Sure enough, under Qin Lie's pressing step by step, Yang Jun's attitude began to loosen.

"I can see that you are an honest person." Qin Lie knew it with affection and moved it with reason, "It is normal for an honest person to do something wrong, as long as he knows he is wrong and cooperates with us, I will not hold you accountable. responsibility, but only if you tell us the truth."

Yang Jun seemed to relax a little when he heard Qin Lie say that he could not be held accountable.

He raised his head and asked Qin Lie, "Is what you said true? If I tell you the truth, you won't hold me accountable?"

Qin Lie nodded and said with certainty: "It's not you who did it. Depending on your attitude, I can define you as being used by others. As long as you tell me about the killer, I can't move you..."

When Yang Jun heard this, he completely relaxed.

He immediately said: "Brother, I am not defined as being used, I am being used!"

"Tell me in detail..." Qin Lie raised his head, knowing that he was going to recruit.

"Hey!" Yang Jun sighed heavily before continuing, "Brother, I really didn't know what happened today would be so serious, that person, that person didn't tell me when he was looking for me. He's actually going to kill you."

"If I had known that he was going to kill, no matter how much money he gave, I would never have agreed!"

"That person?" Qin Lie asked. "Is that the one who was going to kill me?"

"Yes!" Yang Jun nodded.

"How much did he give you."

"200,000, direct cash!"

Yang Jun began to recall, and only then did he tell his experience today: "At about seven or eight o'clock in the evening, didn't I receive reception in the lobby? You were the one who received you at the beginning, because there are many people around you. Beauty, so I paid special attention."

"Then, not long after you entered the box, that person found me. He told me that one of the people who ate at the hotel tonight was a big star Su Xiaoxiao, and he asked me to find a chance to put Su Xiaoxiao in this hotel. The news of the meal goes out for a walk, and the bigger the impact, the better."

"Then, he said about you again. He said that when the situation is chaotic, let me take the opportunity to grab your hand in the crowd and not allow you to leave, and then do as many times as possible. This is the task he gave me."

"Then he arranged this matter, and he brought me and a few other people to meet. There are five people in total. This is what we have to do. Therefore, we divided the work. I am mainly responsible for your left hand. Several times I came over and grabbed your left hand."

"Hey!" Yang Jun sighed, "He just told us the mission directly, and he didn't tell us the meaning of what he wanted us to do. Anyway, he wanted us to do it, and then gave us 200,000 yuan per person on the spot. "

"Brother, I just came from a rural area. When I was young, I couldn't even eat enough at home. You can tell by my body shape. I didn't earn a lot of money when I worked part-time jobs. I can't help it, although I don't know what he's going to do, I still agreed!"

"Who would have thought that he actually wanted to kill!"

Yang Jun was extremely shocked, and said to himself: "Brother, I really didn't know he wanted to do this, I didn't mean to hurt you, I saw the money, I'm damned, I became an accomplice, if you want this money , I can give you everything, as long as you let me go, I really, I really don't have any intention of harming you at all!"

Yang Jun was very panicked and stressed several times that he was not malicious.

Looking at his performance, Qin Lie didn't feel like he was lying.

So I finally chose to believe him.

But he didn't pay attention to money matters. Qin Lie continued to ask: "Then do you remember what that person looked like, and what state he was in when he asked you about things."

"I can't see what he looks like." Yang Jun said, "He wears a mask and hat from beginning to end, and only one eye is exposed on his entire face. How can I describe his appearance to you? I can only say his right side face. There is a scar on it, it's still very clear, and the rest, I really don't know."

Qin Lie listened and knew that Yang Jun didn't lie.

The killer acted very cautiously, leaving almost no clues to trace.

Although he figured out the ins and outs of the whole thing, the killer made this plan on a whim and asked passers-by to help him to do things, which meant that many people did things for him without knowing it.

Then this matter is checked here, and the clue is still broken.

Chen Jinhu listened and said, "Brother Lie, this person is very professional. He even knows how to use Miss Su's popularity to make trouble for you. It seems that he often does such things."

"Hey..." Jiang Lei also sighed, "In this case, I don't know how to track it down. Otherwise, we will watch the surveillance video of other businesses on his escape route along the road, so that we can at least know how he ran!"

"It doesn't make sense." Qin Lie said, "I said before that he is a professional. Obviously, except for the place where he started at the door of the restaurant, he had to show himself in the surveillance camera, and he would definitely avoid the surveillance cameras in other places. It's too easy for a professional killer to do these things."

"Could it be that we forget it?" Chen Jinhu clenched his fists and slammed his fist on the coffee table, "Gou Ri's work is so insidious, if I let him go like this, I'm not very happy."

On Qin Lie's side, he is also thinking about this issue.

Just letting that killer go is definitely not his style of doing things.

I just don't know what's going on, how can I keep track of it.

"Wait..." Suddenly, his mind flashed.

Then, he turned to look at Yang Jun and asked, "Yang Jun, is the money you collected still there?"

Yang Jun didn't dare to disobey, and quickly replied: "Yes, I'm still here, I haven't moved a penny."

"Take it out and let me see..." Qin Lie said.

Yang Jun didn't know why Qin Lie suddenly asked him to take out the money after he promised that he would not ask for it.

A little reluctant, but in order to prove his innocence, Yang Jun did it anyway.

It was a black bag containing a total of twenty stacks of banknotes, all of which were large red hundred-yuan bills.

Taking out one of the stacks of money, Qin Lie opened the middle of the money and carefully looked at their numbers.

The money is new, all just taken out of the bank.

What's even more amazing is that Qin Lie noticed that the serial numbers of these banknotes are all linked together.

The money must have been taken from the bank counter, and, seeing that he had an impromptu intention to organize passers-by to cause trouble for himself, although the plan was very subtle, it would not last long.

So if you check the bank's account records this afternoon, one million, all of them are new banknotes with consecutive numbers, it should be easy to find out the corresponding account!

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