Blaze had been trying to control himself with biological agents a few times before, and Qin Lie was indeed a little unhappy.

It's just that under the current situation, Qin Lie is still using him to contain the Xiao family, and Han Qi also has demands on himself, so that he won't tear his face with Blaise.

Seeing the phone call, Qin Lie didn't want to answer it at first, but after thinking about it, he still answered it.

Still in an ambiguous and polite tone, after Qin Lie picked it up, he deliberately held back a little smile and asked the other side: "Mr. Blaise, do you have time to call me again with your busy schedule? What's the matter?"

Unexpectedly, Blaze's attitude was very serious this time, and he asked directly: "Qin Lie, do you have time now?"

"Huh?" Qin Lie wasn't quite sure, but hearing his tone was different from before, he thought there might be something wrong.

"Tell me what you have to do first, and then I'll make sure if I have time." Qin Lie replied to him.

After listening, Blaze immediately said: "I need your help now. You can find someone to come over and pick up my batch of goods on the No. 13 freighter in Donggang District."

Hearing that something really happened to Blaze, Qin Lie rolled his eyes and asked, "What?"

"Genetically modified drugs," Blaze replied.

"Oh?" Qin Lie's heart skipped a beat, because he had actually heard about it from Han Qi before.

Back then, the Skeleton Society was intercepted by agents of the Kyushu Bureau when they were trading and transporting genetically modified medicines on the borders of other cities. They still used their batch of medicines to start the genetic medicine research carried out in the biological laboratory.

In other words, when they transported the medicine, it ended in failure.

Unexpectedly, in just twenty days, they couldn't hold back the throbbing in their hearts, and they began to transport medicines to China again.

Their demand for this potion is very urgent during this period of time!

Inexplicably, Qin Lie smelled a bit of the deep arrangement of the Skull and Bones Association, so he stopped perfunctory and quickly understood the situation.

"Genetic medicine?" He pretended not to know anything. "That's what you introduced to me before. Genetic engineering that can transform human genes and transform the human body into a super soldier? Are there any finished medicines now?"

"Yeah!" Blaze replied to him, "Yes, there is a finished drug now, but the effect is not as good as Alonso's transformation, and it is still in the exploration stage, so we have contacted the very powerful in this aspect in China. Experts have been thinking about transporting the drug from abroad to China for research in China."

Braidz paused and continued: "But recently, I don't know why it seems that the whereabouts of our Skull and Bones Society have been targeted by the Kyushu Bureau. There were several times when I wanted to bring medicines in from the border, but they were stopped by the Kyushu Bureau. The people above are very angry, including this time, our domestic contacts have been locked in advance, and I dare not use them now, so I can only ask you for help."

After Blaze finished speaking, Qin Lie sorted out the key information from Blaze's words.

First, they established a biological research base affiliated with Skull and Bones in China.

Second, they found great experts.

Third, they have been trying to transport the medicine in, but have been unsuccessful.

When this happens, I have to think of myself.

After all, he is still the spokesperson of the Skeleton Society in China, and there is Yiwu to help the Skeleton Society.

There's nothing wrong with logic, it just doesn't know what's true or false.

Combined with the information about the Skull and Bones Society that Han Qi had provided him recently, this matter is very likely to be true.

Qin Lie felt that Blaze had asked him to join the Skull and Bones Society for so long, and finally wanted to pull himself closer to the deeper things of the Skull and Bones Society. This seemed like an opportunity.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie fell silent.

Feeling that Qin Lie was silent for a long time, Blaze asked: "Qin Lie, how is it? Can it work? Give me an accurate answer?"

Qin Lie pretended to be embarrassed to answer: "Mr. Blaise, I have told you beforehand that even if I join the Skull and Bones, I will never do anything to betray the country. You are now letting me smuggle, right..."

"How can there be betrayal?" Blaze said, "I don't need this potion to do anything to Huaxia, I just bring it in for the experts here to study, you ask yourself, I asked you to join the Skull and Bones for so long, let you do it Is it embarrassing? You are even asked to help the Skeleton Society very little, if you don’t help me this time, me and the people above will be very disappointed.”

"Okay..." Qin Lie pretended to hesitate for a while, but finally agreed, "As long as it doesn't endanger China, I can do it, you can send the specific address and the information of the person you're talking to later. Give it to me, and I will also give you the information of the person I connected with, wait for me for an hour, and I will be there soon!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news."

Blaze didn't say a word, just hung up the phone.

After the call was cut off, Qin Lie immediately received a specific address in Donggang District on his mobile phone, as well as photos and information of several delivery people. It seemed that he was really in a hurry.

But on Qin Lie's side, after hanging up the phone, he immediately called Han Qi.

What he said straight to the point: "Korea Bureau, there is another movement in the Skull and Bones. Just now, Blaze called me and asked me to help pick up a batch of genetic medicine."

"Really?" Han Qi asked Qin Lie to join the Skull and Bones Society as an undercover agent before. This was actually the first time Qin Lie offered to provide information about the Skull and Bones Society, "Let you pick it up in person?"

"Yes!" Qin Lie said, "He said that you have intercepted the last few transactions, and he needed to find a trusted and powerful person in China to do it, so he came to me."

Han Qile thought and told Qin Lie what he knew.

"Yes, according to the news we have received recently, the Skull and Bones Club does have the momentum of vigorous development in China. There are so many medicines that have passed through the country recently. I feel that they have established a biological experimental base in China. I feel that he is looking for you this time. You may have passed the observation period for you and are ready to use it."

Qin Lie didn't feel much about whether to use it or not. He just asked: "Then do you think I will accept this action?"

Han Qi thought for a bit and made a decision in five seconds: "Yes, this is your chance to climb deeper into the Skeleton Society, and you can also help us find out the specific location of their biological experiment base, It is a good entry point for information, and we can directly bring their experimental base to a pot."

"That's fine." Qin Lie himself felt the stakes in this matter, and he really had to go further if he wanted to know more about Skull and Bones.

After speaking with Han Qi, Qin Lie assured him that as soon as he got the location of the biological experiment base, he would tell him as soon as possible and hung up the phone.

After determining the policy, Qin Lie informed Jiang Lei of the matter, and asked Jiang Lei to take the Longyan team to do it with him.

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