Of course, a lot of the above is a joke.

The picture looks miserable, but everyone actually had a good time.

Su Xiaoxiao's laughter did not stop from beginning to end, including Qin Lie, who also felt very relaxed and decompressed in this project.

The purpose of bringing Su Xiaoxiao over to relax today has been achieved.

Moreover, being able to play with so many beauties is something that ordinary people are extremely envious of.

On the water, most of the beauties were wearing short-sleeved shorts, with white arms and white legs, dazzling passers-by who were watching.

As far as these beauties are concerned, any one of them is the best in the ordinary crowd, let alone so many together.

For ordinary men, if they can interact with any of these beauties, they will die under peony flowers, and they will be romantic as ghosts.

The abominable Qin Lie and Wang Congcong are favored by so many top goddesses at the same time.

On the shore, Chen Jinhu, Xing Feng, Jiang Lei, and Li Tianlin gathered together. The four stayed on the shore to fish. There was a strong contrast between the deserted place here and the lively crowd there.

They were all covered in lemons on top of their heads.

Qin Lie and Wang Congcong played with them all beauties. They all had the best looks and figure, with white arms and long legs, as if they had come out of a painting.

As for them, all of them are as leisurely as old men, and they can only fish.

The four of them are quite familiar with each other now.

Chen Jinhu touched his chin, looked at the picture in the distance, and comforted himself: "look at how miserable Brother Lie is. Being bullied by so many people in turn may be the worst moment in his life."

As a result, the original self-comfort was ruthlessly exposed by Jiang Lei.

"Brother Hu, it's us who are miserable. Brother Lie has so many beautiful women to accompany him. We can only fish here with four big men. If I can be as miserable as him, I think I'd be willing to be a ghost."

"Yeah." Li Tianlin also echoed, "It's the pinnacle of life for others, and it's always only us who are miserable."

Being ruthlessly pierced by the two, Chen Jinhu said: "I'm just comforting myself, can you give me some face, it's already very uncomfortable in my heart, and I won't let me have a mouthful!"

To be honest, Qin Lie's "miserable" is indeed a picture that many men dream of.

This kind of thing is called life Ying Family, okay?

The more he looked, the more angry Chen Jinhu threw a fishing rod aside and said in frustration: "Damn it, I don't even know what brother lie asked us to do today, show us, don't look at it, don't get angry, go, Find a teahouse to play cards, Jiang Lei, Li Tianlin, do you want to go?"

Jiang Lei immediately responded: "Yes, at least it is much better than fishing here."

Li Tianlin also said: "Well, I think it's okay, the three of them just join together to fight the landlord..."

Then, all three turned to look at Xing Feng, waiting for Xing Feng's answer.

After all, the three of them were not that familiar with Xing Feng.

Fortunately, Xing Feng agreed with them on this matter.

When the three asked, Xing Feng said, "I think mahjong is also a good choice."

Just like that, the four of them hit it off, lost the fishing rod from a distance, and walked to the chess and card room of the Wenbo Club.


And the picture of Qin Lie and Wang Congcong having such a good time with many beauties fell not only in the eyes of the four Chen Jinhu, but also in the eyes of a few men standing in an open-air barbecue booth far away from the club.

This BBQ stall is located slightly higher, on a small hillside.

Looking down the hillside, you can just see the entire Huangye Lake and have a panoramic view of the Huangye Lake.

At this time, there was a plate of barbecue, several large skewers of meat, and several skewers of lamb kidneys on the table of the barbecue stall, and the taste was very strong.

The one sitting at the head of the table was Xu Ying's number one thug, nicknamed the Black Wolf.

On the left and right sides of his side hands, sat two reckless men, both men with big shoulders and round waists.

Their eyes are sharp, their expressions are mostly calm, and the calluses on their hands are thick, as if they have been engaged in physical labor for a long time.

But only the black wolves knew that the calluses on their hands were made by holding guns and knives.

These are his old colleagues, old friends.

Heilang used to be a professional killer of a killer organization, and these people around him were the same as him.

Later, for various reasons, their killer organization was disbanded, and the black wolf came to Xu Ying and became a gold medalist.

The last time Xu Ying tried to use Mu Hei's hand to kill Qin Lie but failed, and since then Xu Ying has been urging him to contact his former brother.

Heilang spent a lot of energy on this matter. These brothers are all over the world, and all of them are not fuel-efficient lamps.

The black wolves contacted each other one by one, and everyone gave a price quotation of 10 million before calling these people together.

Fortunately, three days ago, everyone arrived.

This time, their mission is to assassinate Qin Lie.

According to Xu Ying, the whole process should not be exposed as Xu Ying's hand, that is to say, Heilang cannot do it himself.

All the operations had to be left to his brothers.

Today, he is here to guide these people to know Qin Lie, and it is also the first time that so many people have targeted Qin Lie.

Looking at Huangye Lake from a distance, Qin Lie is very frivolous, and it can be said that his private life is a bit rotten.

Today's entertainment gives these killers an illusion.

On the right side of the black wolf, a killer nibbled at the meat skewer and said, "Hehe, black wolf, this is the difficult target you mentioned? I don't think it is very good!"

"Yeah!" Another killer also said, "Yeah, there are some powerful people who are addicted to women. Seeing his sluggish appearance, he was chased and run over by several women. kill him."

"Just to deal with such a rubbish, call so many of our brothers here, why use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken?"

Everyone said what I said and I didn't take Qin Lie seriously at all.

After listening to what they said, Heilang drank his beer and sneered: "Red Fox, Bai Feng, you guys are old killers for more than ten years. To see if a person is easy to deal with, it is from the first impression. Conclusion?"

"I can tell you responsibly." Heilang said seriously, "With the strength of this kid, no one of us present will be his opponent in a heads-up."

"Including his chengfu, his calculations are the best among the younger generation. If you deal with him with such an attitude, you will be at a loss!"

After hearing Heilang's high evaluation of Qin Lie, Chihu and the others couldn't help but wonder, "Is this kid really as good as you said?"

The black wolf continued to laugh, ate the meat skewer in his hand, and said: "If you don't believe it, how about we make a bet?"

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