Action scenes are indeed a lot harder than literary ones.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao's injury, Qin Lie felt a little distressed: "What's the matter, did the director abuse you against you?"

As a family member, Qin Lie is not Su Xiaoxiao's boyfriend on the surface, but his actual identity is not much different.

From the point of view of caring about her, I thought about it one more step.

"No!" Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly waved his hand and put down his sleeves again, afraid that Qin Lie would think too much, and immediately explained, "The entire crew is the same, there is no abuse or abuse, Brother Wang Bo and Brother Xiao Kun are both I'm more dedicated than me, and it's the injury that hurts others. Compared with them, I'm nothing, the crew takes care of me more, so don't worry!"

Hearing this, Qin Lie nodded and felt relieved.

"Anyway, if anyone dares to bully you, you can tell me that if you film, just film and don't be wronged. If anyone dares to bully you, I will never make him feel better!"

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Seeing Qin Lie's domineering president, Su Xiaoxiao was very moved, and the corners of her mouth stuttered, "Hey, brother Qin cares so much about me now, I seem to post on Weibo to announce you to others. It's my boyfriend."

"Then there's no need." Qin Lie waved his hand, "It's not good for you to make your relationship public, anyway, I care about you, you can know it yourself, how about it, what do you want to do for two days this time!"

"Play!" Su Xiaoxiao summed it up in one word.

Then he added: "Have a lot of fun!"

"Well, I still want to eat, I'm eating too much!"

Having said that, Su Xiaoxiao grabbed Qin Lie's arm and said shaking: "Brother Qin, I really want to eat roast duck, can you take me to eat roast duck at night, I eat boxed lunch every day in the crew, it's so unpalatable, I've lost ten pounds in the past two months..."

Facing the beautiful woman's request, what can Qin Lie do?

Of course, it was the general response of a domineering president: "Eat, eat what you want to eat, let alone roast duck, you just want to be the owner of the roast duck restaurant, and I will help you put down the roast duck restaurant!"

"Hey..." Su Xiaoxiao was of course very satisfied with Qin Lie's answer. She held Qin Lie's arm and didn't let go. She was still the lively little girl in front of Qin Lie.

Because it is very difficult for Su Xiaoxiao to come back, and the affairs of the pharmaceutical factory have been dealt with intensively in the past two days, and the affairs of the technology company are handed over to He Linfeng, and Qin Lie gave all the time to Su Xiao this afternoon. Small.

In the afternoon, I went shopping in Xidan with Su Xiaoxiao to buy clothes, and swept down all the clothes that Su Xiaoxiao liked.

He also bought a necklace and a small bracelet, which made Su Xiaoxiao very happy.

The two spent the whole afternoon together, walking together like a couple.

In the evening, I went to an authentic roast duck restaurant, not Quanjude, but a small shop in a hutong, a real old shop with a century-old heritage of classic craftsmanship. I ate a wave of roast duck and satisfied Su Xiaoxiao's food dream.

After she was done, she took her to the steam room for a spa plus steam to relax.

After sweeping away her fatigue over the past few months, Qin Lie took Su Xiaoxiao back home after finishing all this.

Su Xiaoxiao came back, which naturally made Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing very happy. Several women lay arm in arm in a bedroom and talked about sisters.

As for Qin Lie, he has completed his mission and has time to lie in bed and rest.

There are no plans for tomorrow. The bidding for Shenzhou Weapons is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow happens to be the last day of Su Xiaoxiao's vacation. Qin Lie still wants to take the girls out to play.

Su Xiaoxiao missed her last trip to Europe, so this time she was given a good reception.

So after lying in bed, Qin Lie was thinking about tomorrow's entertainment activities, where would be better to play.

The entertainment venues in the city were basically ruled out by Qin Lie, because of Su Xiaoxiao's current popularity, going indoors, unless the venue is reserved, will definitely be chased by fans.

At that time, dealing with fans will be a big problem, let alone playing...

Then the line of sight turns from the city to the city...

But outside the city, those places are either too boring or too tiring. Qin Lie searched the Internet for a long time and couldn't find a suitable place.

After thinking about it, Qin Lie finally decided to call Wang Congcong.

After all, Wang Dashao is playing this aspect, especially playing with beauties, but at the master level.

If this guy were to publish a book called "Me and Beauties' Entertainment," he would probably have four or five hundred pages.

After getting on the phone, Qin Lie explained his intention, and Wang Dashao immediately started a professional and general analysis.

He said: "Before we recommend you where to go, we have to know what kind of beauties you want to bring, whether it is one beauties or multiple beauties, what is the character of that beauties, what are her hobbies, and are there any taboos!"

"You have to tell me about these things in advance, and prescribe the right medicine. After all, every beauties have different needs. A thousand beauties are a thousand Hamlets, and we have to be a thousand people and a thousand faces."

Look, what is an expert, what is a master?

ah? This shot is different!

Theories give you a set of analysis.

Although there are many women in Qin Lie, they are definitely not as bells and whistles as Wang Congcong.

Qin Lie sighed in his heart, how many girls did this kid get in order to have such a master-like cultivation.

In picking up girls, you have to take it.

Qin Lie's side, of course, is mainly to play with Su Xiaoxiao, and other girls had better be able to participate.

So I answered Wang Congcong's question very seriously.

"I brought a few beauties to play, but mainly to help one of them relax. The beauties are more cheerful and young, and can accept many things. The only condition may be that there are not too many people, because she is a star, if there are too many fans I'm afraid it will affect my normal life, hey, it's actually Su Xiaoxiao..."

Of course Wang Congcong knew about the relationship between Su Xiaoxiao and Qin Lie.

After talking for a long time, Qin Lie simply told Wang Congcong all the situation and let Wang Congcong analyze it himself.

"Damn, I thought who it was, it turned out to be Su Xiaoxiao!"

"That's easy." Wang Congcong immediately had the answer in his heart, "You must be taking some of your women out to play with Su Xiaoxiao. With Su Xiaoxiao's current influence, it's best not to go in the city, you guys. More, it is also best to go to a larger occasion for men, women and children.

You also said that she has a cheerful personality and can accept anything. Then I recommend the one built in the western suburbs of Longcheng by Huangye Lake. It's called what, it's called Wenbo Outdoor Sports Club. You can go to this place. Should satisfy all of your requirements. "

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