
Qin Lie listened to Wang Congcong's recommendation and saw that he analyzed a lot of things. Experts should be reliable in handling professional affairs. After saying thank you, he hung up the phone.

Then Qin Lie picked up his mobile phone and entered this Wenbo Outdoor Sports Club, and checked it a little.

It is found that the scale of this outdoor sports club is quite large, and the area in the western suburbs reaches 3,000 mu.

There are also many projects in it, such as karting, water park, real cs, rock climbing, escape room, camping, barbecue, etc. As long as they can be done outdoors, they can basically be found in this club.

The most important thing is that there is not much traffic in this place during non-holidays. Even if you play in the past, there will be no phenomenon of being chased and blocked by fans.

And even if you don't like strenuous exercise, you can drink tea and watch the scenery, go fishing, and even Chen Xiaoyu, a pregnant woman, can fully participate.

In this case, it is very good, and it does meet all requirements.

Very satisfied with this recommendation, Qin Lie plans to wake up the beauties early tomorrow morning to go to this place.

By the way, you can also take Chen Jinhu and the other big men along with you, and let's go to play together, leisure and leisure.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie played with the phone for a while, and was ready to sleep.

Before going to bed, he received another call.

The call came from Cao Guowei, the undercover agent who had been instigated by Qin Lie and had been beside Xu Ying.

After Xu Fanzhou died, Cao Guowei actually used less. The last time Cao Guowei called himself, he still provided the key information that Xu Ying and Yehun Song Zhe had an affair.

So now when I receive a call from Cao Guowei, Qin Lie usually takes it seriously.

After picking up the phone, Qin Lie directly asked the other end, "What's the matter, Cao Guowei, you don't have enough money?"

Of course it's just a question.

Cao Guowei quickly denied: "No no no, President Qin, I didn't call you this time for money, I want to remind you this time..."

"Well, what?" Qin Lie continued.

Cao Guowei then said: "Mr. Qin, you'd better be careful recently. When I went to Xu Ying's office today, didn't he have a very powerful master Black Wolf? I went to Xu Ying today, at the meeting of his company. In the living room, I saw Black Wolf brought many people in black suits into Xu Ying's office, and they talked for two hours after entering..."

"The reason why I told you this is because I saw that the people Heilang brought into Xu Ying's office are very burly and sharp-eyed, and they feel like Heilang!"

"Oh, is that so?" Qin Lie continued, "How many people?"

"A lot." Cao Guowei said, "I can see more than a dozen, all of them are fierce."

Qin Lie's heart skipped a beat when he heard this information. It was indeed useful news.

Qin Lie has also investigated the black wolf before, and his skills are very good, almost on the same level as Xing Feng.

It was a special killer of a certain killer organization before, but that organization was destroyed, and Qin Lie never tracked it down.

Of course, those who have had such a killer experience will also have such brothers with the same experience around them.

Hearing Cao Guowei's news, Qin Lie immediately wondered if Heilang had summoned his former brothers to help Xu Ying.

Since Xu Fanzhou's death, Xu Ying has completely let himself go. While leaving the Xiao family, he is allied with himself, but at the same time as he is in alliance with himself, he is against the yin and colluded with the obstacles of Yehun.

Now Qin Lie has to guard against Xu Ying while guarding against the Xiao family.

Although Xu Ying asked the Black Wolf to convene, not necessarily to deal with himself, but also to deal with the Xiao family.

But as Cao Guowei said, he had better be careful.

After clarifying the situation, Qin Lie told Cao Guowei: "Very good, the information you provided this time is also very useful, I will be careful, I will transfer 1 million to your account later, as a thank you for this information, You can continue to provide similar news in the future."

"Thank you, thank you President Qin." Cao Guowei has not been doing well recently, and he is grateful to Dade when he has money.

After saying thank you a few more words, I hung up the phone.

After Qin Lie learned the news, he immediately notified Xing Feng and asked him to help him check the recent personnel changes around Xu Ying to see if it was different from what he had guessed.

But for the time being, I haven't let this matter affect my normal life. After doing these things, I just lie down and go to sleep.

Early the next morning, Qin Lie got up at about seven in the morning because he had to go out.

He made a not-so-heavy breakfast for the girls, called them up to eat at 8:30, and told them today's arrangements while they were eating, which won everyone's approval at once.

Mainly to take care of Su Xiaoxiao, this girl finally came back after filming, and everyone wanted to have a good time with her.

I gave the girls an hour and a half to put on makeup, and all of them dressed up as little fairies. It was about eleven o'clock before Qin Lie drove someone out.

Oh, by the way, Li Tianlin also came back from Europe. He took the members of Longyan Squad and followed the Mafia to kill the Quartet and clean up the headquarters of Flower of Sin within two days.

The second gang in Europe who has no bottom line in doing things has become the history of Europe since then.

The members of the Longyan Squad only supported the Mafia on the side. In fact, they didn't really do much, so the fifty players who stayed in Europe were basically uninjured.

Just in time for today's entertainment.

So today's members are Qin Lie, Su Xiaoxiao, Chen Xiaoyu, Ye Yuqing, and Tang Lingxue, a total of five, followed by Xing Feng, Chen Jinhu, Li Tianlin, Jiang Lei. Qin Lie must be reborn.

Anyway, Qin Lie was ready to be ravaged by Situ Xuan.

A group of nine people, drove two cars, and headed for the Wenbo Outdoor Club in a mighty manner.

It took another hour and a half on the road, and it was just noon when we arrived at the club.

The sun is good today, and spring is here. Qin Lie put on a T-shirt and got out of the car after a few steps, but she was sweating.

But the outdoor club, the weather is just right.

Inside the club, Qin Lie was quite satisfied with this place.

Along the way, it is cleaner than expected, and the supporting facilities are very complete. There is a bathroom almost every 100 meters, and there are also many regular and neat canteens.

There are also many projects, almost exactly the same as the advertising pictures on the Internet.

There were not many people, Su Xiaoxiao just wore a pair of sunglasses, and she was not recognized all the way.

Before it even started, this place has been well-received by everyone.

At this time, Qin Lie gave Wang Congcong another thumbs up in his heart, Shao Wang, yyds.

What's more, Qin Lie just got out of the car and walked two steps in the camp when he bumped into Wang Congcong head-on!

This fellow actually sneaked up and ran over.

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