Qin Lie can clearly feel it on the network.

In the first two days since Wang Congcong took over, Feng Momo's popularity has grown positively.

But as his navy, like a mad dog, kept sparring with viewers on the Internet who didn't like Feng Momo, the black fans who were originally hidden underwater and didn't bother to talk resurfaced, more and more.

After the third day, Feng Momo's popularity actually started to decline.

At this time, Wang Congcong made another wave of show operations.

Didn't he ask someone to write a lot of articles praising Feng Momo at first, and the content of many articles was actually compiled.

Then, he went to those who had written articles before, found the loopholes in their own articles one by one, and wrote another article again, arguing that Feng Momo's information was false and false.

This time, those who were sprayed badly by the navy, of course, instantly seized the evidence in their favor, and refuted and promoted it.

After doing this, although Feng Momo's popularity still remains high, the power of black fans has become stronger and stronger.

On the fourth day, there were black fans everywhere on the Internet.

The entire public opinion has changed drastically, and Feng Momo's real popularity has been declining.

And many people who didn't pay attention to "I Am a Goddess" originally, because they really hated Feng Momo too much, went to vote for Shentu Mingyue instead.

As a result, one thing changed and another one grew. Shentu Mingyue did not participate in this public opinion storm, but her popularity rose inexplicably. In a small test on the fourth day, she returned to the first in popularity, and she ranked second in popularity. The famous Feng Momo got 500,000 votes away.

The effect is immediate.

What the hell!

When he saw this effect, Qin Lie gave Wang Congcong a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart.

Niubi, this fellow!

Sure enough, he is a rich second generation who has been in the entertainment industry for a long time. This level of hype is absolutely incredible!

It was only later that Qin Lie knew what he meant when he said that the extreme will meet.

When the praise for Feng Momo is within a controllable range, her popularity will always keep rising with a benign effect.

But if this praise keeps stacking up to an overflow effect, those unbelieving remarks will come out instead.

Because no one is perfect, if you make her perfect, it will be fake, as long as there are fakes, there will be people who crack down on fakes.

This is the opposite of this traffic.

As for Wang Congcong's swashbuckling of the navy, and in turn calling the navy to become a black fan, those are all actions that take advantage of the trend.

The most important thing is to raise Feng Momo to an absolute height and ask people to fight back.

The team at Shentu Domineering used money to turn black fans into real fans.

Wang Congcong brought in people who had nothing to do with these things and turned them into black fans.

Create black powder!

It is the same method as Shentu's domineering team, but the effect is opposite.

Anyway, no matter what others say, Qin Lie is completely convinced this time.

On the fourth night, Qin Lie called Wang Congcong again, and a wave of rainbow compliments were sent to the battlefield.

Qin Lie doesn't know anything about the entertainment industry, and Wang Congcong is in charge of the whole thing. Qin Lie is a cheerleader with a fringe ob.

This wave of praise for Wang Congcong is still affordable.

Wang Congcong boasted with great satisfaction over there and said, "Hey, Young Master Qin, what did I say, I told you not to panic, I told you not to panic, everything is under control, you still don't believe it, how about you accept it now?"

"I'm convinced, it's true." Qin Lie said sincerely, "Cong Cong, I don't even know how your brain grows, you can have so many sassy operations, I'm opening my eyes anyway."

"Hey, it's right to open your eyes, learn something in the future, how about this, is this wave of operations enough for you to invite me to another meal?" Wang Congcong said proudly.

Qin Lie said: "Don't worry, if Shentu Mingyue can win the championship in the end, I will win the bet, let alone a meal, I will have no problem with you for ten years!"

ah? If Wang Congcong can finally win the PR battle, he will be able to get Shentu Domineering's 2 billion sole proprietorship. This time for Wang Congcong's public relations money, he can even ask Shentu Domineering for reimbursement. 2 billion is enough to guarantee. Wang Congcong's meal for ten years?

In any case, Qin Lie made blood.

"Okay, it's all right with your words!" Seeing Qin Lie being so forthright, Wang Congcong patted his chest to guarantee the ticket, "From today until the end of the show, the public opinion game between Shentu Mingyue and Feng Momo will be a matter of course. The young master is fully responsible, and on the day you finally win, remember to invite me to a celebration banquet!"

Wang Congcong also likes to do this kind of thing that can find a sense of self-existence.

In addition, helping Qin Lie to do things is also doing things for him, and he is very interested in this matter.

As for Qin Lie, he is not very good at this aspect. He has a master who makes a move, and he is completely trustworthy. This hands-off boss is even more comfortable.

Immediately, I left all the following things to Wang Congcong to do.

The moment he put down the phone, Qin Lie didn't mention how beautiful he was.

Mr. Shentu, Mr. Shentu, you have the money to hire a professional PR team, but I also have relevant experts here. It’s really uncertain who wins and who loses this time!

This matter was managed out, and a stone in Qin Lie's heart fell to the ground.

Coupled with the performance of Wang Congcong I have seen in the past two days, Qin Lie is not so worried about the result.

Immediately, the "I Am a Goddess" side was completely put aside.

At six o'clock in the evening, after explaining some things in the company, Qin Lie left the company and planned to go home to find Ye Yuqing and the others to have a good meal.

While in the car, he tried to call Qiu Bai again, but still got no response.

It's been almost two months since Qin Lie couldn't contact Qiu Bai.

Although with Qiu Bai's skills, he wasn't worried that something big would happen, but he had not been able to get any news from Qiu Bai, and he was still a little panicked.

Qiu Bai has been tracking down the news of his twelve annihilations in the past. To the end, when he got closer to the truth and got closer to the super family, he was always reluctant to contact him.

Qin Lie actually wanted to call him and tell him that with his current ability, he could already help Qiu Bai share some of the burden.

Situ Xuan was also there recently, and it was the best way for everyone to unite.

The super family is powerful, but after so much, Qin Lie has gradually discovered that even the super family is not completely invincible.

However, the phone still could not be reached, so Qin Lie gave up.

Without showing it in front of Situ Xuan, which saved him the trouble, Qin Lie asked Situ Xuan to drive, and the two of them went home all the way.

However, on the way, Qin Lie failed to contact Qiu Bai, instead, someone he didn't want to contact contacted him.


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