Xing Feng said on the other end of the phone: "No, this person is very professional, his hands-on technique is very professional, and the route he chose when escaping was also very professional. When I chased after him, I didn't see anyone and couldn't find it."

Qin Lie already had psychological expectations for this result. After all, he had also been in touch with that person's skills, and he was obviously professional.

Since these people dare to do things, they must have planned it long ago. If things fail, they will find the most secret path to escape.

Xing Feng couldn't blame him for not chasing anyone.

"Okay, I see." Qin Lie continued, "Where are you now, I'm here to find you, I have other things to do."

Xing Feng said that they were still watching the surveillance at the restaurant where they ate before.

After knowing this, Qin Lie took a taxi and went to the restaurant.

When he arrived, Jiang Lei received him and took him around the hotel a few corridors, and together they went to the monitoring room.

Because such a big incident happened, Qin Lie was also the party involved in the incident, and the owner of the restaurant also cooperated with him.

The boss said that he can retrieve all the information in this monitoring system, and as long as the murderer can be found, he is willing to cooperate with everything.

When he arrived, Xing Feng was still watching, and he almost recalled the events of the night frame by frame to observe.

As soon as Qin Lie arrived, he immediately said to Qin Lie, "Young Master Qin, something is not right. Things are not right tonight. I found that there are a lot of problems with those fans who are chasing Su Xiaoxiao..."

Of course Qin Lie knew about this, he discovered it when he was still in the business.

But he didn't say it, and wanted to ask what Xing Feng found out.

"How?" he asked.

Xing Feng then pointed to the video on the surveillance screen and said, "Look at this..."

Xing Feng transferred the surveillance video to when Qin Lie was being attacked by the crowd, pointed to the people closest to Qin Lie and said, "These people obviously have problems, this, this, and this, they deliberately put their hands and feet on the ground. On you, one of them is the most extreme, he almost grabs your arm, if it is not for your strength, you are likely to be bound by these people."

"and also!"

Xing Feng paused and pressed the accelerator button for the video playback.

"Pay attention to the travel routes of these people. They are nominally going to chase Miss Su, but after they ran past you, they didn't run towards Miss Su, but circled around and ran behind them. The flow of people is surging, and when they arrive at your side, they do the same, and use the same method to restrain your body, and so on and so forth, they come and go three times in total, until the killer shoots."

Qin Lie knows that there are other people involved in this incident, and also knows that some of those fans have problems.

But I didn't expect these people to be so disgusting.

A total of three rounds came and went, and all three rounds rushed to his side to limit his body movement.

The situation was so chaotic at the time that he had no way of noticing this...

When I saw it on the surveillance video, it really disgusted him.

Clenching his fists tightly, Qin Lie's anger grew even more.

Don't let him catch this matter. If he is caught, he must be chopped up and fed to the fish!

While watching the surveillance video, Qin Lie also suddenly found something in the video.

It was in the cyclical crowds that Xing Feng let him watch, and he suddenly saw a key piece of information.

"Stop..." Qin Lie told Xing Feng, "Don't panic, I'll take a look at this person..."

Xing Feng was asked to pause the video, Qin Lie made him go down for another two seconds, and then he pointed to a person on the video and said, "Yes, it's him, look, does this person wear the uniform of the staff of this hotel? "

If Qin Lie didn't mention it, other people didn't notice it, after all, the picture of the surveillance video was not so clear.

Qin Lie mentioned it now, and they saw that among the troublemakers, one of them was actually an employee in a hotel uniform.

With this discovery, Qin Lie and others hurriedly called the owner of the restaurant over.

The restaurant's name is Shu Lai Shu Fang, a Sichuan restaurant. The owner's name is Zhou Mo. He is a typical businessman. He is in his 40s and has a fat body. After Qin Lie called him over, he was very willing to cooperate.

After listening to Qin Lie's introduction and Xing Feng's analysis, he carefully watched the surveillance video and nodded to confirm, "Yes, this person is indeed an employee of our hotel."

However, he was worried that this matter would get him on fire, and immediately said, "but Mr. Qin, I don't know anything about this matter at all. Don't put the bill on our hotel."

Qin Lie won't be so boring.

I just asked: "I know it has nothing to do with you, and I don't plan to trouble you. I just want to know if your employee is still in the hotel. Can you contact him?"

The boss shook his head and said, "It's already past the restaurant's business hours. Besides, there is such a big incident in the store today. The employees have already left work. Let me try and give him a call..."

The boss is very cooperative in everything, and immediately called the employee in the video.

It can only be said that as expected, the phone was on the phone, and he did not answer.

The boss made four calls in front of Qin Lie, all with the same result.

"This bastard Yang Jun..." The boss scolded while beating, "Is there really a problem with this kid? Seeing that he is usually honest and diligent in his work, he actually dares to take part in killing people. Knowing the face but not the heart..."

Qin Lie doesn't care what kind of person the employee is. After all, this matter is more complicated, and he just wants to find the employee and ask him clearly.

"Then do you know your employee's home address? If he doesn't answer the phone, we will come to find him by ourselves."

The boss said he did not know his address.

However, the boss later got through with other employees, who were more familiar with the employee named Yang Jun, and then he was able to find out the specific address of Yang Jun.

After getting this address, Qin Lie led the team, Chen Jinhu Xingfeng Jiang Lei followed, and a group of five people rushed to the door of the address.

This is an apartment building, and all the houses in it are for rent.

Soon, they reached the door of that address and knocked on the door.

At first, after hearing a knock on the door for a while, no one came to open the door.

When Qin Lie smashed his door back and forth five times, a man inside responded, "Who, the one who keeps knocking at night, keeps knocking, what are you doing?"

Qin Lie went straight and said, "Isn't it Jun Yang? I am the person who was assassinated at the door of your hotel today. I want to ask you about the situation. Please open the door immediately!"

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