"Bet? How to bet?" Chihu asked aside, not paying attention to it.

Heilang sorted out his thoughts a little, and then continued: "Didn't you just say that this kid can be dealt with with just one hand, let's bet on this..."

Chihu hugged his shoulders and showed a little interest in this matter.

But there was no question, waiting for the black wolf to continue talking.

The black wolf continued: "Then I will bet with you this time, you are absolutely unable to complete this mission when you are alone, how about it?"

"What do you mean?" Chihu didn't understand and asked.

Heilang explained: "It means that I am looking for you this time to jointly deal with Qin Lie. If you rely on any one of you alone, there is absolutely no way to deal with Qin Lie."

Then the meaning is obvious, Heilang wants one of them to single out Qin Lie.

All the people invited this time were the best in the killer organization at the beginning. Each of them had a success rate of over 80% in their missions. Killing was eating for them, and they were familiar with them.

Moreover, the industry of killers is originally a lonely industry. In fact, when they did things before, they seldom acted together. When killing people, it is better to be alone.

Now that the black wolf is betting on this with them, of course they don't believe it.

Everyone was actually quite confident. After listening to what the black wolf said, Chihu lay directly on the chair and sneered: "I thought you were going to bet on something, so is it difficult to bet on this?"

Others also laughed: "We used to perform tasks, basically fighting alone, we are all lone rangers, and we have to do things alone, there is nothing we can't do, okay, we will bet with you... …”

"Okay..." Heilang said, "I like your confidence. This time, let's try the water, so that you have a clear understanding of Qin Lie's strength, so who will bet with me?"

The red fox reacted quickly, threw the skewer in his hand aside, and said casually: "I said what I said, then I'll bet with you, anyway, I don't believe how powerful this kid is, this is the first Let me do it next time and tell me how you plan to play."

"It's very simple," said the black wolf, "I've just said, this time as long as you don't join hands, you can do it yourself, it doesn't limit your methods, you can use guns, knives, poisons, You can even use external forces, as long as you don’t join forces with our own killers, you are all alone.”

"With the help of outside power?" Chihu frowned and asked, "I can even ask ordinary people outside to help, as long as it is not our own killer, it is within the rules."

"It counts," said the black wolf.

"Hahaha!" Chihu laughed when he heard it, "That's too simple. Compared with our previous tasks, there is no difference."

Heilang smiled to himself: "I compare the difficulty of assassinating Qin Lie this time, the rules are like this, do you compare?"

"How about winning or losing?" Chihu asked again.

Black Wolf: "You can kill Qin Lie, you win, but you can't, I win, the stake is 10 million, and how about a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite!"

"Okay!" Chihu agreed.

Everyone thinks they can win, and there seems to be no doubt about this bet.

That's how it was settled.

After talking about all this with Heilang, Chihu sat at the barbecue stall for a while before leaving.

He also has to prepare for this.


On Qin Lie's side, he didn't know that on the other side of the club, the Black Wolf and his team were staring closely at them.

I had a great time at the club today. After the water polo game, everyone went to go karting, open-air barbecue and other projects. It was not until dinner time that everyone remembered to leave.

Because there were trainees in the training camp, Qin Lie was so arrogant today that he rented a bus to transport everyone to the restaurant and packed everyone's dinner.

A wave of operations has attracted everyone's pride.

I stayed in the hotel all the way until about eight o'clock. Because there were still tasks in the training camp, the other girls quickly retreated.

Qin Lie, Ye Yuqing and others were left behind. Su Xiaoxiao had to catch the crew's plane tomorrow, and the holiday was basically over, and a few people were going back to the villa for a good rest.

As a result, just when everyone was full and ready to go home.

In the hotel lobby, Qin Lie is checking out.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the lobby: "Are you Su Xiaoxiao?"

"Wait, are you really Su Xiaoxiao?"

"God, it's really Su Xiaoxiao!"

A wave of crazy shouts with progressive emotions suddenly caused an uproar in the lobby.

Qin Lie's heart was not good when he heard this. It was going to be a day, and the whole process was fine. Why was he recognized at this time.

Looking back, it was too late.

A young girl seemed to recognize Su Xiaoxiao, grabbed Su Xiaoxiao's arm and went crazy, her face was red, like a dream shining into reality.

While holding Su Xiaoxiao, he said loudly: "Hey, you guys still come and see, I sent Su Xiaoxiao first, my God, I can actually meet Su Xiaoxiao in real life!"

"Little, I like you so much, I've watched everything you've filmed, I've replayed "My Girlfriend is Eighteen Years Old" a dozen times, your acting is so good, I just learned to act , since I met you on TV, I have always used you as a benchmark, my God, young lady, can I ask you to sign my name for me?"

Seeing this, Qin Lie has more headaches because he is a fanatic.

When a fanatic fan is chasing stars, he can do anything, highlighting a fanaticism.

This was recognized by her, and it was inevitable that she would be entangled for a while.

Sure enough, on Su Xiaoxiao's side, she was recognized because one person caused a thousand waves with a single stone, and then because the fans were too high-profile, other people next to her quickly came over.

As they ran, they muttered, "Is it Su Xiaoxiao, is it really Su Xiaoxiao?"

"No, Su Xiaoxiao actually ate at the same restaurant with us?"

"God, I like her the most, go and see, go and see."

Such responses are just the tip of the iceberg.

Originally, the fanatical fan just brought a few of her best friends to entangle Su Xiaoxiao's autograph.

But because of over enthusiasm, people in other parts of the hotel also got the news.

Then, the scale of this star chaser is getting bigger and bigger.

The number of people ranged from a few at the beginning, to a dozen or so at the back, and then to a few dozen later. When everyone heard the news, they rushed to the hotel and surrounded the lobby of the hotel.

Seeing this, Qin Lie knew that today was over, and he couldn't leave in a short time.

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