This dagger pierced Qin Lie's throat.

The opposite is ruthless, and the practice is obviously killing skills. The knife is terrible, and I never thought of giving Qin Lie a way to survive.

Feeling the murderous aura of this man, Qin Lie was also angry.

I was very upset.

Damn, just playing outside for such a day, all I want is to relax, not to do it at other times, but to do it at this time, I really think I am a soft persimmon.

After knocking the person on the right sideways, Qin Lie also pulled out a small space. Taking advantage of this space, he turned around and saw the man who was doing it. He was wearing a hat on his head, sunglasses on his face, and glasses on his mouth. The mask, it is almost impossible to see what it looks like.

She was wearing a down jacket on purpose, so she couldn't even tell her size.

I think this person has been planning for a long time.

"You don't dare to show your face if you kill someone!" Qin Lie said coldly, "You're only as good as you! Die for me!"

Pulling out the space, Qin Lie also had the opportunity to counterattack.

The man's knife-wielding hand was spaced apart from the side, and at the same time, he quickly approached. After getting close, he stretched out his hand to embrace the man's neck, but the man's hand was not weak, and his left elbow pushed up and knocked Qin Lie's hand away.

The right dagger turned back and stabbed Qin Lie's chin from bottom to top.

A cold light flashed, and the white light came from the bottom up, and it was about to pierce the chin.

Qin Lie had to stand on the ground and quickly withdrew.

It was also because of this action that the two opened up the distance again, but in the process of getting closer, Qin Lie had already tapped out this person's skills. Although this person was strong, there was still a gap between him.

Not surprisingly, in three more rounds, he will be able to teach him how to behave.

The killer over there was obviously aware of this. He had just collided with Qin Lie, and when the arms of both sides blocked each other, he found that Qin Lie's arms were as hard as steel bars, and the strength was so great that he couldn't stand it. .

He also felt that this person was not easy to deal with, and it was better to retreat first.

With that in mind, the man turned to leave.

"Want to run?" Qin Lie found this and snorted coldly, "Killing is also your move, and now you want to run, how can it be so easy!"

Qin Lie found his intention, quickly chased after him, reached out and climbed on his shoulder, his subordinate squeezed hard, and all his strength was transmitted up, there was a crisp sound from the man's shoulder, and he was directly dislocated. .

The man screamed in agony, knowing that he couldn't run away so hard.

He was too ruthless. Seeing that he was entangled by Qin Lie, he looked to the side and saw a civilian passing by.

One grabbed the man, and the dagger in his hand stabbed into the man's stomach, and the white knife went in and the red knife came out.

A knife stabbed the man to bleed heavily, and along with the man's screams, the killer threw the man directly into Qin Lie's arms.

A knife is enough to cause huge damage to ordinary people.

The innocent man wailed and lay on Qin Lie's body helplessly.

The blood quickly overflowed, dyed the clothes red, and quickly dripped onto the ground.

Seeing the blood on the ground, the people around screamed.




The screams broke out in an instant.

It is true that ordinary people rarely encounter such a picture, and they are all messed up at once.

The whole scene suddenly became more chaotic than when the star chased before.

On Qin Lie's side, he was holding the injured person in his hand, and the surroundings were too chaotic. He didn't have time to chase. He looked out of the crowd and watched as the killer quickly fled across the street with his injured shoulder in his hand, and after climbing over a high wall Disappear.

And because his hands were completely inseparable, he also gave up the pursuit.

Because of the injured man, all the people around fled away in horror, leaving only Qin Lie and the innocent passerby in the whole scene.

It was also at this time that Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei, Xingfeng and other talents rushed over from a distance.

It happened so suddenly that even they didn't have time to react.

I just watched Qin Lie get shocked in the crowd, and they were glad that they let Qin Lie show in front of so many people in the afternoon, and now they are being punished.

Chen Jinhu thought that Qin Lie was just being chased by ordinary fans, but he didn't expect such a desperate battle in the chaos.

Seeing the blood on Qin Lie's body, Chen Jinhu hurriedly asked with concern, "how about brother lie, are you all right, where did the blood come from?"

Qin Lie shook his head and immediately said: "It's this passerby, I'm fine, you hurry up and chase him across the road. He dislocated an arm from my pinching, and he couldn't run very fast to chase him back."

"Yes!" After Chen Jinhu heard it, he didn't hesitate, and rushed out in one step, but faster than him, Xing Feng had already rushed to the opposite side, folded over the wall, and quickly chased out.

As for Qin Lie, because there was a wounded person lying in his arms, he couldn't pull away, so he could only stay where he was.

First hit 120, and after thinking about it, hit 110.

After two phone calls, he laid the man on the ground, took off his jacket, and covered his wound with force.

At this time, Ye Yuqing and Su Xiaoxiao came over.

However, in order to protect them, Qin Lie waved Ye Yuqing to take all the girls away, and stayed in place by himself until the ambulance arrived.

The ambulance took the wounded away. Qin Lie went back with the police station and made some records. From the surveillance screen of the hotel, he saw that it was indeed the killer, so Qin Lie was not too affected. I came out of the police station around 1pm.

But of course, it's not over yet.

When he came out of the police station, Qin Lie's face was gloomy and murderous.

The situation just now was really too urgent. If it wasn't for his accurate sixth sense of martial arts and aware of the danger behind him, he might have been successfully attacked by that person.

Now calm down and think about it, this was not right from the beginning.

Su Xiaoxiao has done such a good job of protecting her that she, who should not have been recognized, was recognized.

And those fans were inexplicably irritable, as if they were deliberately targeting themselves.

They pushed themselves away to chase Su Xiaoxiao, and they had to rush past them one by one. They had to disturb themselves in the crowd. That killer had a much higher success rate when he took advantage of the crowd.

If you think about it this way, it seems that the killer arranged this incident from beginning to end.

The other party came prepared.

It had been a long time since I had encountered such a thing, and perhaps it was because Situ Xuan was by his side that he secretly settled these threats for himself.

Anyway, when Situ Xuan went to prepare the plan to strengthen his cultivation, he had only left him for a day, and this kind of thing came to him again.

It made Qin Lie uncomfortable.

He quickly left the police station and called Xing Feng while driving.

"Xing Feng, how is it, has anyone caught up?"

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