europe just for tourism..."

When it comes to this matter, Qin Lie has a big head: "I thought I was just traveling, but it backfired, and I didn't want to!"

"I heard that you are still in contact with the Cape family?" Han Qi asked again.

"No..." Qin Lie was speechless, "Did you put heavenly eyes on me? You can't hide anything from your eyes."

"No, I can't take care of this matter. I just remind you to fight against a big force like the Cape family. You have to be careful yourself. Then today, it's not me who is looking for you, but someone who asked me to look for you."

"Ah?" Qin Lie was confused, "Who is it?"

Only then did Han Qi say, "My immediate boss, the director of the Kyushu Bureau!"

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