Obviously, Qin Lie felt a long silence inside.

After waiting for five or six seconds, he opened his mouth and said in the door: "What are you looking for me for, I don't know what's going on, I'm going to sleep soon, it's not convenient, what do you have in the store tomorrow? me."

Qin Lie is not stupid, the sooner he knows about these things, the better.

By tomorrow, no one knows if he will come to the restaurant, let alone what kind of rhetoric he will come up with to deal with him.

It is never too late to investigate things.

Knowing this, Qin Lie didn't back down and continued: "I'll just ask a few questions, it won't delay you for a long time, this matter is very important to me, please cooperate with me."

"And..." Qin Lie added, "If you don't help with this matter, we won't leave. I almost lost my life in this matter. If you don't open the door, we'll open it later. Hit."

"You are crazy!" Yang Jun scolded inside, "Whoever gives you the power to trespass the house, if you dare to come in, I will definitely call the police."

Qin Lie is not worried at all, because the evidence in his hand is solid, even if he arrives at the police station, the only person who suffers will be himself.

So without hesitation, he turned back to instruct Chen Jinhu, raised three fingers, and asked him to prepare.

"Mr. Yang..." Qin Lie issued an ultimatum, "I'll give you another chance to count down three seconds, if you don't open the door, we'll hit the door directly. If you want to call the police, please feel free, we can also do it. Go to the police station to communicate..."

This is the final notice.

Then Qin Lie directly started to count down and folded down the three raised fingers one by one.

Number of side folds: "Three!"



Qin Lie did this very decisively and did not joke with Yang Jun at all.

After the three numbers were counted down, he looked back at Chen Jinhu and nodded, signaling Chen Jinhu to act.

Chen Jinhu had already made preparations, and when he heard the countdown was over, he rushed up and kicked the anti-theft iron gate violently.



Although Chen Jinhu's strength is not as good as Qin Lie's, he is still the best among ordinary people.

When I stepped down, the entire corridor was trembling, and the door frame also loosened a lot because of this foot.

The people next door were so frightened by the movement that they opened the door and came out to check the situation.

Jiang Lei and Li Tianlin went to deal with it immediately, saying that the police were handling the case and told them to go back separately.

These people were also reluctant to set fire to themselves, so they hurried back to their respective rooms after taking a look.

Yang Jun was forced to go crazy inside, and he yelled: "Damn, you guys are sick, I said I don't know the situation, if you talk like this, if my door is broken, you will wait for bad luck! "

But Chen Jinhu didn't care about this. He didn't kick the door open after the first kick, and then took the second kick.

The second foot passed, and the door frame was obviously loose.

Then, Chen Jinhu wanted to take the third foot, but at this time, Yang Jun couldn't bear the pressure and finally opened the door.

Standing in front of the door, Qin Lie noticed that this was a very thin young man, in his 20s and 25s. He was very young, but he didn't know if it was malnutrition or something.

His skin was sallow, skinny and unhealthy looking.

After opening the door and seeing Qin Lie, he looked haggard, stood at the door, and asked everyone, "What on earth are you trying to do?"

Qin Lie took the lead into his apartment without any explanation.

Looking left and right, I noticed that several storage boxes were placed in Yang Jun's living room. Before he came, he was obviously packing his things, and it seemed that he wanted to run away.

Qin Lie snorted coldly and said, "This is what you said about getting ready to sleep?"

Yang Jun sighed and said, "Can't I tidy up before going to bed?"

"Okay..." Qin Lie didn't want to care about him, he sat down on the sofa in his room, and said, "As long as you answer a few questions, I don't mind if you want to go to the Maldives. ,sit down……"

Qin Lie pursed his lips and pointed at the stool opposite the sofa. Instead, he looked like the owner of this place.

Because Qin Lie brought a lot of people here, Yang Jun was very cowardly and did not dare to confront Qin Lie.

As Qin Lie said, he sat across from him and asked, "Then what do you want to know?"

Qin Lie didn't talk nonsense, and he started to ask the idea: "Yang Jun, let me ask you, are you trying to hurt me on purpose?"

"Ah?" Yang Jun looked really surprised and said, "I have no enmity with you, what am I doing to you?"

"I also want to know about this." Qin Lie said, "We have no grievances and no grudges. Why did you drag me on the side and keep me from moving when the killer started killing people? It's not that you want to hurt me, it's what?"

After this sentence, Yang Jun panicked.

The words revealed a lot of information, at least, Qin Lie knew that he was holding his hand.

Knowing that Qin Lie had tracked down a lot of information, Yang Jun became restless.

His eyes kept wandering in the sockets, and his eyes wandered everywhere in the room, just not looking at Qin Lie.

From this performance alone, Qin Lie determined that he had a problem.

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Qin Lie continued to ask: "What's the matter, what did you think of, or did I tell you?"

Yang Jun's tone began to stutter, and his eyes kept fighting in their sockets.

He stammered: "What, what, you, what did you say, did I arrest you, no, I just, I just saw that Su Xiaoxiao was so excited that she couldn't control it for a while, so... …”

Qin Lie didn't talk nonsense, he took out his mobile phone directly, opened the video copied from the computer, threw it in front of Yang Jun, and said, "If you want to continue to quibble, then please continue your performance... You have a total of Passed by me three times, the first time I almost had to grab my right hand, there are four people like you in total, you are obviously restricting my body to let the killer do it!"

"The reason why I dare to say this is naturally because I have solid evidence. It is useless for you to play Tai Chi with me. If you want to call the police, I am very welcome. Let's go to the police station to confront each other."

"Oh right..." Qin Lie glanced at the phone and said, "Is the person on this surveillance screen you?"

The last sentence gave Yang Jun huge psychological pressure.

Because of this surveillance, Yang Jun knew that this incident was almost iron-clad evidence, and he had no way to shirk it.

His breathing quickened, he became tense, and he didn't know what to do with it.

Qin Lie can also see that this person is actually an ordinary employee who has not done many bad things.

Now that he has encountered such a big thing, he can't help but be in a mess, he is very panic now!

And such people are the easiest to interrogate.

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