After talking to Lin Jian on the phone, Qin Lie found him in the back garden of the State Guest House.

As the chairman of Shenbing Weapons, he was presiding over the bidding meeting today, and they were sitting on a table under a mezzanine arranging materials.

Seeing Lin Jian, Qin Lie took the initiative to walk over to say hello: "Lin Lao, it's been so hard, there's still half an hour before the bidding meeting, and you're just writing?"

Lin Jian raised his head and saw Qin Lie coming over. He didn't respond, but asked Qin Lie, "Come here?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie said, "I think that the bidding will start at 2 o'clock. It's always right to come over at 1:30 and a little earlier."

"Well..." Lin Jian was satisfied, nodded and said, "At least your attitude is right."

Qin Lie responded with a smile, "Old Lin has emphasized it so many times. If I don't take it seriously, aren't you not giving you face?"

Lin Jian hummed again, and continued to ask: "Have you done the bidding plan and ppt prepared by you, bring it to me to see..."

It can be seen that Lin Jian is really concerned about this matter, and he is also very concerned about himself.

Qin Lie didn't dare to neglect, and quickly gave Lin Jian the completed and revised plan from the folder.

Lin Jian took it and looked it over, but it still met the requirements.

Everything is realistic, introducing the advantages and disadvantages of their technology companies, and then making detailed plans and arrangements for the construction of the arsenal, where the total planned budget of 30 billion will be used, the site selection proposal and construction plan of the factory, etc. , are written in it.

There was no problem with the bidding plan. After reading it, Lin Jian threw the plan aside.

He turned around and continued to look at Qin Lie and said, "Qin Lie, there is no big problem with the plan, you can just explain it to them according to the plan after you go in later."

He paused and then continued: "But what I want to remind you now is that today there are three people who will decide who among you will win the bid. As long as you pass the test among these three people, you will be able to win..."

"Three people..." Qin Lie listened and continued, "Which three?"

"The first one, the commander of the Central Army, General Xiao Yuanshan..."

"Who?" Qin Lie was a little stunned when he heard the name.

Because the name has the word Xiao in it, and he is a big brother of the military.

It has always been known that the Xiao family has a strong background in the military, but among the Xiao family members who had contacted before, except for one Xiao Xingyao, the others did not see any special connection with the military.

At this time, when Lin Jian brought it up, Qin Lie naturally thought more.

"Xiao Yuanshan? Someone from the Xiao family?" Qin Lie asked.

"Well..." Lin Jian nodded and said, "Xiao Yuanshan is Henry Zhang's uncle, that is, Xiao Xingyao and Xiao Xingyuan's grandfather. He has made great contributions to the military in the early years and is one of the three five-star generals in the military now. And the army under its jurisdiction is the Central Army close to Longcheng, and its status is second to none in the entire military world, and he was arranged to be the decider for the bidding meeting..."

Hearing this, Qin Lie fell silent.

My heart started to beat a little.

If it is the Xiao family, this matter will be troublesome, even if it is a senior Xiao family with a high level of seniority, he will not be right with himself, but he is a Xiao family, and it is impossible for him to turn his elbows out to help. Do it yourself.

Besides, the Xiao family was already on the invitation list for this bidding conference, and with Xiao Yuanshan there, didn't their Xiao family have a vote themselves?

Under such circumstances, how can I fight with the Xiao family.

Noticing Qin Lie's embarrassed look, Lin Jian asked, "Qin Lie, your expression doesn't look right, what happened?"

"To be honest." Qin Lie said, "Lin Lao, because of my personal reasons, I have a deep conflict with the Xiao family now. You are an arsenal, so I have not told you before, but now the result of the bidding is determined. One of the decision-makers is the Xiao family, I think I may have no hope."

"Is there such a relationship?" It was the first time Lin Jian heard that Qin Lie had a conflict with the Xiao family.

"Um..." Qin Lie nodded.

To be honest, Lin Jian really had no idea.

After all, a behemoth like the Xiao family is backed by the military, and there is far more than just Xiao Yuanshan in the military.

Qin Lie offended such a family, and it is not easy to still live well up to now.

But this news is definitely not good news. All things in this world involve the participation of human beings, even if it is the bidding conference of Shenzhou weapons, if Xiao Yuanshan wants to favor the Xiao family, there is no way you can take him.

Besides, Qin Lie also has a grudge against the Xiao family. Under such circumstances, it would be even more difficult for Qin Lie to win the bid.

"It's a little troublesome," Lin Jian said, "Xiao Yuanshan is famous for protecting the calf. When Xiao Xingyao's Thor Special Forces and the Southern Army's Divine Sword Special Forces were conducting drills, Xiao Xingyao was injured by the opponent's people. This man He went all the way to the commander of the Southern Army, forced the other side to hand over the person who beat him, and told Xiao Xingyao to beat all the places where he was beaten ten times and go back..."

"If there is a conflict between you and the Xiao family, even if Xiao Yuanshan does not favor the Xiao family on weekdays, it is estimated that today he will vaguely pull the Xiao family's hand..."

Qin Lie also knew this, so he said: "Mr. Lin, if it really doesn't work, the bidding is over. I don't want to cause you trouble because of my affairs."

"I'm fine." Lin Jian said, "Although I'm also a member of the army, I'm from the General Armament Department, not his subordinate. He's looking for trouble and can't find me. I'm just thinking about what to do with this matter. Just do it..."

"I can quit." Qin Lie said, "I didn't know about this before, it was only after you mentioned it that I remembered what to do. With the Xiao family here, and a five-star general, I'm too lazy to be myself. No fun."

"Are you afraid?"

After listening to Qin Lie's speech, Lin Jian said so.

Qin Lie thought for a while and replied, "I can't say I'm afraid, but I think it's stupid and a waste of time if I want to push hard on something I know is impossible."

Qin Lie knew that at his current level, it was okay to provoke Xiao Xingyao and Xiao Xingyuan, after all, everyone's level was about the same.

But to fight against a bigwig like Xiao Yuanshan, who has been deeply rooted in the military, that is, the cockroach shakes the tree, there is no chance of winning.

He also knew that the Xiao family he saw now was just the tip of the iceberg of the real Xiao family.

Although Henry Zhang is the head of the family, in addition to Henry Zhang, there are many old people with monstrous power behind the Xiao family.

These old things, with their current strength, cannot be provoked.

As for Lin Jian, knowing what Qin Lie was worried about, he turned to think about it and told Qin Lie, "You don't need to be too arrogant, I have other preparations here."

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